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01 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone got a definitive answer re. utilities?
I was speaking with PW customer services re. our completion and was told that they were DEFINITLEY connecting all properties to builders water and electric on completion. 
The local utility company was then going to attend and connect lots of properties in one go with their own meters, and builders water/elec. would be turned off.
There appears to be differing updates re. this.
In effect are we going to have a property that cant be used for 30-60 days pending connection of utilities.
Any further info would be appreciated.

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01 Jun 2008 8:42 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

I think this was covered a little while ago and essentially you cant move in immediately after completion because PW have 30 days to sort any defects and attaching your property to utilities can take up to 60 days. This has always been the situation.  However Polaris have agreed that completers will be able to access their own properties or have some fixtures and fittings installed during this 30-60 day period and during that time builders electricity and water will be available (aside when they turn it off for work considerations) I think there is a document to be signed that PW cannot be responsible for damage/loss to these fixtures and fittings during this time. Therefore no-one can stay in the apartment until they have proof that the utilites have been officially switched over to them and because the builders electricity and water will be subject to being turned on and off..

This is what we have understood from the information read on the forum and from our agent but if anyone can add to it please do.


Jan & Mike

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01 Jun 2008 10:22 PM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

The last post is slightly differnt to what I undetstand. I asked our Solictor to confirm exactly what "Builder Utilities" means. She contacted PW and then came back to me to state that this means that Water and Elect WILL be available until the utilities officially get transferred over to us.   I don't thin kthere any guarentee with the reliability of those (is there with normal utilities though?), but she said they were definitely avialable. 

The snagging list will be sorted by PW after completion, but I don't see any reason why you COULDN'T use the aprtatment if you wanted to...   you would have to sign the doc stating that waving damage etc, but that would be a judgement call on your part (I guess a big factor could be what works needed on the snagging). 

I suppose that the safest bet would be not to put anything in the apartment is sorted, but then that's probably an individual choice?

I also noted that the post from snaggit murcia advised that there was not utilities connect when they did the snagging on Fri, but I assume that this was becuase the first lot of completions aren't until next week... I'm (like many others) very interested to see what reports come back after those have taken place.

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01 Jun 2008 10:31 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Where is the post from snaggit Murcia?



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01 Jun 2008 10:34 PM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hello Phil

It's on the Candado thread...  entitled "First snagging report from Candado" last updated on 30/05/08..   Hopefully this link will take you straight to it : -


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02 Jun 2008 8:34 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Russ- I think you and I are saying the same thing -except our agent was saying you couldnt stay/sleep in the apartment until utilities are switched over but you could access and do any work you wanted and get deliveries. I think our agent felt the electric and water may be unreliable depending on what PW are doing- we havent found organised utilities to be unreliable before. Anyway if this turns out to apply to us we'll check again before moving in the lilo!


Jan & Mike

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02 Jun 2008 5:05 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Russ

Thanks, Couldn’t see wood for trees.


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18 Aug 2008 3:26 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Just out of interest, does anyone have any feedback on when the water and electric companies are going to be connected up in the Jardines?
The first completions were nearly 3 months ago!  I know the longer you are on builders water and electric  the better as you are not paying, but I just wondered if anyone knew anything? 

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18 Aug 2008 3:44 PM by marit13 Star rating in fife scotland . 97 forum posts Send private message

hi scapa

just back from 2 weeks in apartment jardine 11, we had builders water and electric for the two weeks with no problems. we were told utilities should be going over to mains connection from the end of august. as long as you give notice that you are going to be staying in apartment to polaris they will ensure builders water and electric is available.




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18 Aug 2008 6:36 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks for that Mari.

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20 Aug 2008 5:17 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

To those that have been there & got the T shirt......
Going over to complete on Jardines 8 at beginning of September. Can anyone who has already been over and attended the snag of thier property tell me what the procedure is for getting builders water & electricity on for the duration you are over there ? Also how does it work with getting the power switched on (to check the hob & oven) when there are all those bare wires sticking out of the walls everywhere ? 
Also, I seem to remember someone posting regarding not knowing where the valve was located in the apartment to be able to switch the water on to check for any leaks in the pipework. Although I suppose the snagging people know the apartments inside out now, I have not commissioned anyone yet as I am still waiting for Polaris to confirm snagging appointment date/time. Any information greatly appreciated.




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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20 Aug 2008 5:25 PM by kazzy Star rating in Manchester & jardin.... 196 forum posts Send private message

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I used Snagitmurcia and they arrange all the appointments etc with Polaris.  They are just waiting for confirmation that the jobs have been done and they will then go back to check it all.  Our snagging was done at the end of July so the 30days to get the work done is almost up.

I was told that we need to e-mail customer services to arrange for water and electric to be turned on a few days before we go over.  Don't know how that works with the bare wires though!


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20 Aug 2008 8:20 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Thank's Kazzy.

Hope your habitation cert comes through.




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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