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Hi All,
Like everyone here I am in the process of booking flights, accommodation etc ready for our completion on Jardine 5 on 31st July.
But I am now a bit stumped with car hire. Has anyone had any good experiences with certain companies based at Murcia Airport?
I'm sorry it is a bit of a daft question but I just don't really know who to go with and who does good deals etc. I am doing all of this on my own while my husband is serving Iraq, so I am unable to ask for his input!!! We only get 20 minutes a week and I don't want to be talking car hire!!
Thank you anyone who can help!
A very stressed but excited fellow future neighbour!
_______________________ Kelly
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Hi Kelly
We are also completing on 31st July, also Jardin 5. Think our appointment is 9:30.
We used economy car hire when last over in April and using them again when we go to complete.
They supplied virtually a brand new car, no problems what so ever.
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All the car hire companies are pretty reliable and give much the same service. We tend to book through one of the main agents and have used carjet about 30 times without any problems.
It's worth getting a few quotes from the agents as prices do vary for the same car rental company on the same dates. You can pay on arrival using your credit card.
Try or
You can go direct to the rental companies direct but this is almost always more expensive. All have online booking.
You have Centauro, Auriga Crown, Solmar, Europcar, Europa Goldcar all inside the arrivals hall.
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thats great people thank you very much.
Mike & dawn - might see you there then! Our appointment is at 11.00 at San Javier notary. Just look for a couple in their 20's with a 3 yr old looking very flustered and one with a squaddie tan!!
We are number 526 so must meet you neighbour!!
_______________________ Kelly
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Hi Kelly
I am also going on my own and as an ex forces wife know what your going through, I always go on they give you top ten deals and you can compare, I have used them a few times over in Spainan got some really good deals, good luck with completion and hope to meet a few of our neighbours soon.
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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When we went over in February we booked with carjet and it wasn't till the confirmation came through that we discovered that they are based off site and you needed a taxi or their shuttle bus. They weren't a million miles away but we generally prefer to pick up the car from the airport especially if arriving in the evenings and leaving early- just one less hassle. So we cancelled which was straightforward and went with Solmar (on site) with no problems and a nearly new car.
Jan & Mike
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We have hired a car through Car trawler when we go on holiday in the summer. We went with them as we needed at least 6 seats as my parents and children are coming too. We actually saved hundreds of pounds and when I phoned the bank they couldn't match the price by anything close.
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