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08 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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Has anyone got any good suggestions as to where is best for white goods purchases (fridge freezer, washing machine, dishwasher and microwave)  do they have a local equivilent of comet or currys or even better something like argos?????
Any suggestions welcome



Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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08 Jun 2008 4:51 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jax

Ikea at Mercia is one place; they had some similar to those in show apartment.

Other than that we saw a number of places that sold white goods when we were out their, one big place on a retail park as you drive in towards Mercia city cant remember name but it sold all sorts of electrical goods just like a Comet or Currys.

Sorry cant be more specific.



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08 Jun 2008 4:57 PM by KellyT Star rating in Germany but from Yor.... 99 forum posts Send private message

Apparently, In to San Javier there is a shopping mall called Dos Mares which has a huge hypermarket called Eroski and other retail outlets.

Hope this helps

Does Ikea do white goods?


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08 Jun 2008 5:00 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi KellyT

The Ikea at Mercia has



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08 Jun 2008 5:01 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I am going over next week to complete but as I am there for 4 full days I intend to spend at least one full day looking for the best deals on white goods and a TV.  I will post the info on the forum when I get back on the 21st June.



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08 Jun 2008 6:29 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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That will be great AJW as we fly out on 26th June so any tips will be appreciated.

Thanks everybody



Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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08 Jun 2008 8:30 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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The following were recommended to us by the company we are using to get our furniture from :-

Masters - master.meronyo@terra.es (San Javier)
Electro Regalos - electroregalos@terra.es (Roldan)
Real Domestic Appliances - info@rdasl.com (Alicante)

We got quotes from all 3 but can't really compare as they came back with different makes.  Going to have to pay them a visit when we go out in July.



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08 Jun 2008 9:07 PM by reidpj Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

Not buying on PW, but have recently completed on MCC -m just down the road.  I bought my white goods, TV, etc, from Expert in Mazarrón (also in the Port), and I can't recommend them highly enough - ordered on Monday at 1pm, they said that they would deliver Tuesday between 9 - 10am, and they were there an 9.25am.  I went for their basic pack, but upgraded the washing machine and fridge freezer.  The total for oven, hob, extractor, washing machine, fridge freezer,  LG 32" LCD TV, a DVD player, and a Radio/CD/Tape thingy, was 2000€.  www.expertsubiela.com/subielaeng.htm

Hope this helps


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09 Jun 2008 8:30 AM by Kev K Star rating in Cork, Ireland, Olivi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All
Not buying on Condado either but friends are and have been reading posts, also seen it in May and looks really good.

Carrefour are going to be one of the best places to get everything you need at very good prices I think there are a few in Murcia. They will have everything you need and from having furnished our own property last year you will find it hard to beat their prices for most things and they deliver.

Hope this helps,

   Kev & Jess    

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09 Jun 2008 9:49 AM by CJB70 Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

On our visit in March we checked out a few shops for electrical goods. We visited Carrefor and wrote down the following rough guide to prices for our records. Carrefor is a massive shop a bit like Tesco's - it sells all sorts of home stuff and food! The branch we visited is just off the bottom of the A30 as you drive into the North of Cartegena. On the same retail park is Leroy Merlin (B&Q equivalent), Toys / Babies r us (Same as UK version if you need travel cots / high chairs etc) and a shop called Casa (Home store). This place is less than 20 mins from Condado.

Also next to Ikea (junction 762A off the A30 into Murcia) there is also a Toys r us, Carrefor and Leroy Merlin (follow signs to Nueva Condimina shopping centre). Again less than 20 mins from Condado.

The prices we have written for 'White' goods are in fact 'Chrome' goods to fit in with the oven provided by Polaris. Obviously white versions are cheaper.
(all prices are in Euros)
32" LCD TV 499
26" LCD TV 329
Tall Fridge/ Freezer 369
Washing machine 249 - 299
Dishwasher 244 -269
Microwave 60
Toaster 25
kettle 30
Iron 20
Hairdryer 20

Sorry, don't know about delivery etc. But good for things you can pick up off the shelf.

We complete in August on Garden 5 so will be researching further on that trip.


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09 Jun 2008 10:06 AM by KellyT Star rating in Germany but from Yor.... 99 forum posts Send private message

Thats great Caroline, thank you so much! That is just the info I needed!

So I'm presuming these places are pretty big and have plenty of free parking then?

We are in Jardine 5 too - 526, we complete on 31st July but staying at La Torre until 6th August. Might see you there neighbour!!



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09 Jun 2008 11:23 AM by Kev K Star rating in Cork, Ireland, Olivi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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Kelly T

Some of Carrefours places are so big and busy that some staff go around on roller blades, and the parking is free. Normally when you spend a bit they deliver free  with in a certain radius.  Another good store is Eroski, their food is probably cheaper than Carrefour but not as much "English" food types they also have good offers on furniture white goods etc. I'm sure there is probably one of these stores near condado. 
Another good store for DIY,Garden furnitures, BBQ's, fixtures and fittings etc is AKI. I know there is one in Torrevieja but not sure where they are near ye.


   Kev & Jess    

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09 Jun 2008 11:39 AM by KellyT Star rating in Germany but from Yor.... 99 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Kev, great info again!!
Rollerblades eh? That made me chuckle!!


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09 Jun 2008 5:47 PM by Kev K Star rating in Cork, Ireland, Olivi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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They actually do use roller blades .....

   Kev & Jess    

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15 Jun 2008 10:47 PM by Alhama Gardener Star rating in Preston and Jardines.... 119 forum posts Send private message

I have some Spanish colleagues at work and they have told me to use Carrefour, Cortes Ingles or Media markt...so Carrfour is running as favourite now


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16 Jun 2008 12:08 AM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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May sound like an obvious question but do these guys deliver and install or just deliver?



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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22 Jun 2008 10:14 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I have just returned and had a lot of time to go around Carrefour, Media Markt, Leroy Merlin etc.  They do have ok prices but I found the best deal at a store called Gines Navarra (Navarro?) which is only 15 mins from Condado.  A huge shop with white goods, sofas, garden furniture, pictures, lamps and,basically everything you could need - right down to a sink plunger and cutlery!!  I got a washing machine (1000 spin), large fridge freezer and a dishwasher for €1197 delivered and installed.  All of them are Zanussi and carry a 2 year warranty.  I got a 10% discount on the marked price.  I also got 2 single and 1 double matresses (good quality) for €298 delivered (15% discount).  It really is a 1-stop shop for pretty much everything and the staff are nice too.  Definately worth checking out and easy to find from Condado.



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22 Jun 2008 10:45 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

This is really useful ajw many thanks.


Jan & Mike

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22 Jun 2008 1:15 PM by pauldpo Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message


In what direction is the shop Navarro from Condado, will be going across on the 14th of July to start ordering furniture.

From Aberdeenshire

Ok just read your other post

This message was last edited by pauldpo on 6/22/2008.

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23 Jun 2008 3:33 PM by kazzy Star rating in Manchester & jardin.... 196 forum posts Send private message

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Can you let me have the details of the store (Navarro)you mentioned please, it sounds just what I'm looking for.  We are going over on 14th July to start looking for furniture ect for completion in August


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