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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
08 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi from tony and ann on naranjos appartments
thanks to all who have been posting for the last year or so its been interesting and helpfull.
just to let you know that those of you who are completing soon that if the seller signs the public deed on completion without the habitation certificate then he is in breach of contract.(this certificate is correctly called theLFO,the licence of first occupation).you can view the legal stuff on justins ARTICLE section and clicking on SPAIN ARTICLES then BUYING PROCESS  where you will find an article written by a spanish lawyer about the licence of first occupation and completions.
good luck to all who are completing soon

tony and ann in harrogate

This message was last edited by 077violet on 6/8/2008.

This message was last edited by 077violet on 6/8/2008.

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08 Jun 2008 5:12 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi Tony and Ann


The Lawyer who wrote the article you mention (Maria de Castro) is a regular contributor to EOS and gives some excellent advice.



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08 Jun 2008 7:08 PM by nolankn89 Star rating in Youghal,Ireland.and .... 129 forum posts Send private message

Hi to everyone,

I have contacted Polarisworld customer services at the end of last week to check on the availability of the habitation certificates as I am due to complete on the 18th of this month. At the moment they are not available for my apartment on Jardine 4 , they say that it will be available on the 15th of june but this is a sunday and I doubt very much that anyone will be working on the weekend , My solicitor in spain will be trying to get a copy of the cert before closing time on friday and I ask anyone who is completing in Jardine 4 next week from monday the 16th to contact their solicitor and get them to request a copy of the cert also.

Some people completed last week , it would be interesting to know if any of the habitation certs were available at that time. let us all know if your cert was there when you signed

Best regards Ken and Fiona


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