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27 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar
Hi all,

Here at DV for a long weekend only.   Just in time for the Spain vrs Germany final.   There was a lot of car hooting here last night !

Here are some notes:-

The road from the Paddle Courts to the entrance is being tarred over on Monday (30th June).

The AEA office is now open in block 11  (well signed).  We actually managed to collect three items in the post !!

The office is 'manned' by Natalia.  She speaks excellent English and is very helpful.
I was most impressed by the service.   When we arrived at 14:10 yesterday we had no power !!
I had visions of 5 days without electric and started considering contingency plans.
But a call to the AEA office got my power back in just 1hour 10 mins.  It would have been sooner if it had not been lunch time.
It seems some fuse or switch had been flipped in the mains junction box down in the basement.  Not sure why that had happened as I alway turn the apartment power off at my mains
when leaving.
But I was so pleased to get the problem resolved in such a short time.
Natalia was on the case and called me back as promised.

The AEA office is on line.  Natalia is to provide an email address which I will post on the DV site.

The IBI bills are being issued for phase 2 now.  I'll provide more details in an update.
Photo's to follow when I get home.

The weather here is wonderful.
And the large pool was pleasantly warm at 7:10 this morning.

I'll blog more points of interest when I get home.
And hopefully post the first photo's of the site with the road surface fully completed.

I'll be watching the final at the 19th hole on Sunday if anyone is here to join me.

Paul (and Lesley)

This message was last edited by PMillsom on 6/27/2008.

This message was last edited by PMillsom on 6/27/2008.

This message was last edited by PMillsom on 6/27/2008.

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28 Jun 2008 7:19 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Have they moved the old merc that was parked near the tennis court?  interesting to see how they handle that ...presume they will just bulldoze it into the stream!!

How is the entrance looking...any pics?

is the office manned every day?







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29 Jun 2008 6:45 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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The Merc was still there this morning.

Methinks that the tarmac cover is only for the road and not for the parking spaces at the side.

But it would not surprise me if the Merc got a bashing in the process  

There's also a Mondeo dumped outside the entrance to block 7 y 8.   I bumped in to Jeff earlier and he's on the case to get three dumped cars more.
Not sure where the third car is situated.

I've taken lot's of photo;s including the main entrance.  But I forgot to bring my camera cable so I'll upload the latest pics on Wednesday 2nd July.

Maybe this will include some pics of the road after its surfaced.


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01 Jul 2008 9:08 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Just got back to the UK.  More news.

The road did not get it's tarmac covering on Monday.
When we departed on Tuesday at 11:00 there was no sign of any work taking place on the road.

Strange, as the notices advising of the work on the road have been stuck in 100's of places - all with sellotape.

It's one of those manyana moments - but they may still be recovering from the celebrations from Sunday nights.

One of the newly completed  swimming pools (the one  accessed one the left hand side  of the roundabout after entering the development) looks ready for use but a sign
advises that it is not yet ready.

The water is certainly not chlorinated.  On Monday evening  we  heard very fast flowing water through the drains in the road.  Being concerned that it might have been a leak we
 followed the sound and traced it back to that same pool.  The pool was overflowing.  It seems that the water was being changed. 


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02 Jul 2008 6:40 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Natalie from AEA confirmed to us on Tuesday morning that the the owner of the Merc has been contacted and apparently tried to start it without success.    W

Why they couldn't get a garage to come out and tow it I don't know

Anyhow it seem that this is progressing.

According to RYF the Tarmacing of the roads should commence today Wednesday or tomoorow Thursday, with the lower road being completed first and then moving on to all the other roads.

My wife is out until the 16th so I will post any further news if she sees and work progressing


This message was last edited by michael52 on 7/2/2008.


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02 Jul 2008 10:04 PM by Chris Star rating. 56 forum posts Send private message

Well did the roads get done today?

Chris & Colette Block 8 Cheadle Hulme & Duquesa

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16 Jul 2008 10:15 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Good news and bad news

First the good news...the Merc has gone from the bottom road

Bad news ...just went yesterday to Manilva town hall to get my IBI them ok but you need identification such as utility bill . There are 2 ...2007 and 2008 . 2007 the %coeff which they use to calculte the amount payable was 0.6%. The coeff for 2008 was 0.9% ..basically our local tax bill has DOUBLEd this year.  And I found out that the deadline wfor paying 2007 is 20th August and 2008 15th September. If i hadn´t have gone to the town hall I would have been subject to penalties as I am not here again until September.  The notices have not yet arrived in the AEA office however Natalia is still expecting them soon.  BUT the onus is on us to pay them before the deadline.







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16 Jul 2008 11:55 AM by dave tweedie Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Glad all is well in the sun.
Good point re the road if it is a public road then not the responsibility of residents to maintain. Do we maintain? seems a good question for AEA.
No wonder pool attendant did not share my views on supporting Spain in the Euro Championships- just assumed he was Spanish.
Will the AEA Office get notified of the local tax ( if that is what IBI is?) we need to pay?( I assume this is the equilivant of the Council Tax we pay in the UK) Where is the Town Hall in Maniliva?
Enjoy your break


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16 Jul 2008 1:53 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Regarding the IBI billls   are you Phase 1 or Phase 2 ?    As I was told that Phase 1 are being processed slightly ahead of Phase 2.
Hopefully you are Phase 1.

n.b. Natalia has offered to phone the Authority to get an update of these facts for all phases and will advise of when the bills arrive at the AEA offices.


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17 Jul 2008 9:11 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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I am in phase your point is probably valid.  

I have been led to believe that the 'penalty' for late payment is not as bad as i first thought...

THE IBI invoices will posted to us all will end up at AEA office. Natalia says that the council will then assume everybody has received them...the fact that we might be back in uk is irrelevant.

And i need to brush up on my maths...the coefficient increase from 0.6% to 0.9% means a 50% increase in IBI not a doubling or 100%. However i notice that the cadastral value has increased 2007 to 2008

This message was last edited by JC1 on 7/17/2008.







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