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27 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar
Hi all

Natalia has just inquired with the local authority about the bills.

If I've noted this all correctly the position for DV is as follows:-

DV Phase 1 - 2007 IBI Bills
These have just been processed and are due to be dispatched in the new few days.
The payment due date is  29th August 2008.


DV Phase 1 - 2008 IBI Bills
These will be processed within the next four weeks.  The payment date is not known.

DV Phase 2 - 2007 IBI Bills
These will be generated and despatch within the next four weeks.  
The payment due date is not known.
But I would again suggest asking your key holder to key an eye open for it from 1st July.

DV Phase  2 - 2008 IBI Bills
No news at this time.
I will diary a call to the local authority again in about four weeks time to get an update.

A special thanks to Natalia of AEA for obtaining this information.

No new of Phase 3 at this time.


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01 Jul 2008 12:29 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I have just received an email from the lawyer I used to purchase the property offering me a service to help with the administration around the IBI for a mere 240 euros.  Does anyone know of a self help guide or can anyone point me in the right direction of someone who does this so I can get this done a lot cheaper.

thanks in advance


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01 Jul 2008 8:22 PM by Derjac Star rating in Newport, Gwent and D.... 35 forum posts Send private message

We are unable to get to Spain often, therefore it will be an impossible job to get our IBI bill. Does anybody know the email address and / or telephone number of of Natalie so I can contact to see if she would be kind enough to email when my IBI bill arrives. Our keyholder is unable to do this for us. 

Alternatively has anybody got any ideas how I can get hold of my IBI, from what I understand if you pay late you will be charged 20% fee for late payment.

Finally, anybody got an idea of teh amount the IBI will be for a 2 bed apartment in DV2?



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18 Jul 2008 4:57 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar
Dear Paul,
Yes it seems as if a panic has struck.  After having seen Mr Cox here, I called the Ayuntamiento and then called again this morning with the same questions to make sure I would get the right (and same) answers.
They explained the following...Every owner is going to receive the initial (first) IBI bill via registered letter.  A slip will arrive here and then you need to go to the post office and sign for it to collect.  From this date, owners normally have two months to pay the bill.  I explained to them that a lot of the owners are here for the summer, leaving now before having received the IBI bill, and not going to return before Christmas...what happens then??  She said that she cannot make any guarantees but a lot of the time, they do make an allowance with regards to the penalties as they understand a lot of people are in this situation.  Again, she did say she cannot make any guarantees!  
We know that they are going to be issuing the ibi bills in the near future.  We have been told that the 2007 bills for phase I may have a deadline of 29 August, 2008.  I think the best thing to do is if an owner is coming over this summer, keep an eye out for the registered letter advice.  If they do not receive one, go to the Oficina del Patronato, (located next to the Police Station in Manilva town), and request a copy of their bill.  They did confirm that when you go to the office and ask for the bill there, that the date by which the bill should be paid is not relevant.  For example, Mr Cox's bill stated his had to be paid by the 25th of July, which in fact was not the case.   
I can confirm what Mr Cox said as far as the increase in the rate from 0,6% to 0,9%, confirmed to be an increase approved by the ayuntamiento this year!!
I hope this answers some of your questions...Please let me know if I was not clear or if you have specific questions, I will be more than happy to call the office for you and ask.
Paul, I must add that all of this information I give is nothing to do with AEA.  I am just trying to help out and do not want to be held accountable for any late payments, etc.   I am sure you understand what I am trying to say.
Hope you have a great weekend! 

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18 Jul 2008 5:04 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Thank you so much for this. It is reassuring.

I certainly accept that AEA are not responsible [for any late payments by owners] and we need to make that clear to people.

What would be helpful for you to confirm is that AEA do not throw away any post if it is not collected within a particular timescale.

It seems that the post office discarded all mail if it was not collected within say 5 five.  That policy was obviously not helpful for DV owners and we would expect AEA to keep our mail for collection for say up to one year.

The registered letter approach seems sensible but I do wonder if the post office will discard or return the registered letters if they are not collected within some impractical short time (e.g six weeks). 

Everyone is most great full for this help.  It is the kind of service we need from A.E.A.

kind regards,

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20 Jul 2008 12:50 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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I will have had my place for 2 years in Sept this year and the 2007 bill was about €328 and 2008 €667 .

its 2 bed 2 bath 2 garage space apartment.







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20 Jul 2008 4:07 PM by Derjac Star rating in Newport, Gwent and D.... 35 forum posts Send private message

Thank you for the information regarding the impending IBI bill. We have a problem in that due to personal circumstances we will not be able to visit DV until the end of the year at the earlist. We would be grateful if anybody could suggest how we can get hold of our IBI bill, we are sure we are not the only owners in this predicament



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21 Jul 2008 8:49 AM by dave tweedie Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

The amounts quoted seem very high. I have a freind who has a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment on a golf course at the back of San Pedro- Los Acqerios and his bills are around 50 euros a year. Are we sure the values put on DV properties are correct? would it be wise for a joint appeal (if that is what you can do) through AEA?
Shame the news Natalia is leaving, she is great


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21 Jul 2008 10:12 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message

0.6% or 0.9% of what?
If you do the Maths for John's figures you have the following:
0.6% of x = 328 euros (for the year 2007) where x leaves a value of 54,666
whereas 0.9% of x = 667 euros (for the year 2008) where x leaves a value of 74111

this is an increase in x of 35.5%.......... Now if  x is based upon a percentile of property value (is it??), I thought that valuations were coming down not going up!

I'm confused!! Forgive me if I've done the Maths wrong (or worked this out on the wrong basis).
Perhaps someone out there will know.....

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21 Jul 2008 11:58 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

JC1´s avatar are not a maths teacher are you ???  

I should have mentioned it is 0.9% of your Valor Catastral  ie the value the council put on your property...and mine has gone up as you can see from the calculations below but I think that was a case of the fisrt being lower because it was still a construction site. 

Hope that helps







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21 Jul 2008 3:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message

Thanks I'm not a Maths teacher, ha! Sorry if that came across as a bit preachy!!!

In the interim I came across an informative EOS posting which might be of interest to others:

By the way  do you know if your new cadastral value is now roughly inline with similar apartments on other completed developments in Duquesa? I understood from the above posting that the cadastral value was supposed to be lower than the actual property this the case?


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21 Jul 2008 10:21 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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We spoke to Natalia when we were over last week and she called Manilva Town Hall when we were there who said our bill would arrive end of Aug ( we are phase 2) but thatwe wouldbe given grace ntil we were out in Dec to pay it.  We are aware there are no guarantees that we won't face a penalty though...  Such a shame Natalia is leaving - she was so helpful.

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21 Jul 2008 10:49 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

JC1´s avatar

yes my CV is less than half the purchase price which will benefit us all when calculating our Renta Tax , which is based upon CV







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