Although there won't be one every day.
Given my job I've been a bit of a rate tart over the years, constantly switching money from one 0% credit card to another whilst leaving the actual money in a high interest account or even Premium Bonds.
When they re-introduced balance transfer fees last year it made the 'benefit' a lot tighter but with PW completions getting closer and earlier than expected then for those who had expected another year to save up or whatever to make their deposit bigger, then here's a little tip..........
Virgin Credit Card (backed by MBNA)............ and no i don't work for either Company.
They are offering 0% interest for 15mths on balance transfers (that can be to a bank account as well as another credit card). The fee is 2.98% and you can transfer upto 95% of your limit.............. so the maths of it are:
2.98% x 12/15 =
2.384%.............. can anyone borrow money that cheaply for 15 mths ?............ i doubt it.
Virgin/MBNA typically are quite generous with limits as well, so if anyone only wants short-term money then don't take out an overdraft or bank loan.
You must however clear it (one way or another) before the 15mths is up tho, as thats when the sting hits and the interest rate shoots up.
Link is here, and it's an online application :