The Comments |
Hi All,
We would be interested to know how you all are getting along with your snagging. We have a list of 30 items with 3 just items completed up to now! Must chase up Silvia at Mahersol tomorrow!
James & Jo.
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Hi James & Jo,
we haven't had too many snagging issues, we have three left for them to complete and our agent is chasing Sylia up. The problem is that August is the holiday month for the Spanish so I dont think any of us will have much joy on the snagging front until September time.
Ian & Jill
_______________________ Ian Sturdy
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Hi Jo & James, Ian & Jill - well sitting here lunchtime and should be looking at the most glorious view across Swansea Bay and the Gower, but can't see a thing for the mist and rain. Very envious of Carol and Danny and all the others enjoying the clear sunny skies and 90+ degs! We're on countdown for 6 weeks - it seems like forever!
Our snagging mostly done. Still waiting to hear whether they will replace one of the toilets which has a surface hairline crack on the top. Hopefully in our absence, one set of the kitchen cupboard drawers which wouldn't close, and an extractor fan which was fouling the cupboard, should have been put right. They also ruined the dishwasher by forcing it under the worksurface where there was a screw hanging down underneath and they've gouged out a track on the top of it, so hoping they've changed that for us. We also paid for some shelving for all the kitchen cupboards, and a new double cupboard to be put in on the wall under the stairs - well there was a space - so I filled it! LOL Minimalistic is not the word associated with our apt - went for storage big time!
Keep up the contact. It's getting less and less now that we're all settling in there, which is a shame, but at least that means people are more content I suppose.
Take care
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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