The Comments |
Hi to everybody, just wanted to let you all know that we completed on 30th april. Completed at the Notary in Torrevieja, that was an epic morning a good 3hours of mainly sitting about doing nothing. Just back after spending a week in Mirador arranging furniture etc, etc. The complex looks brilliant and our neighbours are just great (all that we've met so far). If you get out there chap on number 32 (Nigel and Jo) they are staying fulltime and are great folk, trust me they will welcome you with open arms, and Nigel can talk. Look forward to bumping into you all over the summer. Please feel free to chap on our door (30) if you are passing and introduce yourselves. We'll be back June 26th until July 13th. Good luck and best wishes Stuart & Linda.
_______________________ C'mon the Hoops !!!
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hi stuart/linda.
congrats on your completion ,welcome to the community hope you enjoy your casa as much as the rest of us will do.
out tommorrow(thurs) for 2 weeks cant wait to get ther again,only back 4 weeks ,holiday this time though now that the place is completly done.
hope to meet you soon.
billy/janet no 28
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Hi, Stuart and Linda,
Congratulations! We're up the road at no. 38. Look forward to meeting you. We agree about the neighbours- a nicer bunch you couldn't wish to meet!
Best wishes,
Donna and Andy
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Hi Stuart & Linda
glad to hear you have completed, its always a tense few hours when going through the paperwork. I would like to enhance Donna's words that everyone is very friendly, you will enjoy the community.
We are out again on the 28th June for a couple of weeks and then for a week or so in the middle of August, want to be there now to be honest. It will be good to meet up with those we have aready met and to also meet our new neighbours. I'm sure for the next few weeks there will be plenty of popping corks.
good luck to you all
Ian & Jill
_______________________ Ian Sturdy
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Congratulations Stuart and Linda and everyone else we''ve not yet toasted! It's a brilliant feeling completing after all the worry and tension. Alan and I both came back with smiles on our faces, confident that we'd done the right thing. We'd worried so much about - well, everything really, and all that stress just disolved away once the furniture was in, we'd cracked our first bottle (and a couple of glasses which didn't bounce) and it suddenly became our new home - brilliant. And yes, I'm confident we'll all get on well - when you think of it, we're in with a good chance, as we're all obviously looking for a similar lifestyle and therefore got something in common before we go any further. Add to that the fact that we're all nice folk anyway - and we can't fail!! LOL I expect there'll be some heated discussions along the way though, especially once the committee gets underway, but it will stop us getting bored!
I can't believe though, that we're not going to meet up with you guys on our next visit in June. Hopefully though, we'll meet up later in the year. I think we'll be meeting Donna and Andy anyway, that's great.
I'm still hoping my bosses are going to decide they can live without me and then Spain here we come for at least much longer times.
Glad we're all keeping in touch.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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Everything's gone quiet... this must mean that all Miradorians are enjoying the sunny weather! Anyone got any news? Donna x
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Hi Donna...and Everyone..
We are still here. Having returned last Saturday from a week in spain...but unable to complete. Mirador looks just wonderful. It was so exciting to see furniture on balconies.. ..laundry hanging out to dry...and a few people about. The whole development is so nicely arranged..and the flowerbeds are beautiful. We got to spend a few hours over the week enjoying our apt.
Once home..We Finally got letters through from masa in the week that our apt is finished..and now ready for possession. Also that my NIE number...after loads of finally approved. Just a little bit too late for our visit. So we have to return to Spain in a week or so..and are scheduled to sign on May 29th. I sincerely hope it all goes well this time. We are very nervous after all the problems. But very excited as well.
We met Jo and Nigel in passing..who live oposite us. And Mick and Pat were brilliant..and invited us in for a cup of tea and a chat. They have worked very hard on their apt. and it looks lovely. We had a couple of storms..It was raining down in buckets one day.. but all the water was draining away nicely..I am very pleased to say. So sorry we missed Billy & Janet ..who arrived as we left.. Looking forward to our return. And to taking over our apt for real.
Best Wishes
Carol & Danny No 50
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Hi Stuart..
So pleased that you have completed and all went well. A hearty congratulations..and lots of happiness in your new home.
We had a very strenuous week of Appointments.. spending 4 hrs between the solicitor..and the notary one day. Getting Power of attorneys for my kids..making wills..and other business. And..We have to do that all over again when we actually sign. We also spent a couple hrs at the bank another day..and were given a free umbrella from it was raining so hard.. Victoria was the lovely young lady looking after us. speaking excellent English and very helpful.
And obviously the famous NIE numbers in Alicante on the first day. For which mine was rejected...despite me seeing the police in advance at the airport..and getting a special stamp. All because my passport is American. Although I have been living in the UK 26 years.
We had already gone all through this with the Spanish Embassy in the Uk.. prior to my arrival. And everything was in order. But it was decided on the follow another route. And an additional certificate was required. which the solicitor had to make up. The builders also weren't signing that week. so we were left unable to complete. And we now need to return.Something we didn't budget for. So another very full schedule of solicitors..notaries..and banks & mortgages ahead. We just hope we have the key to our Apt at the end of it all.
Best Wishes..hope to meet up soon. Carol & Danny...
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Hi Chris,
good to know of another completion, and thanks for the photos, we've been waiting for some new ones. We were last out at the beginning of April for 10 days to complete, our next trip is at the beginning of July to enjoy a holiday, and we have been a bit desperate to see how the place looks, your photos have worked a treat !
Enjoy your rest.
Ian & Jill
_______________________ Ian Sturdy
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Hi Chris and Sonia - Congratulations. It's a great feeling isn't it? Did you have any hic-cups or unexpected stresses along the way?
Thanks too for latest pics. You had a more successful uploading than I had - mine were a write off and I couldn't find out how to delete them. That sunset is to die for isn't it? Anyone been up in time to see the sunrise yet? Oh well, too much to ask I guess! LOL As they are now our neighbours, does anyone know the names of the goats yet? Could be Nanny and Billy I suppose (with apologies to 'Our Billy' his horns can't be that big!!  )
We're flying out for 3 weeks on 2nd - counting the hours. The weather forecast doesn't look brilliant out there at the moment. What was it like when you left there Chris & Sonia? Do I need the umbrella for any reason other than the sun?
Carol and Danny are completing either today or tomorrow. Apparently our area only has about 25 days of rain a year, and I think Carol has experienced each one of them. I've told her she's banned and has to sell up and move to Barcelona immediately after completion! Seriously though, hope everything goes well for them - they more than deserve it.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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Hi Everyone
I have only just found this website - we are coming out to complete soon - our completion date hopefully being 11th June!!! Starting to get a bit nervous but glad to read that the complex is looking good.
Look forward to meeting you all!!
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Welcome to Miradador de la Vega II Louise! Just when we were beginning to think that the rest of the complex must be still unsold!
Pity you've only just discovered EOS. It's been a wealth of information to us buying, picking up a lot of valuable advice along the way and more importantly, a lot of support as we made our way to completion.
Although to-date only physically met a few of our neighbours, I feel we've got friends in Mirador already due to this site, so welcome aboard, I think we're a pretty friendly bunch on the whole.
Good luck for 11th and don't forget to take the bottle of water with you to the notary's office. You're likely to be there for a few hours and they don't supply water - probably can't afford it !!
See you around 11th hopefully.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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Welcome Louise to the Mirador forum!
We are out to complete the day after you (on the 12th of June) and we can't wait!
We might meet you out and about when we're over around then.
I agree with Dils that this site has been great for tips, pitfalls etc.
Best of luck for the completion.
James & Jo. This message was last edited by jeycon on 5/30/2008.
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Thanks for the advice - we might be slightly frazzled when we turn up - not looking forward to the waiting around with our 4 year old twins, Mack and Hope (plus my mother in law  ) We are going home on 14th June so hopefully will get a couple of nights at Mirador if all goes well. If not, we will be the family sleeping in the car outside the complex. Good luck to James and Jo on 12th.
Louise and Campbell (No. 20)
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Cogratulatons to Chris and Sonia on there completion. We have now joined you..having completed on May 29th. So No 60 is finally ours!! We still can't believe it.
Hello Louise..and Welcome.
Wishing you the best of luck.. Mirador is a lovely place to live. We have just returned from our first stay in the early hours this morning. We didn't want to leave. it is just so peaceful and such a beautiful area with all the mountains. Very nice neighbours as well.
We met Donna & Mick....Sandra & Barry (who complete today..congtats to them) Jo & Nigel..and Andy, Donna..and her mum..all lovely people whom we have chatted to many on here. Great to finally come face to face.
Best of Luck to you..and to James and Jo on your Special Day. I am sure it will go well. Despite a lot of setbacks we had ...and extra business to deal with...we could not be more pleased....and have no doubts we have chosen the right place to call home.
btw.. I am a mum of identical twins as well.....though they are 23 now.. I have a 4 year old grandaughter. Mirador will be a lovely area for the children. Wishing you the best of Luck.... Carol & Danny No 50
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Hi again..Sorry..I just realised I put No 60 at the is Apt no 50 which is ours.. Lack of sleep I expect..
which also explains why I wished you...and Jo and James... Good Luck 3x.....making it sound as if you needed a lot of help. You won't will be fine.. And sitting by the pool..or on your own balcony...probably feel it is the best thing you have ever done.
All the Best, Carol
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Hi Carol,
pleased that all went well for you and that you enjoyed your time at the apartments, we are off in four long weeks, just wondering if you have any photos to download of the development to keep me from being depressed, and a big hello to Campbell, Louise and family.
Ian, Jill and girls This message was last edited by cockney boy on 6/3/2008.
_______________________ Ian Sturdy
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Hi Ian and Jill,
Good to hear from you.
It was wonderful to finally be in our apt..though for a very short time. We didn't take very many pictures....As I had taken loads in the past. But nothing different than already posted. The Ones I did take, were with disposable cameras..and yet to be developed. As soon as I have...I will see if my daughter can scan some and post onto EOS.
Best Wishes,
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Congratulations to Carol and Danny on completion and hi to everyone else.
We are flying out early tomorrow morning to catch some sun (hopefully) over the weekend so will be relaxed and rested when we set off early on Monday 9th June to get our NIE nos. It was great to see some photos of the development, it is amazing how much it has come on since we last visited in Feb. Campbell will no doubt take about 10,000 photos when we are over so will post some on when we get back to keep to keep Ian going.
Adios, Louise & Campbell (No. 20)
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