Hello to everyone! I hope you are all well.
Just a quick email to let you know that I am no longer in the office onsite at Duquesa Village, but I am still helping with the emails and queries. I wanted to let you all know the contact details in case you have an urgent enquiry. I will be checking my emails every day, at the worst, every other day. You know I like to respond quickly, but I would rather give you a worse case scenario.
Should you have an urgent query or problem, please call or email the AEA office in Duquesa port. Their telephone number is 952891827 and the email address is
I also wanted to tell you that the barriers are now in use (for those of you who are not here this summer). You will need to reprogram your remote controls. Either the Security Guard or the onsite maintenance team will be able to reprogram the remotes for you.
The post is now being kept in the new Guardhouse at the entrance to the urbanisation. To be honest, it probably works out to the benefit of the owners as there is 24 hour access to it.
I still have the ongoing snagging list and will forward a copy to be added onto the blog for your reference.
Like I said, I am still available to help via email.
Best regards,