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I'm trying to find on-line somewhere I can purchase a fridge/washer etc that I can have delivered before I next visit.
Has anyone done this or do I need to wait and buy in Spain?
_______________________ karen
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Hi Karen
We ordered a fridge and a washing machine online last night from El Corte Ingles. This was the only online site which we could find to order them from. When we phoned them they told us it would be 20 days for delivery and I've emailed Polaris to make sure they can give them access to the property. Now we're just hoping everything goes to plan and they are there when we get there at the end of Sept!!
A tip - if you do order the form is quite confusing to fill in and it wouldn't accept our UK telephone number so I ended up copying the El Corte Ingles number into the space and then putting ours in the notes section.
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Hiya Debbie,
I've had a look and couldn't find anywhere, so thanks for that, I'll give it a try,
We might see you in Sept, we'll be there 19-29th, jardin 8
_______________________ karen
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Definitely! I'll be 6 and a half months pregnant by then though, so just the soft stuff for me  . Hope there is a watering hole open soon so we can all have somewhere to meet up.
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Hi there
While we were over for completion last month we saw a nice silver goods package in DFS that fitted in nicely. It included a large fridge freezer, dishwasher, washing machine and microwave. All are Teka, which is apparently a good Spanish make.It costs 1484 Euros and this cost includes delivery and installation.
When we returned home we called DFS and they gave us an email address to contact which is .
We are going back over in October and providing we pay a 300 Euro deposit and the balance when the goods are due, they will have them there for us.
We shopped around and found this to be a very good price. Don't know the price for white goods but we're sure it'll be worth making a call.
You can phone them on 0034 966 764 142.
Hope this is useful
Avril and Stewart
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thanks for that link I'll give it a try.
El Corte Inglais were very reasonable, but my Spanish is not the greatist so not ordered yet, still translating!
_______________________ karen
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I used the worldlingo website to translate the El Corte Ingles website - you copy the link of the website in and it will translate the page for you... i'm learning Spanish but haven't learnt technical specifications for white goods in my lessons!
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Ahhh yes I forgot about that..... I've been sat with the dictionary for ages.... 
I was guessing a few words but don't want to make a mistake, don't know what I may get!
_______________________ karen
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After ordering online from El Corte Ingles I've had an email from them asking us to fax/scan copies of passport and front and back of the credit card 'for security reasons' - I'm not sure about sending them this info. Has anyone else had to provide copies of these when ordering from any other Spanish companies?
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Hi Debs,
while we were in Spain in July quite a few places asked to see my passport or driving licence when we bought anything on our card. Even Lidl for 20euros of shopping!
Don't think I'd be happy about sending copy of the back of the card with signature and security code though.
_______________________ karen
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Hi Debs,
If I were you I'd forget your white goods at present and wait and get them when you're over there. There's plenty advertisements about identity fraud at present and I personally would not take any chances.
Just my personal opinion. Tooooooooooooo Riskkkkkkeeee. Could all end in tears
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Cheers Alison & Karen. My husband has phoned them up and they confirmed they do need this info. Feel bit better having confirmed it with them on the phone but if we do send anything don't think we'll send the back of the card with the security no. Not really sure what to do. Really want to get this sorted before we go out so we have a fridge for the first few days...
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Hi Debs
I've decided to wait until I get there and go shopping asap, deliveries seem fairly quick in Spain, I suppose it depends on what make etc, but I won't be too fusy.
I've been talking to a friend with a house in Spain, he said they recently bought a fridge and it actually arrived home before they did. The delivery van was sat outside waiting for them. Fingers crossed we will be so lucky.
_______________________ karen
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What did you use the e-mail address (realdomestic) for? Is that a delivery firm that DFS use? or is it for DFS general enquiries
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