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Has anyone completed on Jardin 8 yet as we are due to complete on the 18th.August and we want to ensure that everything is in place for the completion ?
_______________________ Jardin 8.
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Hi Awalky
We're neighbours here (we're from Stockport too) and jardin 8. We had an appointment on the 1st Aug to complete but the habitation certificate was not ready. Our agent, IFG, who is signing for us by POA says it will now be the 27th at the latest for completion.
Looking at other posts, I would have beed suprised if it had gone ahead on the orignal day.
_______________________ karen
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Hi all,
We are going over at the beginning of September ( 1st to 5th) to complete. Polaris wanted us over in August also but I was never confident that habitation cert's would be ready together with the fact that we could not make the dates given due to work commitments. I proposed alternative dates and stuck to my guns and just 'waited it out' fully expecting that completions would be delayed (August being main holiday month) which has turned out to be the case. Did not want to go POA without seeing the place first hand and making sure everything was OK. Quite happy to delagate POA once we are both happy that there are no major annomolies that conflict with what we invisage we are getting based on our plans.
We have got an apartment booked at La Torre and will be spending 4 nights seeing how that place has come on in a year since we were there last October. I thought it was looking pretty good last year although a little quiet. Also hope to have enough time to take a closer look at Mazzaron port & beaches as I think this will be our best bet for jaunts out to the seaside.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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we had time to look around the area and loved it all.
Mazarron had nice restaurants and shops but we went during siesta so mostly closed, puerto de Mazarron has lovely beaches and also Bolnuevo. We went to a few remote beaches and also Los Alcazares where the mar menor sea is sooooo warm.
Next visit we are heading inland to Murcia, Alhama and Lorca.
_______________________ karen
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hi, we are in garden 8, j0920
our solicitor supposed to sign last monday the 4th of August but our license are not there either. we booked flights to come over for the 3th of september and on the same date the furniture should come. dont know what will happen. snagging is done and there was not a lot wrong just the odd little bits and and my fiance are getting a bit nervous. we didn't get a new date, all solicitor told us was the papers could arrive any day. maybe tomorrow or maybe in 3 weeks. so we might have to rent somewhere else for the 2 weeks we're over in spain.
natasha and john
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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hi Tasha & John
we are in j820 so will be able to wave across the balcony
we are over on Sept 19th and hopefully we should have completed or we will have to stay elsewhere too. I'm just waiting for the date so I can arrange delivery of furniture and get lights fitted.
IFG seem confident that we will complete by the 27th so I would think you will be about the same. I know its a bit close to your trip but i'm sure you can get apartment last minute if necessary. It seems most people on the forum have completed 2 weeks after the original date so I'm hoping it will be sooner rather than later.
_______________________ karen
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We fly over on the 15th. and hope to complete on the 18th.
We are staying on La Torre and having a couple of weeks to get to know the area once the completion is done (there's confidence for you).
We are in 803 so must be near to you in Murcia as well as Stockport !
The weather this weekend makes you realise why we bought a place in Spain !
_______________________ Jardin 8.
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Hi Everyone
I was supposed to complete this last week, by PAO due to habitation certificate now end of the month but they haven't given me a date!!! I reckon I'll be waving to you kazzy too across the balcony I'm in J856.
Hi awalky
Hi Tashajohn
Hi Bilbo
JCMurcia has gone today lucky people.
Is anyone else over in October?
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Hopefully if all goes well we intend to spend the last part of October over there providing all the furniture is in place and the utlilities connected.
However, from what you're all saying I think the chances of us completing on the 18th. are getting less and less.
Still we live in hope !
Look forward to seeing you all.
_______________________ Jardin 8.
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Hi Scapa,
My hubby and I are over October to hopefully complete and meet all the lunatics new neighbours. We'll be there round about the 12th to the 17th.
Hope to see lots of you then
Alison & Simon
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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jackie, i will be there with one of my briedsmaid and her kids the last week of october. need some holiday befor getting married in april next year.  
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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Thats a shame some of the lunatics will be there the week before 'cause I always say you can't beat a "good lunatic"!!
Never mind sure w'ill be able to share our "lunancy" either at the "xmas" or "new year" or "beach bum" bash!!!! 
Look forward to seeing and having a drink with you "tashajohn"
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I'm glad to see there are so many of us with a sense of humour in Jardin 8, Look forward to meeting all of you ( and knowing all your real names!!) 
Hi awalky
Hi Tashajohn
Hi Bilbo
Hi JCMurcia
Hi Scapa
_______________________ karen
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Just seen on the Jardine de Alahama thread Dwinder72 is flying out on the 15th as well, he was supposed to have completed on the 21st August but has been told it won't happend due to Hat Certificates. He's in Jardine 8 too !!!
Hey Kazzy another lunatic I think
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I knew it was too good to be true. I had the dreaded phone call today from our soilicitor to say that the habitation certificate would not be in place for the 18th. and Polaris have no idea when it will be ready !
So much for all our plans for the two weeks we were going to spend out there.
Will have to arrange POA now.
Still hoping that everything will be in place for a trip at the end of October, but who knows ?
Keep drinking the turps wine.
_______________________ Jardin 8.
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Hi Awalky
sorry to hear your news, you must be dissapointed not to complete next week. At least it's only a matter of days now not months or years till completion.
(Can you tell I'm glass half full  )
_______________________ karen
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Thanks Kazzy.
We were going over for two weeks anyway to have a look around so we'll have more time to soak up the rays, a bit like in Stockport really at the moment !
_______________________ Jardin 8.
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You mean you don't like this lovely summer in Stocky then?
I'm sure you'll have a great time and will love the area, we did. We drove somewhere different everyday, quite an adventure really.
_______________________ karen
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