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06 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

 hi to all
we are completing on the 29th/30th september naranjos jardin 7
pw completions said if i make the final payment by bankers draft it has to be from a spanish bank.does this mean that monercorp or other cannot send me a draft to take with me to the notary.if not then i suppose they will have to pay the money into my spanish bank and then get them to issue me with a draft.
does anyone know what time the banks open?we have to get our nie numbers on the monday morning which does not give us much time to go to the bank before going to the notary on the tuesday.
has anyone been through this?any advice would be appreciated.
tony and ann

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06 Aug 2008 8:34 PM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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I sent my money to the solictors and they drew up the cheque for final payment. Maybe you could use this option


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12 Aug 2008 5:37 PM by pad Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message

Hi everybody, we are on jardine 1 and due to complete tomorrow. we asked if our habitation licence was in place and it is!. not only that it was issued on the 7 july. We were expecting a delay because of the August shut down in Spain but all being well we should complete . Snagging was done yesterday and no big problems. So for everybody due to complete it could happen this month with a bit of luck.                                                                                                                                                                                                             .

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12 Aug 2008 6:24 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

If you're mortgaging from a Spanish bank then they'll take care of it.  If not you can send the money to your solicitor and effectively use their account.
You could also arrange for the money to be with PW prior to completion but that's not the advisable option.

Banks usually open at 10:00.

This message was last edited by 1098 on 8/12/2008.

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12 Aug 2008 7:48 PM by KellyT Star rating in Germany but from Yor.... 99 forum posts Send private message

I did a bankers draft via halifax hispania. Very quick and easy to do, just remember your passports. I think in the summer months they are open from 9am but shut at 2.30pm  - this was the case  with  hispania anyway.
We snagged at 10.30am, took about 2 hours including doing the paperwork, drove to mazarron got the draft then had lunch a few doors down from the halifax. Timimg worked out quite well.
Make sure you double check the name you are to make the chq payable to.



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12 Aug 2008 10:44 PM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message


I did a trasnfer to my solictior in advance (wasn't getting a mortgage, so transferred the funds from UK using TORFX), adn they organised a bankers draft for us.  My solicitors didn't charge for sorting the draft, although I did get hit with a 200 euro "landing charge" by the bank that they use..   I know that some of the other money companies (HiFX and Money corp are 2 I think) guarentee that they will cover landing charges - but  they were offering a worst rate so I was actually better off doing it via TORFX. 

I stil had to transfer the money in advance, but at least PW didn't get it until we'd officially completed.  It laso meant that we didn't have to faff around getting to the Bank whilst trying to snag, collect NIES etc.

My advise is to ask your solicitor AND polaris World to confirm that the Habitiation Cert and ALL other documents are available BEFORE you transfer the money. If you send to your solicoitor and they get a draft , then your completion gets delayed, you're missing out on potential interest or paying a mortgage for no reason.. 

The hab. certs seem to be issued piecemeal - so just because someone in you Jardin has one, it doesn't mean that yours is ready.   We starting ahssling about 3 weeks before. The cert wasn't there, so we made it clear that we'd not complete without it. After a bit more hassling, it turned up about 10 days beforehand.  I don't know if the hassling made it happen any quicker, but it certainly wouldn't have hurt.

Good luck..

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16 Aug 2008 7:58 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi all
could anyone who has completed already let me know how they paid for the notary fees,transfer costs etc.i have a bank draft for pw final payment.
how can you pay?separate bank draft,cash ,credit card or cheque?

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16 Aug 2008 8:11 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

the easiest thing to do if you trust pw is to transfer the final balance to them 2 weeks before completion.saves on bankers draft costs and means you dont need to visit your bank to collect it.remember most banks in spain shut at 2pm .world first seem to be one of the best and cheapest to buy euros from and they will do the transfer to pw free.dyor







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16 Aug 2008 10:27 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

thanks for the advice you think its ok to pay pw before completion?

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17 Aug 2008 9:55 AM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

you trusted them with the 40% didnt friend did it and had no problems.i am doing the same.good luck







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17 Aug 2008 8:39 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Lots of varied opinions and I suppose it depends on whether things go smoothly. Our Spanish lawyer advises payment to PW should be made at Notary meeting. Don't know the full facts - I do know if I was buying a property in the UK I wouldn't be handing over final payment until completion ! Whatever you decide to do - good luck !

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17 Aug 2008 8:45 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Wouldn't dream of giving a UK builder my money in advance let alone a Spanish one..........



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17 Aug 2008 8:54 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi i think you are right about not paying up front.i will have a bank draft for pw at the notary.what i needed to know was how to pay the notary fees,transfer costs vat etc.
do we take cash or pay by card?what is acceptable?has anyone done it yet?

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17 Aug 2008 8:56 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I'm paying my solicitor and he is settling all the fees (including his own no doubt !)...

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17 Aug 2008 8:56 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

all the costs are included unless you have your own solicitor or your own mortgage.then the bank will add the charges or you pay your own solicitor.does anyoone disagree?







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17 Aug 2008 9:01 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

you dont need a solicitor if you dont have a mortgage.would only do this if buying from a reputable well established company.wouldnt do it otherwise but have never used one on 2 previous purchases.all the searches have already been done by other buyers so thanks guys!







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17 Aug 2008 9:10 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar
Which option ?

1) Builders mortgage with Bank account at same Bank and using a solicitor
2) As 1 but without a solicitor
3) Builders mortgage, but with bank account at different Bank and using a solicitor. 
4) As 3 but without a solicitor
5) Non builders mortgage with Bank account and using a solicitor
6) As 5 but without a solicitor
7) Non builders mortgage, but with bank account at different bank
8) As 7 but without a solicitor
9) No mortgage, bank account, using a solicitor
10) No mortgage, bank account, not using a solicitor

Any others ?

Recommend, ask your Bank, Mortgage Provider, Solicitor ?



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17 Aug 2008 9:14 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

me -number my mortgage on my uk property.cheaper as no costs as my lender gives me free withdrawels on overpayments already made.happy days.







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17 Aug 2008 9:45 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

17 Aug 2008 11:33 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Option 9.
Searches, etc may be being carried out by reps of others purchasing on resort but wouldn't want to be without legal representation when purchasing a property, particularly a property in another country. Admittedly it increases the cost (slightly) but it also reduces the risk (significantly). The cost is a drop in the ocean compared to the total investment.
I'm sure all will go well for everyone.

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