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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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08 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hello all

I've read on several threads that PW only permit certain colours (white, cream, biege?) of canopies and parasols on the site.   

However, I've completed already, and I can't see anything in the documentation to this effect, nor did anyone say anything to us along those lines during or after the completion itself.

Can anyone confirm where these rules are?  Are there any others like them that we should be aware of ?


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08 Aug 2008 10:25 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Yes I have heard about all these rules like chinese whispers from agents, sales staff and guide that show you around, but seen nothing in black and white so it would be interesting to know if you are given any kind of local do's and don’ts at completion.


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08 Aug 2008 11:28 AM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message


When I completed, I was given a doc called "General Articles of Association of the Level 1 private property complex for Condado De Alhama" - a title which promises an enthralling read...!

It's 20 odd pages long.  I've  not been bored enough to read it propoerly yet, but skimming through it seems only to define what the Community Association's obligations are (i.e. what the funds collected through each our payments will be used for). It talks about things like have a gardening service to cut lawns, secutiry guards, collection of rubiish etc etc It even goes on to state the frquency of that (bins emptied 6 days a week etc) and then moves on to the general homeowners meeting - once a year convenved in Nov or Dec - what the chairpersons role will be, how funds will collected etc

But there's nothing obvious in there about what individual home owners can and can't have, so I was beginning to think that these may well have been Chineses Whispers that established themselves as fact.....   I fanyone is able to confirm where them stemmed from perhaps we can clarify?


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08 Aug 2008 11:39 AM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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I also just read them to see if there was anyhting to clarify rules regarding Terrace Furniture etc...and the only think I can see what constitutes rules regarding terraces is the Washing / Washing Line rule - that states:

5. Clothes lines may not be fitted and washing or clothes in general may not be hung outside the buildings

Now what I would like to know after reading these 'Rules' is - what do they class as ' The Building ' ? In some of the paragraphs it states that the Balcony at the back and the Terrace at the front are in fact part of the building, so if this is correct then hanging washing / towels etc... is in fact within the building and not outside !!!

Maybe I am just being awkward but - How on earth are Residents or Guests supposed to dry items whether clothing articles or beach/pool towels ? The apartments are going to start stinking with damp articles hanging inside with the heat of the summer.

Just my opinion, I know people dont want to be walking past washing lines but from what I saw on completion, most peoples back balcony faces the carparking areas.


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08 Aug 2008 11:56 AM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hi Carol

Yep - I'd read that but interpreted it meaing that you couldn't put a washing line up, or hang clothes off of the balconies (i.e. you can't dry washing ON the building) ..   meaning that you have to use a clothes aiirer thing..  That seems fairly standard for these types of developments and you often see it in hotels etc. 

Obviously, the next question would be who is going to police this?  Perhaps the secuirty guard who patrols between 23:00 and 07:00??  May you just need to take you washing line down overnight and you'll never be found out!

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08 Aug 2008 1:57 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All - I would interpret the washing line thing that way too - Nothing draped over any part of the building - With regards the colour, I wonder if anyone has actually asked PW about this, cos if they say you can't have anything other than beige, white, cream, why does their advert have a bright orange thing flapping about over the pergolas.

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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08 Aug 2008 2:10 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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It is almost impossible to hang stuff over the walls etc as they are always covered in a fine orange dust.  Even using a folding-up clothes horse I had to be careful to whip it inside as sooon as I was done or it too got a coating.  Good news though - everything I hung out in July was dry in half an hour!!!  Brilliant.


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08 Aug 2008 3:20 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Russ & All

Sadly it will be typical of me to read that document from cover to cover and even more sadly I am looking forward to doing so, I have read our contract on a number of occasions to make sure I understand it, (well that admission has just had me struck of Carols party list). I like to understand what can and can’t be done, hopefully not because I am a sad individual but so when challenged by the fun police and PW bullies I will know my writes.


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08 Aug 2008 3:32 PM by Russ Smith Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for all the replies...   

if you go into Polaris Home Syle store, you'll notice garden furntiure section there's a multitude of different coloured parasols and canopies..  some nice, some well, not quite to my taste....    1st thing that struck me was why are they selling them all if you can't use them in their properties ?   I was going to ask the sales assistant , but then thought better of it  -given that he'd probably say it was fine anyway just to get a sale..

I think I'm gonna go for a biege/cream one anyway just to be on the safe side.  Of course, as AJW points out, it'll be a nice funky orange colour in a couple of days anyway .

At least we'll be able to tell who residents of Condado are.  In a few weeks time we'll all have matching orange clothes - it'll look like an EasyJet company convention..  Easy to spot your neighbours on a night out in Mazarron... 

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08 Aug 2008 3:41 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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OMG - we'll all look like that bloke that does "Cheap as chips". - AJW is this orange dust from the construction work do you think? Or is it a feature of the area? - And Phil, you can read as many documents as you want, cos that way, you can tell us all what it's all about - You have our vote for El Presidente any day or anything else you choose to be on behalf of our community.

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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08 Aug 2008 3:47 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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We could have a ' You've been Tango'd Night ' .... As Cuz said read em all mate and let us in on any interesting Tit Bits we can laugh about.  I think the ' Fun Police ' will be too busy chasing hijacked Golf Buggies and Rescueing  Shampers from the Kiddie Friendly Pools........

This message was last edited by angelbabe911 on 8/8/2008.

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08 Aug 2008 3:51 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

Isn't this rule thing getting a little out of hand?

As long as we all do what's reasonable then what's the problem?  The idea of having some rules is so the gardens don't turn into chav city!  
I hardly think you're going to get a security guard knocking on the door because you have a washing line out or pink coloured cushions on your patio chairs, anyway who's no big deal.  We're all there to enjoy ourselves arn't we?

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08 Aug 2008 3:56 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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My thoughts exactly but apparently even though we have paid our life savings out on our dream getaway or in my case a new home, it isnt our place to decide what we can and cant do in that property, its still ruled by PW - I can understand that rules have to be in place but as you say its getting ridiculously close to bordering on dictatorship - I am sure that we are all mature and have enough abot us to just opt for using common sense and living by the old rule of Respect thy Neighbour !!!

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08 Aug 2008 4:09 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

Of course and I'm sure that will happen, I'm really not too worried about it.

On another note, I e-mailed PW to ask if there was any restrictions on outside lighting?  They phoned me and said that any restrictions would be decided by the residents association.....You volunteering??

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08 Aug 2008 4:13 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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Nope !! I would love to be involved with living there and I am willing to help with anyone that does get elected but I know I will be too busy to commit to anything like that, its a lot of responsibility and I dont think I would be able to give it 100 % which wuold not be fair, so I will pass on info as and when it comes up to help the ' Committee ' and hopefully be an ear on the ground so to speak....


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08 Aug 2008 4:16 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

I was only joking......

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08 Aug 2008 4:49 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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1098- You took the words right out of my keyboard. I believe that when PW hand over ownership of Naranjos to the elected residents committee it is then their remit to make the rules on behalf of the community and for the community to abide by them.  Hopefully our committe will have lots of commonsense and think through all the practicalities  of new rules before enforcing them.  Phil if your such a nerd reading buff and like reading all the boring complicated stuff you'll have my vote for Chair.  I think your campaign colours should be orange and you should be known as Tango man. Good Luck

Alison & Simon


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08 Aug 2008 5:09 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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On a really serious note though - one short visit to Camposol and you will see why we need to maintain the high standards which PW are trying to set.  I was originally a bit peeved that PW would be controlling all food and beveridge outlets until I went to Camposol and went into the Irish bar.  It was dirty, smelly and had no aircon with flies galore.  A few days later I went to another bar on sector A (for food with my young daughter) and the plastic tables and chairs outside are a far cry from anything you would ever see at La Torre, Mar Menor etc.  Again, the inside of the place was yellow with cigarette fumes and not particularly pretty on the decor front either.  My opinion of the rules in terms of PW's insistance at controlling the food etc outlets has completely changed.  I, for one, am more than happy to pay an extra couple of euros onto my dinner bill/bar bill to keep the place as spick and span as possible. 


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08 Aug 2008 5:31 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Irish bar at Camposol so that’s were Shampers has been staggering back from.

And I am all for freedom of expression but pink coloured cushions on the patio now that’s stepping over the line, but it cant be we cant have any lines can we.

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08 Aug 2008 6:05 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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The next thing your be telling me is I can't hang my pants from my pergola

This message was last edited by danseex on 8/8/2008.

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