The Comments |
hi everybody,
as the completion is coming nearer and the mortgage wants to be payed we start to advertise our angels heaven on rental sides. it is quite difficult to find the right weekly charge for the holiday home. i saw some prices and was anoyed. people charge much to less. i'm sure there are a few from you out there who are in the same situation like us who want to get the mortgage covert as good as possible. but how on earth can we do that if there are people out there who charge a chocking Euro 190 in low and euro 440 in high can you make some bit of money for the banks. not to forget taxman in spain and back home. for us ireland which is a ripp off in taxsystem.from my research are polaris world properties much more worth to charge. it would be interesting what you think about that?
for the moment we have a special offer for euro 300 a week cause of limitied facilities (Shopping, Golfcourse, Restaurants etc)
from next midseason Euro 500 and high euro 650. we think thats not to high.
like to hear from you
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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Hi There
As I am new to this game myself and have not yet completed, I will be renting an apartment from someone on this forum when I will be furnishing mine. As anyone can appreciate that the surrounding areas and facilities are not complete and because of that the charge would be approx £150+ £40 weekly cleaning charge for Angelbabe(carol) who also does keyholding.
When it becomes more so then the different seasons and amenities will obviously be higher.
But unless you have a beautiful stunning villa you will not be able to rent it for that.
My suggestion would be take a look at the other finished resorts and see what they are charging such as la Torre I was looking at a 2 bed appt for Oct and they were renting it for £225.
Good Luck whatever you do but owners on this forum are renting out to us other owners for a lower price so that at least they can cover the mortgage.
_______________________ Ruth,Peter&Krystal Jardine 09
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We stayed on La Torre for a week at the end of July. A beautiful 2 bed luxury apartment, front line golf and 5* facilities.
We paid £250 for the week.
Good Luck
_______________________ karen
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Hi Tashajohn - I am the advertiser on the banner at the top of the Condado site and, yes, I am charging approx 190 euros per week which, I think, is a 'fair' price at this stage of the development. I did not set the price with the intention of making the overall Condado development appear some sort of 'bargain basement' option. I took time deciding the rate at which I felt people, (mainly our neighbours on Condado) at this stage, would feel comfortable paying. Their is no way I would dream of charging more for an apartment on a site which is, at present, still very obviously subject to heavy construction works, has no restaurant, no bar and no golf course. My own apartment has been furnished with great care and attention to detail with quality appliances and many added features. I am more than confident that any renters will be happy with what they see and - if you look into my reservations charts - you will see a steady, incremental, price rise as time moves on which will reflect the facilities coming on-stream next year. I do, however, wish you every success in renting your apartment and am sure that we will all reap the benefits of great rental potential in due course. The Condado development has already exceeded my expectations - even with the shenannigans of PW chopping and changing this and that throughout the course of the project!!
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Hi Tashajohn
We have been renting our bungalow on Mazarron Country Club for over three years. The urbanisation there is not yet finshed and probably will not be for a few more years. We charge on a sliding scale from £120 low season to £250 high. Properties on Polaris should be able to rent out for more, due to the fact that there will more facilities on site, but only later on. Also there will be quite a lot of people doing the same thing, and there could be a glut of rental properties. So best to stay competitive and not price yourself out of the market - the Costa Calida is not yet as well known as the other Costas. We advertise on this forum and and on another holiday lettings web site, we also have our own web site. where there are some useful links on there for those that are renting our property. Since advertising on this forum, we have had many enquiries for long term lets, the majority we have had to turn away. So there is a market for renting out, it is not lucrative, but it should cover most of the running costs.
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i must say you are all a little hard on my post. if you check the official polarisworld rent webside you can see that polaris charges the double of what we have. plus i can see that some of you talk about charging in pounds. change the amount of your pounds into euro and you will see we're not that far off. i'm wondering if all you prices the rent including cleaning fee, for lovely carol( looking forward to see soon, good luck)  ,
water and electricity or will you charge extra for those fee's?
our prices are for people who use our apartment for holiday. for our neighbours who complete soon in condado we have special rates as well. we are not that bad...
natasha & john
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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Please Note
Too cheap and the properties will not rent or worse attract the wrong kind of client
Too expensive and you will not rent.
"Need to be bang on the money"
La Torre will give a good indication of what we need to be charging. Stayed there earlier this year cost me £250 plus cleaning and meet and greet early in the season and it was worth every pennnnny
it would be stupid of me to believe all will take notice of this as someone will always try to undercut in the belief they will win more rentals we will just have to see.
the resort will be quality and our prices even in the early stages should reflect this
Owner on condado de alhama in Garden 3 and block 10
Love being in Spain
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While things are picking up, does anybody have any idea how many weeks of the year it would be possible to rent your apartment out for? When we went on the tour, the salesman reckoned 18 weeks was easily possible but that was probably assuming the golf course and all amenities were on-line. Does anybody have any rentals yet?
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Hi Everyone,
I've been following this forum for a while now, and wondered if anyone knows how much Carol is charging for her housekeeping service? We manage a few rental properties in the Jardines, and it might be good for both of us to meet up. I do realise it's better to ask her, but I think she's in transit so to speak, and therefore might not have internet access for a while.
Thanks in advance,
Harris Property Management - legal, registered, local.
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Hi Jane - We received details from Carol and her quotes are euros not pounds ( I don't think she has quoted any figures on the forum ) I really do think you need to ask Carol this info directly - As for you not being able to contact her - I sure I'm right in saying, it won't be long before she's back - The internet service was going to be one of her priorities and if she doesn't get her own sorted, I think she said she will be in an internet cafe come Monday.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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It's in a post by ruthless just down the page. Is this the correct Carol?
"As anyone can appreciate that the surrounding areas and facilities are not complete and because of that the charge would be approx £150+ £40 weekly cleaning charge for Angelbabe(carol) who also does keyholding. " This message was last edited by OOCH on 8/15/2008.
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Thanks for the input guys, and yeah I did realise it's better to ask her direct, and I saw the GBP prices further down, but I'm putting some stuff together today (the sun may be shining but I'm still working, sigh) so was trying a short cut.
Harris Property Management - Legal, registered, local.
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i think you need to rais the bar a bit £150 you may as well give it for free
Facilities available....... if we had purchaed an apartment in a large garden in the middle of the countryside with a stunning pool all well maintained we would be raving about what we had purchased.
sports area complete with a mini market
hire a car and you have a superpb region we are in to explore
I think we need to sell the fact that this is a quality place to be and not talking the place down.
only my opinion off course
Owner on condado de alhama in Garden 3 and block 10
Love being in Spain
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Hi Jane
Is the link below to your web site?
If so, it’s strange you asking the members of this forum about Carol’s charges when you say you have been watching the forum for a while and have decided now is the time to ask questions, whilst she isn’t available, you should be asking her directly stating who you are and the reason you wish to know especially as you have been offering this kind of service in the area for 6 years according to your web site.
If it isn’t your site or I in some way have got this wrong, I apologise, the members on this forum have become friends and we are just looking out for each other.
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thank you anthony 100.
it feels good to know someone else agrees with us.we think you are very realistic. we deffently stick to our prices because we think Condado deserves it. like you said we should not talk the place down. it is a absolut great place and the surrounding area is well a trip worth.
Prices will go up finally. so i'm not worried anymore about low prices. we're fine this way.
we have a special rate for new owners of condado de alhama who are coming over for snaggin/ completing.
thanks again for your opinion and thoughts anthony 100
were in condado did you buy?
natasha and john
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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Yes, that's my website although I'm not allowed to tell you about it myself as it's against the rules of the forum ( I checked this with Justin before posting).
Nothing sinister is going on - we have had some serious enquiries from owners in your development, and are delighted to say that we now manage several properties in Condado de Alhama. If things take off as planned for your neck of the woods then I'm going to need someone there who can work with us. In other words, does Carol want a job?
I asked the forum because I'd seen some vague figures in GPB - anyone can see you're all a close knit group so I hoped someone could firm it up a little for me. Carol I believe is in transit, as I stated earlier, but being a Taurus I'm eager to get cracking. I have already emailed her privately, and with luck she will be able to respond whenever she gets to a internet point.
That's it. No cloak and dagger stuff. If you see me up there when you're next over or whatever, stop me and ask me about it - I don't bite....
Harris Property Management - legal, registered, local.
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Thanks for your comments and well said I think your are spot on.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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In my humble opinion you are all starting too low, I was on phase 1 of La Torre and set a flat rate last year of £250 a week and booked out 43 weeks, this year my out of season was £300 and in season £400, I have been booked solid since May and have no availability until the end of September. I have returned only this evening and met families who have been paying £450 a week for an apartment. Of course the cleaning is extra, they generally range from €50 to €80 for an apartment, my keyholder charges €70 and nobody has complained.
If you set a precedent with low costs you will then always have someone who will charge €10 cheaper and prices will go down and down and a bidding war will take place.
If you charge say €200, take off gas and electricity and water, then the community charge, wear and tear then that price diminishes drastically. My linen all needs replacing after 2 years and I anticipate some of my furniture by next year, new cutlery and dishes need to be bought and on top of this we will need to redecorate this all comes out of rental charges.
Too low and you will suffer in the long run, if anybody wants a bit of advice then feel free to PM me
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Hi Jane
Thanks for your response, I can only say it’s a strange way to recruit staff, only my personal opinion but I am sure Carol will do very well on her own, her honesty and openness are well proven to the members of this forum. I am sure all that know Carol will have no problem recommending her business to others. Her charges are private arraignments between her and the clients and anyone else she wishes to discuss them with and not for us to give out especially when that information is incomplete and inaccurate.
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