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Angel de Miraflores forum threads
The Comments
20 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by mrs e Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message


we got back from Spain last night after the meeting, so i thought i'd let you all know what ( i think) went on!

Firstly a lot of it was angry and in spanish, so unfortunatly i didn't understand everything. A spanish resident was trying to interpret but kept being shouted over. It seems that the recent floods have caused problems for a lot of residents, and that the president wasn't doing a lot to help theses people so there was a lot of angry shouting about that. ( at one point a very angry spanish man got up and started walking towards someone he was arguing with and it really wouldn't have surprised me if he'd punched him! i'm not sure exactly what was going on there!)

Anyway, the meeting lasted hours and didn't seem to be getting anywhere, in fact the only thing that seemed to be agreed was the buget and community charge. It looks like the bigger your apartment the more you will pay , it worked out about 50 euro's a month for a 3 bed apartment.

everyone kept saying that the habitation lience would be forth coming, but can't shed any light on when, as Aifos still need to complete some things first. And that to be honest was about all i could gather. Some one who speaks Spanish may be able to tell you more than me, as most of it wasn't in English.

I'm sorry i can't be much help as it was difficult to follow what was going on. However i did notice that only the English people seemed to be worried about the habitation liecence, so hopefully that's a good sign.

if i think of anythig else i'll let you know


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20 Nov 2006 11:21 PM by Dave 20 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that.  Can anyone add anything ?

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