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22 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I have just found out today from Carol that PW have disconnected my services in my absence.  I am soooooo fed up with them at the moment as I had such a job trying to get connected in the first place (it took a full week after completion).  I thought it may be wrthwhile mentioning in case anyone has left frozen fish/chicken etc in their freezers as obviously their is a risk of food poisoning if the stuff is defrosted and refrozen due to this.  I am glad I didn't spend the hundreds of Euros I intended to on roof terrace plants otherwise the automatic watering system would have failed and they would all be goosed!!  Just something to keep in mind if you go back over thinking your stuff has been chilling nicely all the time.  My Baileys will be RUINED!!!!  Disaster...............


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22 Aug 2008 7:06 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

Hi Arlene, do you know why they have done it? Difficult for anyone considering renting (like you) if they can just do this at random? and also for anyone going out for a weekend.

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22 Aug 2008 7:23 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Not a clue Ted, but Carol is on the case!  Hope that fish you caught survives!  Sorry - the fish JAMES caught!!!!


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22 Aug 2008 9:30 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Is it off permanently?

Our Solicitors told us not to trust in the builder's supply  and not to plan to stay there if using it as it could go on and off at will but we thought they were just being over cautious when we heard people weren't having any problems. They said they can and will turn it off for hours at a time, or days- but that hasnt seemed to be the case and its hard to know who's right.


Jan & Mike

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22 Aug 2008 9:55 PM by Ruthless Star rating in CROYDON. 152 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Arlene,  
  I am sure that all will be okay by the time we come to rent your apartment at the end of October.
I have not been on here the last couple of days cos I have been chasing people making snagging appointment.  Then had to get POA from PW to  allow permission for QPM to get in next thursday cos we are completing on friday.
Then I had to chase solicitor for final figures, then trade then go to the bank to transfer it oh gosh I am out of breath.
So there is nothing else to do but go camping on Sunday, but I will take my laptop with me and try to get a hotspot.
Does you know how much it costs to get  lecky and water connected  gonna have to have a whip round not much left in the pot to buy anything.

Ruth,Peter&Krystal  Jardine 09

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22 Aug 2008 10:26 PM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ruthless,

Yes I know how you feel, I will have to start saving those pennies now! I paid 400 to PW to get connected to water and electricity, its a once off payment, just as well


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22 Aug 2008 10:35 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

Very funny Arlene! - fortunately they were all eaten, only beer in the fridge -OMG!! This is a disaster!! Must get onto PW now!

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23 Aug 2008 6:48 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

You'd hope its only a short term thing- they know people are resident now. Maybe they've had a major connextion to work on. Here's hoping our Solicitors are wrong in their predictions about the builders water and electric- they have been pretty gloomy all along about the completion process, on the lines of 'dont expect things to go smoothly, then you wont be disappointed' but they havent always been right.

Has anyone moved onto their own water and electric yet? Think they said up to 30 days after completion for it to happen but not sure how accurate that is.


Jan & Mike

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23 Aug 2008 8:11 AM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

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Skinnymags, you say you paid 400 to PW to get water & electricity connected - are you talking about builders' supply or the proper utility company connections ?  The documents we got from PW prior to completion said they would arrange the connection to the utility companies free of charge.

Chris & Alison

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23 Aug 2008 8:22 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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We are going over in September and have been told by PW that they are hoping to start to get full time connection of utilities from 1st September, when everyone in Spain is back off holiday.
I asked about being connected to builders supply and was told to contact them 1 week before we go out in September and to tell them how long we are staying which suggests to me that they will only connect the supply while you are resident.

The good news is that it is in PW's interest to get as many properties connected by the utility companies as soon as possible. They won't want the costant hassle of connecting and disconnecting builders supply to everyone.

Just one other point to consider. The electricity supply in Spain can be variable (voltage) to say the least. A surge protector on the main switchboard of the apartment would be a very wise investment. Voltage surges are a regular occurence in Spain due to the way they supply their electricity and can easily "fry" circuit boards in your valuable electrical goods. 

For anyone who does not understand surge protection the simplest way of describing it is like a sponge for electricity. It monitors the voltage and if it rises too high then the "sponge" absorbes the extra and gets rid of it safely thereby making sure that your appliances never receive too much electricity.


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23 Aug 2008 8:23 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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PW cust services called me around 9pm last night to say that they disconnect the supplies if they know you are not staying there - amazing since I idn't tell them I was going!! They must snoop around and cut you off if they know you are away.  She did say that most of the new, permanent, electric boxes are in place and she hoped we would all have our own supply over the next few weeks.  Here's hoping.


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23 Aug 2008 11:12 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

It cost £200 each for the water and electric to be changed over to each proerty. Polaris pay to have the builder supply turned off and for the application to change the supply we pay for the actual change of service.


Jan & Mike

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23 Aug 2008 4:04 PM by Ruthless Star rating in CROYDON. 152 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks for that skinnymags, just got enough money left. we are completing on Friday.
Hi Ted from Purley, we live just down the road from you, along the Purley Way. So we are neighbours in the UK and in Spain.

Ruth, Peter, Krystal  
(jardine 9)

Ruth,Peter&Krystal  Jardine 09

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23 Aug 2008 5:07 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Phil - I know what a surge protector is but is that something that you would have to get a professional to do in Spain or is it something you could tackle yourself?

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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24 Aug 2008 7:05 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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I think you would need a professional to fit the surge protector as I guess it would need to be on the supply side of the fuse box.
We have had our aircon installed by Polarair and Gary is offering a deal at the moment where he fits a surge protector as part of the package.


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25 Aug 2008 4:58 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 

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25 Aug 2008 5:22 PM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

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We completed first, & then snagged last Monday. Water was on when I snagged & electricity went on that afternoon. 
I didn't actually tell the snagging rep I was going back home last Thurs, but asked her if we'd have to re-apply for builders water & electricity each time we came back  - she said no, it would now remain on till official supplies were connected - can I believe what she said ??? 

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25 Aug 2008 8:06 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Carol - you can get your smalls done now!!!


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26 Aug 2008 6:02 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

angelbabe911´s avatar
How do you know I wear any , you know what they say girls.....Commando is best lol .....alls well AJW, checked and your Baileys tastes...... I mean looks fine .........Just kiddin hun.......Ash and her french firend have gone on a fact finding mission to chat up workman about new bar and when it may be opening..,

Catch you peeps when I login tomoz

Be good and tell Shamps hes got detention


Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 

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