The Comments |
Hi All – now us on Los Naranjos Jardin 8 are staring the completion process, thought it may be a good time for us to say hello to each other, it would be nice to find out who else is on the forum from Jardin 8 and what apartment you are in. We know we have some nice people on other jardins and penthouses on Naranjos as well as the party people on Le Jardins. Hopefully we will get plenty of invites to those parties, as they will be the veterans by the time we get sorted. I for one don’t want to miss the Angelbabe & Shampers show.
I’m Phil, We have bought apartment N698
I retired about two years ago at 50 from the Fire Service, my wife Ann retires in about three years from being a Nurse in the NHS so I’m not popular at the moment.
We have decided to buy the apartment at Condado de Alhama to spend extended vacations now, and if we enjoy increase the amount of time we spend in Spain after Ann retires. We don't intend renting the apartment out.
We have two daughters both in there 20s but they are not taking the hint to leave home and have decided the apartment is free holidaying for them sorted out.
I like playing Golf being a 23 handicapper but hopefully playing in Spain will improve this, but if not there is always the 19th. Ann isn’t into playing golf yet but I am hoping to change that, she likes to watch golf on TV, and as she is still a hard working nurse, when she gets the chance she likes to chill out by reading books and worshiping the sun. We both like the winey stuff of course.
We are really looking forward to getting the keys to our apartment and meeting our new neighbours from all areas of Condado. PW have told us we are to complete on 25th September when we are staying on the resort anyway, in one of the apartment owned by a wonderful couples on the forum.
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Hi Phil, Ia m not in Jardin 8 - am in 13 of the Jardins, but am out at the end of September, so hopefully see you when you are out completing.
Hope it all goes smoothly.
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Butch & Sundance show please  ............... I'm Sundance, Carol is Butch
Naranjos 8 must be nearly 2km from Jardin 4............ and yet we are neighbours with a common hobby of poor golf and a liking for the 19th hole ............. so much for the Cheshire Set
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Hi Phil
We're also on Jardin 8 - N745. My wife and I are early 30's but will probably appear much older as I expect my dad will be the one using the apartment most!
Definitely looking to meet some new golf partners - my handicap is 5 but I'm honestly much worse than that - I reckon about 12 is more appropriate right now, so please dont hold that against me!
Do you have a firm completion date yet - I've been told late sept/early oct but nothing firmer. Not that Im in any hurry right now as the bank have lost all the paperwork I sent to them
Wayne and Charlotte
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Phil - As you have found more people on this posting than you have on the Los Naranjos forum, if you find anybody for Jardin 7, will you send them to us please - So far we've only got us, Lytton, Tony and Ann and Waddle. There must be more
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Phil,
Think we've spoken before. We're also on Los Naranjos but in block 10 of the penthouses, so I guess we'll be neighbours of sorts. (We will certainly be nearer to you than Shampers). Simon, like you plays golf but not to a great standard and I will maybe start playing again. Glad to hear you've found some new neighbours, but like Cuz we are still waiting to find out if we have any apart from Barry and Sue.
We are out at Condado between 13th -17th October,due to complete on the 15th and hopefully we may meet you then.
Alison & Simon
P.S. Do you know if there is anything ready ie Watering Hole, Foro, and Sport Facilities near us.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Thanks Kazzy - We seem to know more on Jardin 8 than on our own - And def more over on the Jardines - Alison, we both play golf, well in my case (June) play being the operative word, sometimes feels like hard work - It does all seem a bit quite on the information re our "Entertainment Area", haven't heard anything since we were over there in April - Phil sorry for pinching your thread, but we haven't got any friends over on ours
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Cuz & Phil,
I find this all very confusing, for when someone says there on Jardine 8 I just assumed that was Naranjos Jardine 8 as I thought that the other Jardines were completed but I am now finding out this is not the case. Maybe I don't have as many neighbours as I originally thought as Phil said previously. Maybe if we all update our personal forums stating which part of Condado we have purchased there may be less confusion.
A Puzzled
P.S. I used to play golf years ago but gave up for other sports, guess i'm going to have to take it up again. Good Chrissy Pressie of Golf Lessons for me then and a new set of Golf Clubs and Gold golf buggie?
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Alison - Yes, I didn't realise till just but it's Kazzys fault, think she stayed up too late thinking up or drinking, some new cocktail for Shampers - Phil and Ann are on Jardin 8, Los Naranjos, we are on jardin 7, Los Naranjos, Kazzy is on jardin 8, Le Jardines
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Phil and Ann,
As you know, Jane and I are completing on N0788 last week of october and hoping to have a cuppa with you when I come out 21-23 Sept to take a look around the site and also meet up with my solicitor.
Also a golfer and also 50 (well in 4 months). Unlike you my friend, still having to drag myself to work - been at BAE Systems for 32 years. Hcp 13, used to be 5, but continuous business travel has prevented it staying in single figures. My lad also plays and is a member with me in Kent.
Still juggling with mortgage options between Banco Halifax, Cajamurcia and Barclays. Halifax seemed to be the cheapest over 25 yrs but had the highest rate over Euribor - can't understand it!!! Sure it's me getting confused.
Not currently planning to rent out. Will probably have around 6 breaks a year in the Apartment.
Looking forward to seeing you both in September and hope to meet as many of our neighbours once completion is done.
Regards to all,
PAul and Jane
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Hi Alison&Simon
Cut a long story short I had 2 apartments. One on block 16 (my prefered choice) and one on block 1. Due to personal circumstances looks like I will be losing the block 16 apartment. My forum profile reveals where I am now. Interested to note you have a completion date, not had mine yet. Do you have any more info on penthouse completion dates? Does anybody?
_______________________ Frank
Dont smack your kids. They choose your care home.
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Hi Frank  ,
Read your thread a while back in which you revealed that your wife had decided to leave you (sorry about that) but at that time you weren't sure if you would be proceeding with any of the apartments, so its good to hear you can at least go ahead with one of them. I think the reason we have been given a completion date is due to the fact our apartment is in the same block as the showhouse therefore, this block needs to be finished quickly and we're only surmising that we are the first block to complete. Have heard that block 11 is also nearing completion but not sure about this. I would suggest giving PW customer service a ring to see if they can give you any ideas of dates. Have you seen the photos of the penthouse showhouse? If you haven't PM me and I'll send them to you.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi All
Thanks for introducing yourselves, its nice to know where you all are.
Ted, we are staying on Jardin 12 when we come out to complete 19 to 26 September.
Shampers Sundance, yes we may be poor golfers and hopeless drinkers but being from Cheshire we do badly with stile.
Carol & Malc, we look forward to meeting you too hope all goes well with your completion in Oct.
Wayne and Charlotte, also look forward to meeting you, new golf partners always welcome, and if we can get Shampers out for a game I will need the help carrying him home from the 19th if we can’t get Carol and the other girls to come and pick him up in the gold golf buggy.
Martyn and June, as Karen says you are both always welcome on 8 and on this thread, but I am sure others will soon identify themselves as being on 7, again looking forward to having a game of golf with you both.
Alison & Simon, yes I think our paths have crossed on the forum before, and all neighbours are welcome, no I don’t know if there is any facilities ready near us but I thing others will let us know what’s happening, yet more golf partners who cares about how good a standard we are, its just the way of getting to the 19th. Yes a more detailed profile would be helpful.
Paul & Jane nice to hear from you again and golfers as well we are going to have to start a regular golf day to all get together when we are out, if we have enough have our own comp and an annual presentation evening in the 19th. I’ve given up looking at options for mortgage, as you say all to confusing and when you think you have it sorted something changes, hopefully see you September.
Frank, hope all ends up working out for you and again looking forward to meeting you and having a game.
Phil & Ann
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Hi everyone,
It's good to hear you are all positive and excited about the completion of most of Naranjos Jardine 8. We're on 8 (N702)! We are going to try and get flights on 19 Oct for a week to complete in person, but as we are in Belfast the flights to Murcia finish for the winter months last week in October so it will be close!
You are all very upbeat about meeting up in the resort bar so I'm sure we will bump into one or two people while we are there in October as I'm sure others will be completing around that time. We are also in our fifties but can't afford to retire just yet and trying for a mortgage with banco valencia. Anyone used this bank?
We'd love to keep the apt for ourselves but depending on how the finances work out, may have to consider renting for a while but that's something we have to wait and see.
Good to read all your posts and looking forward to meeting some of you in the resort.
Malc & Carol
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Phil and Ann,
Well done for getting us all in communication. As we all complete around the same time looks like many of us will have the chance to meet up sometime during 08. Does anyone have a feel for when the first golf course will be ready to play on? Got the impression that mid 09 was the earliest.
Paul and Jane
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Hi all,
Has Anyone in Los Naranjos used Caja Murcia bank (builders Mortgage provider for Los Naranjos)? They've given me a pretty good completion quote, against the others (particularly Halifax) but monthly payments appear slightly higher.
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