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27 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Disappointing for us, apparently the Notary was running late and our Solicitor would not wait any longer so our completion did not happen!! Expect it now next week.


Jan & Mike

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27 Aug 2008 3:17 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

smivs´s avatar
Oh soz  Jan how very frustrating for you - it will be worth it in the end just keep that in mind 


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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27 Aug 2008 3:40 PM by wiredout Star rating in Preston & Jardin 8. 110 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry to hear that, we are still waiting to find out !

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27 Aug 2008 3:57 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

scapa´s avatar
Oh Jan so sorry for yours news, I can't see me completing tomorrow now.

Anyway just think your space is waiting for you in the Gold buggy trail!!! 

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27 Aug 2008 4:04 PM by wiredout Star rating in Preston & Jardin 8. 110 forum posts Send private message

wiredout´s avatar
Who knows Scapa, The notary might decide to get up on time and then there will be no problems ! 

( unless he has been run over on his way to the office by a 10 seater gold buggy driven by Mr blobby with a load of drunken women in the back !!!!!!)

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27 Aug 2008 4:09 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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LOL !        still crossing everything though.

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27 Aug 2008 4:23 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Think its just been us with our Solicitor- he was actually on holiday and went in to do several completions but as I said the Notary was running late and the Solicitor couldnt wait any longer so somewhere there are several other owners disappointed. It was certainly heaving at the same Notary when we went to arrange POA and they should have closed at 2pm and we didnt leave till after 4.30pm from being there at 1pm. Gratifyingly Polaris have said they are shocked- but so long as it doesnt cost us any more money (bankers draft etc) it will happen next week no doubt. 

In fact the only thing we are really cross about is that the Solicitors have not notified us I had to ring Polaris to get a response. So we might take that a bit further because what are we paying them for?


Jan & Mike

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27 Aug 2008 4:39 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Jan & Mike,

Sorry to hear you had a disappointing day but sometime soon you'll be holding your keys in your hand and today will be all forgotten about.

Smile through gritted teeth if you can


 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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27 Aug 2008 7:08 PM by kazzy Star rating in Manchester & jardin.... 196 forum posts Send private message

kazzy´s avatar
really sorry to hear you didn't complete yesterday, you must be really dissapointed                               
We are due to complete tomorrow and I'll be gutted if the same happens.  I'll have to drink the champagne to drown my sorrows instead!!
At least it's only a few more days, keep smilingwon't be long now.


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27 Aug 2008 7:43 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan, sorry to hear you didn't complete, just remember most of us had our initial dates cancelled so hang on in there it will be worth it in the end.

Chris and Tracey

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27 Aug 2008 7:59 PM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan & Mike,

Sorry to hear you didn't complete. You must feel really let down. Another week and it will be yours.  What's your apartment looking like by the way, are you pleased? 


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27 Aug 2008 8:21 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

We are a tad disappointed because we had the original date of 14th Aug delayed because of no Hab Cert and now this but to be very honest we are more disappointed that we have had no information from the Solicitorsand so have no new date or explanation. I actually do understand that the man was going in on his annual leave to complete several properties and things dragged on and he couldnt stay- but not to let anyone know!! My husband just feels its another week's mortgage saved!!

However on this one occasion Polaris were really good (not their fault you see - is that unfair of me?) There was a lot of tutting and 'you must be very disappointed' ' why do these people take leave at the busiest time of year' and so on with a 'this is quite shocking'

I work in a college and I alway s'work' a lot during my annual leave to prepare for the next semester or academic year  so its not so awful to do things when you should be off work our man obviously had more important things to do than to even let us know.


Jan & Mike

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27 Aug 2008 8:34 PM by Charlie Walton Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan & Mike

This is the first time we have comunicated with you but we have to say how frustrating it must be and how sorry we are. We were in Murcia for 3 weeks  from July 26th and waited for a phone call from our solicitors. We finally spoke to our solicitors and instructed them to complete on our apartment without a habitation certificate. We finally completed and got the keys on the day before returning to England. We had our furniture delivered before returning so left all our clean and lighting installation with Tracy and Mark Stepphenson to do. They were excellent and helped with all kinds of things. They live on site now so if you need any help with anything give them a bell or get back to us for thier contact detals. 
Can't wait now to return with our Cassie (White Alsation) Nice to know we don't have to get up for work anymore.
Look forward to meeting with you for a chat and drinks. We are on Jardine 2, J 0207.

best regards 
Carol and charlie 

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27 Aug 2008 9:01 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for your thoughts Charlie, we are resigned to the disappointment and it'll be sorted next week apparently (according to Polaris) We already have Carol (anglebabe) organised for our cleaning and she'll do keyholding etc if we need and she's close to our home neck in the woods so we  wouldnt back out on this arrangement- but thanks for the recommendation.

The delay just gives me more time to change my mind about window blinds v curtains and back again and the celebration drinkies will be even more welcome!


Jan & Mike

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27 Aug 2008 9:10 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jan & Mike

Hope all gets sorted soon


Phil & Ann

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27 Aug 2008 9:44 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Phil and Ann, have decided not to sulk for too long. We have a nice bottle of red, footies on tv (not for me but there you go) and husband insists we have saved a week's mortgage and we're going to Chester Races on Friday- things look up.


Jan & Mike

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27 Aug 2008 9:59 PM by tashajohn Star rating in Co.Kerry Ireland and.... 93 forum posts Send private message

hi jan and mike,
we didn't complete either. isn't it funny we are wall to wall neighbours and our completion didn't go through as well.
the reason for our failing was a problem with the bank.
because everything was delaying so long, ( actually date for signing 4. of august), yesterday the bank wanted update on payslips from us. one day befor signing. because i read email from broker at lunchtime we couldn't send them befor bank was closing. result : bank was not ready so we have to wait again. a little bit like your solicitor we didn't get any information yet about that. if i wouldn't have ring her to ask how signing went on we still wouldn't know that signing didn't go ahead. plus herself was not there at all she was gone home already. secretary told us there was a problem thats all. we rang our broker and she explained the situation to us. they told the bank that this was redicilus.
well the new date is next monday. fingers crossed.
hope we get keys for wednesday when we are coming over for 2 weeks.
it would be great to meet some of our new neighbours.
we are in jardine 8 apartment 920.
best wishes to everybody who goes through all that.
natasha and john

Apartment 4 Rent @

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27 Aug 2008 10:02 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar
Bloody annoying (must be said in a Harry Enfield accent).

Jan/Tasha - Good luck with next week, you will get there eventually , if you want you can furnish mine and stay there whilst you wait 



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27 Aug 2008 10:08 PM by tashajohn Star rating in Co.Kerry Ireland and.... 93 forum posts Send private message

how many sangrias do we get for furnishing your apartment

Apartment 4 Rent @

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27 Aug 2008 10:13 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar
If you leave the furniture there, then I'll pay for your Sangrias every time I'm there in 2009

This message was last edited by shampers on 8/27/2008.



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