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Hi guys,
We are thinking about using our Spanish credit card to make the final 2 payments on our furniture package. Probably being a little over cautious but with the climate the way it is if the furnitute company goes to the wall at least we would not lose all our money - at least that is the theory.
Does anyone know if there is a Spanish equivelant to the CCA section 75 under spanish law?
Thanks Angela
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Jackie,
It's a good idea. It's a weird one for us cos the money will be in euros as we have arranged a forward contract. If we pay on the UK credit card and change back to sterling it may work out in our favour with the current exchange rates. Dont know if anyone would have a view on this?
Like so many things around completion we need to decide which way we are going to jump!
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Angela
I would of thought what you would have to do is work out what the exchange rate was when you transfered your money to euros and when you come to pay the installments check out the exchange rate, if its better and you can pay sterling put it on your english credit card. ( check if your card charges you for this)
Hope that helps.
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Hi Angela,
I would suggest that if you have the Euro's you are best to pay directly in Euro's. If you use sterling and then transfer the Euro's back, you may be getting a better rate than you paid, but chances are that the rate you get on your purchase will be worse than that you get when you change the Euro's back to sterling, so you will lose out.
eg: You have (say) 1000 Euros - it really doesn't matter what the rate was when you bought them, as you have them now.
You spend 1000 Euros on your credit card at 1.25, which costs you £800
You convert the 1000 Euro's back to GBP at 1.28 - £780 - it has cost you net £20
Obviously the amount depends on the various rates, but basically to make it worthwhile you need a better rate for buying GBP with the Euros you have, than the rate you are getting for buying Euro's on your credit card - that is unlikely.
Obviously the financial side needs to be balanced against the convenience of using the respective cards, and any charges.
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Thanks Ted - see what you are saying. We're not credit card people and the intention was always to pay by cash / debit card. Just a bit jittery about parting with a substantial amount of money with no cover after the Parador Owners Club thing and a credit card seems to offer a bit more security.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Agreed, think it may be worth asking Maria - re earlier post - if credit card laws apply to Spanish credit cards - if yes then use that, if not then you will need to weigh up protection against cost.
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I've dropped Maria a PM to confirm the position. Will post the reply when it comes.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Angela
Firstly I am not aware that Spain has anything similar to section 75 of the consumer credit act?
Reading the blog from the Lawyer Maria, she is definitely talking about English Law as she makes reference to the British pound and the House of Lords.
In this climate I would only make forward payment in a way that is protected by British credit card law preferably one like Nationwide, as you don’t pay commission on conversions and exchange rate very good. Or I would see if the payments could be held by a Lawyer or see if the shop can provide a bank guarantee?
Ted’s comments on conversion back from Euro to Sterling I thing he has accidentally got it the wrong way round.
Say you had exchanged 1000 pounds Sterling last September the rate was about 1.45,
Being 1000 GBP would have given you 1450 Euros
Changing that same money back at today’s rate being about 1.25 you would get about £1165 pounds making a profit of £165 pound sterling.
The true calculation at today’s rate at the moment is:
1450 euros @ 0.8040 = £1164.80
So even if you paid a fee to covert back you would do OK, before making any decision ask whomever you would use about fees and exchange rates.
Hope this helps but I probably have just added to your confusion.
I am sure Shampers could explain this far better than me.
This message was last edited by PGM on 8/28/2008.
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Get yourself a credit card that gives 12months zero interest on purchases.
Open a high interest account (whereever) and every month put your money needed to pay the credit card bill into it.
After 9 or 12 months when the interest free period is about to end, empty the high interest account and clear the credit card.
You've just made a return of (high interest rate x 69%/59% / %of year invested) which easily covers any commission charges and gives you the s75 protection.......... buy all your furniture and white goods this way is my view.
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Hi Phil,
The point I was making was that if you already had the Euros the rate you got them for is really irrelevent - You have already made your "profit" on the Euros ie. The difference between the rate you bought them and the current rate. If you then pay with your credit card and transfer the Euros back then the cost in doing so is the difference between what you get on your credit card and what you reconvert the Euros at.
So in your example - bought £1000 of Euros at 1.45 gets you €1450 euros. If today the standard rate is 1.25 then you have benefitted to the tune of £165 whatever you do.
If you are now spending €1450 Euros and you use your card and get 1.24 you pay £1170. If you reconvert your Euro cash to GBP @1.28 (no idea what the actual spread would be but 3-4% seems reasonable) you get £1130.
So yes you made £165 from your original purchase of Euros - but then lost £40 by using the UK credit card and reconverting your currency.
That probably doesn't clarify much - I also work in finance. My only comment was if you do get the protection and already have the Euros, little point in converting them back and letting the banks win on both sides. If there is no protection then as Shampers says, if you can get an interest free offer on a new UK credit card and invest the cash you can cover the costs.
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HI Ted
I don’t work in finance, so my view is personal not professional. however the point of the question on the thread was protecting forward payments and the possibility of the company going bust with the money. Along with other suggestions I made I was just suggesting by using a UK Credit Card the money should be protected and they shouldn’t be out of pocked by doing this and that would be better than losing the money if the worst happened. As they say, you pays your money!
This message was last edited by PGM on 8/29/2008.
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Phil, I understood that point, and also made a similar one - questioning if Spain had similar laws, but you also said
"Ted’s comments on conversion back from Euro to Sterling I thing he has accidentally got it the wrong way round."
- I was just explaining that I didn't.
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Really appreciate the advice. I have dropped Maria a PM to ask if Spanish law mirrors the UK as it would be far less hassle to cover ourselves using the spanish credit card we have. She has advised that she does not know but will look into it and get back to me.
Once I have an answer I will post it here.
Once again thanks for your views and sharing your expertise.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Ted
I will say SORRY
I like you, was just giving an opinion to the question that was asked, I didn’t understand your original post and assumed you to be saying that by changing the euros back to sterling this would lose them money, and was suggesting it wouldn’t and by doing this they would protect their money.
I am sorry if in doing this I have upset you by wrongly suggesting you may have made a miscalculation, but unfortunately I didn’t understand you post and your subsequent explanations of it, and for this I am also sorry. The main issue is giving the person that has asked the question our honest opinion which I thing we both have done, and they are helped by it. Our getting upset with each other due to misunderstanding one and other is pointless so I will just say again I am sorry for misunderstanding you. I will now take myself back to the naughty step and see if Shampers is still there.
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