Help! transfer from alicante airport to los montesinos.

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04 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Now if like us you do any of you’re shopping at Tesco and have a Clubcard you will no doubt from time to time receive the Clubcard Vouchers.

You will also probably be aware that if you exchange the Vouchers for Clubcard Deals on the Internet instead of spending them at face value in store you receive 4 X the value, so a £2.50 vouched becomes a £10 Deal Voucher.

We have been spending our vouchers this way for a very long time, usually exchanging them for restaurant vouchers but their are lots of options.

This brings me to the point, one of the options available is to exchange them for Eurotunnel Travel so if you are intending to drive to your apartment and intend to use Eurotunnel then save 75% by using your Tesco vouchers.

I looked at the Eurotunnel web site worked out how much it would cost for me and my car to travel on the dates I was intending to go and return, which in my case was £110, I then booked this amount of Eurotunnel vouchers on the Tesco Web Site costing me £27.50 in Tesco Vouchers, them when the vouchers arrive two days later I phoned the special booking line, asked to book the return trip, they made the booking, then gave me the booking reference and asked me to send them the vouchers by Special delivery costing me an additional £4.60.

So all in all return trip on Eurotunnel booked at a total cost of £32.10

Considering we shop at Tescos anyway so the original vouchers don’t cost us anything, the only actual cost for me is the £4.60 Special Delivery charge.

Anyway just thought I would just raise awareness of this option and I think you can do similar for the ferries.



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04 Sep 2008 4:16 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

ajw´s avatar
Thanks for that  very useful info.  I think it is great when folks share good tips like this on our forum chats.  Heaven knows we all need to watch the cash - especially after our dear Chancellors 'helpful' remarks the other day  - weakening an already dodgy sterling!!!


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04 Sep 2008 4:32 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil, 

Great idea if you live in the south, but by the time we fill our car up several times to even get there to catch the train we have already lost out. We're lucky Phil, we just wait until our schools in Scotland are on holiday then book a flight from one of the northern English airports and we usually get a good deal. Another draw back we have is no Tesco where I live only Sainburys, Morrisons, Sommerfield, and  Adsa we even have Llidl and Aldi.  Not even going to get Tesco is Spain as I believe Carrefour is part of Walmart.  Correct me if I'm wrong.



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04 Sep 2008 4:37 PM by underhand Star rating in Worcester and Jardin.... 225 forum posts Send private message

We have been using vouchers for weekends away etc for a long time, we have also got a tesco credit card which we use for buying everything then pay off at the end of the month which gives us loads of vouchers. We are now saving ours for air miles to fly out as often as we can. It is surprising how many people don't know about the four times the face value.

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04 Sep 2008 4:48 PM by jake1 Star rating. 61 forum posts Send private message

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on the topic of cash-back and vouchers, while there in august we shopped in eroski and spent 160e. after paying the girl at the till she told us to go to the information desk and show our till receipt which we did and were pleasantly surprised when we got 15e discount vouchers for our next shop.better than a kick from a donkey.

jake and mary

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04 Sep 2008 5:09 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Great tips Phil and Jake - Phil, are you driving out there in September? How long do you think it will take you?

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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04 Sep 2008 5:19 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Just remembered - when I was spend, spend, spending in Ikea - the checkout girl asked me if I had a 'Family' card.  Had no idea what it was at the time but, apparently, if you get one then you will get free food vouchers and 25% discount on certain items.  Worth it given the volume of cash we are likely to spend in Ikea I think.


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04 Sep 2008 5:24 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi AJW - Yes you're right about that, but we got a family card from IKEA in Coventry when we went there last thinking we could use it in Murcia, but reading the small print I think it says you can't use one from this country in Spain - Can anyone confirm that?

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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04 Sep 2008 5:31 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi June

No driving out next March, I am doing the drive on my own and Ann is flying out about 4 days after me, staying two weeks and then she will fly home and I will drive back. I am going to take our people carrier full of things we have decided to buy at home for the apartment, but Ann is flying so she isn’t wasting holidays from work just to spend it travelling, as I am retired this isn’t a problem. I have just been looking at route planning map and recon that one-day travel in UK then 2 to 2 ½ days across France & Spain? If anyone has any tips on this please let me know and recommendations for hotels along the way? Hoping Carol (Angelbabe) will be able to give some advice on this as she has just done the drive I think?


As far as the IKEA card, I think I recall someone on the forum saying they had used their uk card in IKEA Murcia not so long back?



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04 Sep 2008 6:10 PM by gommins Star rating in Birmingham. 29 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

We were allowed to use our family card (ikea) from the UK in Murcia.  They allowed the discounts but told us we need to apply for a seperate family card in spain for future transactions.

Hope this helps......

Chris & Ja Jardine 13

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04 Sep 2008 6:55 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Chris and Ja - It may be better for us to get one there, cos we'll probably end up using the one in Murcia more than the one here -------Going back to the Tesco vouchers, it will be great knowing we can use them to help out with visits to our apartment - I tend to just use them to buy things I wouldn't normally buy in a weekly shop, always forget about the deals

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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04 Sep 2008 7:58 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Have used Tesco vouchers for holidays over the last 5 years.

So far have had the following hols:

1 week in Austria
2 weeks in Thailand
1 week in Lanzarote

These were all for two people and the majority of points were gained by use of my Tesco Mastercard. Buying a car on the card incurred charges but worth it with the points!

Now we are going to live in Spain we have £800 worth of points and  don't really need a holiday! But  I think we may book an Italian villa next summer and drive over.

I don't spend for the sake of it but use the card at all times and pay it off monthly rather than use cash.

Lots of great memories thanks to Tesco!

Barry & Sue



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04 Sep 2008 10:26 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Barry & Sue

And I thought I was good at finding a good deal.



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04 Sep 2008 10:44 PM by kazzy Star rating in Manchester & jardin.... 196 forum posts Send private message

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thanks for that info, I'll be in Tesco in the morning!!!

Hubby just changed our normal Visa to combined airmiles american express card..waste of time.. nowhere take it. so will try Tesco.

Have just been discussing with friends driving down next summer to spain.  Was told cost of ferry around £300!!! SOSo reduced cost of tunnel is excellant news.

ps see you onboard in 15 days.... not that I'm counting


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04 Sep 2008 10:47 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi Karen

Looking forward to it


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