The Comments |
Can anyone advise me on a good builder/handyman that they have direct experience of in Reserva. I require a 25 sq.meter garden to be tiled/paved and one or two other small tasks.
I will be back in Reserva next week and really looking forward to a holiday. We have been very pleased with the progress made over the last two years in the development and are very pleased with our choice of apartment and location.
I know that you all have been progressing many issues around the area so I will add one more that bothers me. When we arrive in the carpark in La Reserva the fire doors are usually jammed open with the fire extinguishers!!!!!! This is a regular occurance and of course presents a serious risk to all residents. I have asked the Administration to put up signs!! Your help in this matter would be appreciated.
Thank you.
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Hi Canavant
The problem with the extinguishers is a continuing one, I'm afraid putting up notices wont help the same as notices for dog shit. The people who do it are self centerd lazy Bs with no thought for others. The Fire doors are sprung so that they could retain a fire if there was one in the garage area, which would by its very nature be intense. With the doors propped open the fire would soon climb the stairs resulting in a catastrophe. I always put an extinguisher back on its hook ,if ever i find one off.
If you email me at I will give you my phone number and we can speak when you get here, regarding your building work, there are here as in UK some Cowboys about..
Come and have a great holiday, we think La Reserva is Great
This message was last edited by Jakemanzana on 9/10/2008.
This message was last edited by Jakemanzana on 9/10/2008.This message was last edited by Jakemanzana on 9/10/2008.
_______________________ Jakemanzana
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Hi Canavant,
We use an excellent English chap at our development Marbella Hill View near Elviria. He's a great all rounder and we've found him to be very reliable, hard working and honest, something that can be difficult to find on the CDS at times. He lives in the Pueblo at Carib Playa in Las Chapas, so he's located very close to Reserva!
If you send me a personal message I'll let you have his contact details.This message was last edited by miket on 9/11/2008.
Mike T
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I am also having my garden fully paved. . I have got a quote of 2,900.00 approx. Did anyone else get this job done and have they any info. Is there anything else one could use between gardens,as a border/seperation that looks well and Maybe it would stop the dog from barking at me.
One thing, it will tidy up my garden area and make the place look good no matter what the cost. I suppose we should all tidy up the gardens and the place will start too really look good.
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Hi Canavant,
I understand you may not be able to send me a personal message as you haven't posted 10 messages yet.
You can email me at for the handymans contact details!!
Mike T
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It is great to read posts from owners who really appreciate what they have out there.
However, it is totally astounding that some owners seem perfectly willing to pay for personal home/garden improvements when, according to the debtors list on the AGM agendas this year, the very same owners appear to owe thousands of €´s in unpaid community fees. It may be wise to reprioritse planned financial expenditure to obey the laws of the community first, to avoid expensive and time-consuming litigation work, before spending equivalent amounts for personal enjoyment and gain.
For information, there is an agreed model for garden divisions which is acceptable according to the community rules. For further information regarding this, please contact the Administrator on (+34) 952602585 or by e-mail and they will happily advise.
For sure, they will also be delighted to assist in accepting payment of any personal community fee debts that appear to remain outstanding too.
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Thank you all for your help and I will follow up contacts.
As I started this thread and have been away for last wo days I was a little concerned with last two messages, which I hope does no not refer to myself. I have no debt with the Administration.
Thank you all for your help.
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I think everyone should consider that there may be many reasons for the non payment of community fees to date. Im sure a lot of people owe money and have not paid for reasons as i mentioned. Some may be unhappy with there purchase as they bought in good faith and then realise they have no licence. More thought they would have a pool view in front of their apartment where they could keep an eye on their children from their gardens, more feel they did not get value for money.
Im sure they will all pay their fees and it is up to the admin to see to this that they do. Im sure everything will sort itself out and problems will be solved and community fees will be paid as they do not go away. Talk to owners who have not paid their fees they are very genuine people who feel very unhappy about their purchase and the ways their dream apartment turned out.
Do not judge and you shall not be ...................They are not short of cash but they have strong opinions and indeed they may well be right.
Lets be patient with one another it has been a rough ride and remember there is still no habitation licence for La Reserva yet. I have heard it will happen the last 2 years but still nothing. I am confident it will come and when it does I would think that will be the end to arrears of community fees. How people choose to spend their money or not is their business.
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Thank you for your romantic and thoughtful attempts to justify community fee debtors.
Your insinuations that owners ought to be entitled to knowingly withold community fees because they are supposedly bitter about the view from a property purchase that they alone chose to make is likely to be deemed a very weak defence against the legal prosecution in the Spanish courts.
Meanwhile, it is the entire community, including those honest owners that pay in full according to the contracts that we all signed at the Notary on completion, that are made to suffer as a result of the selfish actions of others.
Contrary to your cowardly claim; this is a perfectly good reason to question how those people choose to spend that community fee money instead.
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please note that I have now paid all my community fees just recently. But what are we paying for. I will tell you in a minute. We tend to go to spain and spend money on poor value for Monday, I know I spend half a million in La reserva. But now what do we get for admin fees, have you seen all the sand lying in the bottom of the pool and the jacuzzi. I have seen the pool in a terrible state, I would not attempt to get into it. There is much more, dogs poo, abandoned cars, lawn grass etc etc.
Now I live in another community and I paid my fees up front because everything is ship shape when I go up to La reserva I grin and bear it. Also in property I have in Teneriffe, the work that done is simply awsome, its simply great and its done every day. I pay 200 euro per quarter.
You need to make comparisons sometimes to know whats what. I would not be suprised if someone won their case against the admin. There is something called Natural Justice even in Spain.
Dont worry about my builder he does a good job and he gets paid. Dont be angry that I am doing something really nice with my apartment........I like nice things........and I am terrible for overspending. dont worry be happy everyone, its going to be a nice day today.
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I don't agree with Erin Mayo's coments I'm afraid. There may be many reasons why people don't pay their community fees but there is no excuse. Personally as somebody who pays fees I am fed up making the place look good for those spongers who don't.
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again erin i believe you are wrong. A community will only work if everyone pays their way and on time. Withholding money simply damages the community and the very thing that they all complain about.
We all took a gamble buying off plan, a judgement made in the light of a rapidly increasing market and a pretty model in the office!!!.
There are very many genuine complaints but they can only be addressed by our collective power. We are all in a better position than thousands of others up and down the coast in other developments.
La reserva is not perfect, i know the" family "control everything, but address your complaints to the administrators ,we have had most our concerns sorted out by them so far.
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Re Erin Mayo's comments about not getting what you were promised so hey don't pay community fees!!
Thanks for that Erin Mayo, we will now stop paying the community fees which we have paid since 2005, because we were told we would be overlooking the pool directly in front of us not block 7 we were told we would overlook the roof tops and we were never told we would have the garage door to our block directly under our bedroom + we ended up with a car space which is only suitable for a scooter or bike. And let's not forget the lack of habitation licence!! BUT call us fools we are still paying and why? Simply if all of us did not, then the things everyone one of us complain about would be a lot worse and sorry to be naive here but after all the crap we havee gone through we are still hoping that this will turn into an investment not a like a block on a sink estate back here.
If all of the people would cough up then there would be more maintenance of pools, gardens etc it does not take an Eistein to work that out!!
What about this? ok don't pay your community fees but don't use the pools or gardens + if you are renting out then it is starting to dawn on the rest of us that we need to approach the administrators to have measures put in place i.e. water & electric cut off. from those apartments. Why should the rest of us pay for those that do not and then have the added insult of seeing renters in apartments where the fees are not paid.
We are all feeling the credit crunch and exchange rates but there is no exuse, if you have no interest in La Reserva and are not paying fees then why don't you just sell up.
If you are renting out on a long term contract and not paying community fees thanks for inflicting dubious types on the rest of us,who seem to enjoy sticking two fingers up to the community rules of security doors and gates been deliberatedly left open or vandalised and rubbish, old furniture etc left in garages because they are too lazy and ignorant to go to the proper bins.
It may come as a surprise,but there are decent Spanish and English residents who call La Reserva their home all year round and do not need this hassle. (wake up and smell the coffee)
_______________________ Holly
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Ok so that got a reaction. One good point I got out of this and I dont rent is that in My apartment in Mallorca the administration has control of the water. Dont ask me how this was done I think the builder provided the water at a very low fee tied into the community fees. If you dont pay your community fees the administraion will cut off the water.
I pay 750 per annum and the place looks super I mean super and you can see the gardeners and pool workers early every morning and the hugh common area that is tiles is moped up every night by 5 workers from 9pm to midnight. Fresh hammocks are by the pool every fee.
You see what I cant understand is that i have read time and time again complaints about the poor notification of the agm and when it is held it is like the stock exchange, everyone talking together and with one another in different languages. Thats just what some people would like and you will not make much progress that ways.
I have read complaint re the Security, abandoned cars, barking dogs, dog poo, really dirty pools, poor grass, dying plants, no irrigation etc etc etc. Ok the admin have got an easy ride on all this. Someone suggested that we all complain to the Admin. One thing I HAVE CERTAINLY LEARNT IN SPAIN THAT WHEN IT COMES TO COMPLAINING IN SPAIN YOU MIGHT AS WELL WRITE IT ON A PEICE OF PAPER AND STICK IT UP YOUR...NOSE. HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS AND YOU WILL GET A RESPONSE AND THATS THEIR POCKET. maybe then everyone will pay their fees and of they dont it is still up to the admin to follow them through the courts and make them pay all legal fees.
Really for a 2 bedroom apartment, are the community fees too high.
I as in my earlier post would like to hear from some of the non paying owners and they are so many. I was just trying to understand why they have not paid when I rattled someones cage.
Do you all really think that if everyone paid their fees that the place would be better??? I know everyone should pay. Complain all you like i think it will get us nowhere and I speak from experience, long experience. Maybe someone will agree with me this time. When goonan finishes his garden i hope he invites us all around. I wish everyone did something with their garden at least he is making the place look good.
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erin mayo
With respect to your posts
Do you feel that the excellent services offered by the other development you own would be the same if they had light weights who didnt pay management fees.
There are is no free lunch and what would happen to YOUR invesment here on La Reserva if everyone took the same stance.
To then sit on the fence saying how bad things are when its clear that the lack of funds,(being the amounts you refuse to pay)is the main reason is bound to rub some up the wrong way.
So your answer to problems is to refuse to pay for the very things that you say should be put it.?
No point complaning to the Spanish,( agree this is a waste of time)this is about forming communties and jointly making decisions within budgets to the future benefits of all involved.
erin mayo ? I may not like what is happening in the town I live in the U.K . I may not agree with the way the council/government waste my money but one thing is for sure I pay my way so that hopefully things will turn for the better . What would happen to law,education,refuge,water,sanitation.the value of my property if we all were to adopt this I wont pay because attitude.
If you dont like Reserva then sell as no one should be picking up your tab while you drink them dry,
And that includes sh-ts like the f---k you all im alright Jack attitude who is spending money on his garden without paying his dues.. Oh and not forgetting the a--holes who rent out there properties to anyone with this out of sight out of mind attitude'.
Hope this aint arf full and talk about drink . Dont forget our date at the new bar
Just Dan
ANYWAY DOES ANYONE KNOW A FRIGGIN GOOD HANDYMAN FOR GEWDS SAKES This message was last edited by Just Dan on 9/14/2008.
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hj dan  its a bit like  . a rant clears the mind and i agree with everthing you say. Justin was carring out a survey on community fees, it will be interesting to see the result. there are to many tall stories  about utopian communites. WHAT COUNTS IS OUR COMMUNITY. we all need to keep the pressure on the adminstrators to improve our community.
best wishes everyone ( its not raining gloucester actually saw the sun today!!!!!)
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Erin says that Goonan is "Making the place look good" I fail to see how paving a "Garden" makes it look good. If you look in the dictionary a garden is where things grow.
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