Phase 2 Apartments AGM 2009

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23 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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I realise this is a little premature but whilst I was over in Roda I talked with the President of Phase 2 apartments about the next AGM bearing in mind that Spanish regulations allow for a notice period of only 15 days, it is not practical for many British and Irish owners wishing to attend.

The administrator has confirmed that it would be expensive to mail everybody twice as the notice will be sent with the accounts agenda, proxy forms and minutes etc which will not be ready till February at least. Please remember that all documentation will be sent to the address you originally gave Roda as they should pass that on to the administrator, if unsure whether you are listed please contact .

We thought it would be a good idea to try and notify as many people as possible that the two proposed dates for an AGM are Friday 13th and Friday 20th March 2009, a little later this time. But if people wish to attend or at least pass on a proxy this will give them plenty of time to arrange visits/ holidays and take advantage of cheaper flights around the AGM.

It should be noted that for any major items to be voted on they should be included in the agenda so a note to the administrator to that effect would be a good idea.

It would be good to get feedback from as many phase 2 owners if they have a preference for either of these dates but whatever happens be sure that either the President or someone you know carries your proxy if unable to attend in person.


Bl 50

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23 Sep 2008 6:35 PM by vercol Star rating in Bedfordshire. 115 forum posts Send private message

Hi Chris,
One vote from our side for the 13th March 2009 as we in Roda then - leaving on 17th.


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23 Sep 2008 7:07 PM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

We would vote for 20 March purely because we have our first booking for 2009 which is only 3 days but is 12 - 15 March.

Yvette and Dave

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02 Dec 2008 5:16 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message


Is there any news yet on a firm date for this AGM?


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02 Dec 2008 5:22 PM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

I believe it's going to be Friday 27 March.  I am going to Roda tomorrow so will check.

Yvette and Dave

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03 Dec 2008 4:27 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

04 Dec 2008 4:22 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Just received notification from the Administrator who has agreed with the President and Vice Presidents that the Pase 2 Apartments next AGM will indeed be Friday 27th March 2009 at 10.00am.


Officila notification will presumably not be sent for some time in compliance with Spanish Law but it is very useful to have the date in advance so that travel arrangements can be made in good time.


Hopefully there will be a good turn out.


Chris P

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05 Dec 2008 5:23 AM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Chris,

This is a bit spooky as we received an email yesterday saying that the phase I AGM is on the same date. Thought it was a strange as they sent a bulk email (bit naf) with a mix of Phase 1 & 2 owners. Will be writing to Marisol today to ask if they have lost the plot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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05 Dec 2008 8:58 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Intersesting  considering AGMs take so long but maybe Phase 1 is planned for later in the day.

I did forward you an email from Marisol about Phase 2 meeting sorry meant to send it only to Phase 2 owners, is it that to which you refer.



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05 Dec 2008 12:13 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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HI Mike


I didn't get the email  and we are on Phase 1.





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05 Dec 2008 2:09 PM by Jenny Kenrick Star rating in Bury St Edmunds, Suf.... 31 forum posts Send private message


I haven't had an email either and we're on Phase 1.

We had been led to believe that the Phase 1 AGM may take place on Sat 28th March 2009 ...which we are hoping will happen then, because we are out there 21-29 March inclusive and really would like to attend the next AGM for Phase 1.

I will also try and get round to emailing the relevant parties this weekend to seek clarification.



Jenny & Geoff

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05 Dec 2008 2:19 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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I actually did email Marisol this morning and she confirmed that there has not been any notification by email or otherwise to owners  (but she did send an email  to one owner to confirm the right date). She also said that the official notification  will be issued once the accounts have been prepared to year end.  She did confirm the date of 28th March 2009 for the Phase 1 AGM (and presumably Phase II as well).


Hope this helps.







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06 Dec 2008 5:53 AM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Chris,

Turns out it was an email you sent me by mistake, telling of the phase II AGM, and I assumed it was for Phase I and from Marisol OOPS!!!!



For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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07 Dec 2008 1:06 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone,

My question seems to have caused quite a lot of confusion out there - glad it's all sorted!


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23 Jan 2009 10:23 PM by lanric Star rating. 49 forum posts Send private message

Is the phase 2 AGM going to take place on the 27th. I am about to book a flight. Any one fancy a game of golf on the 26th.  I can get the ball around Ok and happy to play with anyone from scratch to hacker as long as you like a laugh and some banter. 






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23 Jan 2009 10:33 PM by amazon.1 Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Anyone got any idea when the AGM for Phase 3a is likely to be?

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