The Comments |
hi everyone,
We've been home a few days now and 1st chance to get on computer!! The Kids are now all home from working away 5months!!!
What a busy time we had shopping up to 8hours one day!! Even I got fed up in the end, and I never, ever, want to see IKEA AGAIN.... EVER!!!
We spent a lot of time cleaning, shopping, more cleaning, and when it was time for a rest it rained, and rained and rained. But I still love it and can't wait to go back. I think we were the only people on jardin 8 beside the workmen. There is a lot of work going on and you can see the changes each day.
Just want to say what a lovely lot our new neighbours are that we met in the bar at Condado, Carol, Ashley & Thomas, Lyndsey & Martin, Phil & ann, Ted, Debs & Jim, Arlene, Sorry if I missed anyone out, but they serve big measures in the bar!
Hope to see you all again soon
_______________________ karen
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hi Kazzy
I hope you took lots of piccies to post on here!? I can't get out to our apt ( jardin 1) for months for medical reasons and I'm relying on you lot to make me feel like it's happening!
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We are flying out on Saturday and will be staying in our apartment for the first time. I can't wait, our beds, sofa and white goods/kitchen stuff is going in today and tomorrow. I also intend to drag my hubby and 2 bored kids to Ikea for extra bits.
Did you use the supermarket while you were out there? Can you let me know what time it closes at night? We could do with picking up a few bits but we will probably not get there before 8.30/9.00 pm so if it's closed I will get hubby to stop off on the way (if we can squeeze anything else in the car).
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Hi Jackie - Do you know what sort of time they open in the mornings, and are the opening times different from season to season? ---Sorry it looks like we'll miss you again in November, we get there on the 17th, what dates are you out in December?
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Karen
Glad to hear alls well with you! My next trip will be exactly the same shop clean, clean shop, shop shop clean clean watering hole in between! Can't wait! Did you have time to take any photo's ? If so can't wait to see them!! Promise won't mention ( Ikea)
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Ooops - Sorry Kazzy, I meant to say welcome back and good to hear you got everything sorted, I know what you mean by Ikea, when we were there last time we went, then when we came back we went to the one here, just to confirm what we had already decided, in between we keep looking at the catalogues and going online, just in case we missed anything, but for you it must be so good now it's all done? Can't wait to do ours
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Thanks Jackie (smivs) you're so kind to offer. I might takeyou up on that - can i PM you if necessary? Hopefully this time next year I can look back on this and sit in the sunshine with no worries. Looking forward to meeting you all.
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Hi Tan
No probs just send me a PM anytime.
Hi Cuz
I think the supermarket opening times are now in the winter period which is 9 am to 8.30 pm as from 1st Oct. I am next out from 15th to 23rd December after my November visit I don't know if you will be around then?
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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We are flying out on 29th to use our apartment for the first time. Somehow today I have managed to get myself dragged around IKEA and Dunelm Mill and am still trying to work out how i spent 200 quid on a few sheets and towels. Still managed to shoot an 86 round my local course in between so not all bad!
Looking forward to seeing anyone who is around on jardin 2 or elsewhere 29th -5th.
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£1700 that's nowt!!! I did that in the first 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry Mark)
Looks like you will be there all the time but we still manage to miss you, we go 26th Nov next and can't wait. It was really hard work but worth it, hopefully next time will be a rest?? Apart from scraping a bit more grouting off the floor
_______________________ karen
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shush girls please..... some of us are still at the window shopping stage, we don't want them having hissy fits before we start playing with real money ;)
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Smivs  ,
Would I be correct in assuming that you have bought another apartment? and if so congratulations  .
Got this idea from the change in your description at the side.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Sivs, Kazzy,
Looks like you might be around when Jackie & I come over from Nov 23 - 27. Hope to see yourselves and others who may be around. Got a busy week lined up with air con, appliances, bedding, wiring up of lights, fitting blinds etc on the agenda. Jackie leaves the talking to me on this forum but in real life she is the one who will chat a glass eye to sleep ! She is looking forward to having a natter to you all so being the kind & considerate person I am, I will bing a supply of ear plugs with me for free issue !
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Hi All,
Just back from a wonderful 5 days of glorious sunshine my 3rd visit since signing in July
and i did'nt expect my apt until Dec so making good use of it. Everytime i visit there is more progress
golf course taking shape. On my arrival last Thurs was met with a flooded lounge from the previous
week's storm only found out about the device on the door that stops water from leaking under.
Met some of my neighbours really nice people hi to Carol, Ashley,Thomas and Carols parents
who are lovely people. Hi to Jer and Val lovely seeing you again hope you had a safe trip home.
Back again 0n the 5th Nov will post if there is any more progress on site.
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Hi everyone 
Just thought I'd introduce myself, being new and all We just completed last week!! sorry to blow your figures out of the water (hubbys close eyes n ears!!) we spent €6500 in one day!! but have to say that we got all our indoor furniture, white goods and "homeware pack" so just (I say that lightly!!) have to get lighting, outside furniture and bed linen.
We are going out on the 27th to stay for the first time yippee, cant wait!!!
Derek whats the thing on the door to stop the flooding?
Sounds like the bars the place to meet ppl 
I took some pics so must figure out how to post them lol
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Hi Tam
Congratulations on completing last week!!
Blimey that must be a record 65 euro's in one day! Oh what the 'eck what's the point of earning money if you can't spend it! Have fun!
Where about did you complete on? I'm oint out on the 27th too hope to see you at the 'watering hole'
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