The Comments |
Hi all,
We've bought a pack with Je Ne Sais Quoi and are looking forward to them sorting out our apartment next March. Just wondered if anyone else who has bought with them has had them deliver & install yet?
We've seen a few people quote them but can't remember the names or we would have PM'd.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Gary & Angela
We too have reserved with them and are planning on Feb/March for delivery (hopefully to save up the rest of the cash!)
Would also be interested to hear from anyone who has recently used them
_______________________ Russ & Louise
Salud !
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hi guys,
any details you might have on Je Ne Sais Quoi furnishers would be very much appreciated!! just so we might add them to our possibilities list.
warm regards pete & ange
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Hi both,
Details are:
Je Ne Sais Quoi Interior Design S.L,
Avda. Rosa Mazon Valero No 4,
Poligono Industrial Casa Grande,
03180 Torrevieja, Alicante,
Tel: +34 965 705 948
We have been dealing with Pauline who has been great. Quality of the goods is really good too.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi all,
From our experience over the last week, I would certainly recommend that people shop about. We saw a furiture pack in Murcia Furnishing at approx 8000 euros (no beds,or kitchen equipment) included in that price, but by shopping around we got the same funiture for less than half the price. We certainly found that most the furniture shops big or small can certainly order in the furniture that you want and most will undercut each other where possible. The packs are certainly more convenient but that is what you are paying for and these shops play on this.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Just to bring the thread back - the purpose was to find others who had bought with JNSQ and if they had their package delivered.
It was not open a debate on the choices to buy furniture. We all know what they are, there are numerous threads covering this and it is up to the individual how they proceed. Some of us are happy to go with 'convenience' and to pay for it - don't need need anyone elses opinion because they choose other wise.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Phil,
Got our furniture from different places. The bedroom headboards and bedside cabinets were purchased from a little shop in Los Alcazaras just along from the notaries office, its a dump and not the kind of place I would be seen dead in back home but every saving counts. They were selling the same headboards/bedside cabinets for a fraction of the cost and we were getting free delivery aswell.
Our livingroom furniture was quoted at 8000euros with Murcia, DFS quoted 5133, Zbeds quoted approx 7000eurosbut we got furniture that was parctically identical from Muebles Yugar in Pt Mazarron for 2832 and the quality is as good if not better than Murcias furniture.
The prices quoted for Murcia, DFS and Z Beds have a sofa included Yugar price does not include sofa.
We are also in a Penhouse apartment and required more funiture than I think you will need in the Jardines, so you may be cheaper still.
I would certainly shop about only if you have the time, if not a furniture pack is your best option.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Take one bottle of gin, one ot tonic and a lemon. Slice lemon and take at regulat intervals with the other ingredients until these feeling disappear.
You seem to have forgotten the G&T 
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How dare you go off thread folks !!!!
raw nerves spring to mind - not really in the spirit of the forum.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Hi all,
This is my first post but I have been reading your threads for a while now. I must admit that it is easier to gather info when people stick to the thread. All your info is invaluable. thanks to all !!
This message was last edited by kelvyn on 10/21/2008.
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No raw nerves or sour lemons (guessing that is the jist of your post ptan?)
I thought this forum was to share information and make it easy to find. Others have made the comment before that it is easier if people stick to the subject of the thread and it seems to have been accepted. That was the only point I was making.
Not really interested in people who just want to take pot shots or score points. Still genuinely interested in anyone who would like to share their experience of JNSQ. Maybe better taken off line in this case.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi All
We have just come back home form Condado. We purchased our furniture pack with Pauline at JNSQ and was promised an execllant service she was very nice at the sales side but since then has not wanted to know.
Our furniture was surposed to have been installed on friday 17th before we went out. We received no white goods as they where out of stock, was given a temporary fridge after the second day of being there.
Half of the furniture we orderd is out of stock and we was given temporary items, no cutains we had to demand temporary ones fitted to the front windows before we left. We have temp lighting. Basically I went over to get the apartment ready for rental and now I have to wait not sure exactly how long.
The customer service is disgraceful, we payed big money to save time & stress instead we have had nothing but stress with this company.
Their excuse is they have changed suppliers and the logistics director says they have 300 customers in the same situation.
My advice is if you can do it yourself then do.
Hope this helps.
Trish & Arthur
Tish & Arthur
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Hi Trish,
Really sorry to hear of your misfortunes and problems. I thought the whole idea of furniture packs was to cut out all the stress and running around but I guess that hasn't happened. We have the opposite problem had asked for our stuff not to be delivered before December, but our beds and white goods have already arrrived, but at least we have them. We are going to have to move them all to clean. Hope you get your problems sorted out soon and I would suggest a good tongue lashing and even threats of bad press on the ex pats website.
Sorry Trish, didn't mention we bought from different shops.
Good luck
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Thats why no problems everyone we met who had bough from different shops had no problems.
main ones who have are JNSQ, Mucia furnitures & someone else who I can't remember, at least I don't feel alone as other people have had problems and some more than me.
Tish & Arthur
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hi trish & Arthur,
We nearly bought from Murcia furnishing, thank that man above we didn't. First I've heard of problems about furniture packs, so sorry it happened to you.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Trish andArthur
So sorry to hear of your bad experience. I suppose if it were not for sites like this we'd all be none the wiser. I had considered them myself but don't think I'll bother now. I really hope you get it all sorted and can look back on this as you sit in your lovely apartment.
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Hi Trish & Authur,
So sorry to hear about your bad experience. I know its no consolation but you are not alone.
We bought our furniture through Inside Right in the UK and have had a similarly bad experience. Sorry can't go into detail as it is possibly subject to court action.
One important point to bear in mind though, If you purchased using your credit card you have EXACTLY the same rights under the Consumer Credit act 1973 even if your purchase was outside the UK.
Under this Act the credit card company are "jointly and severaly" liable for your supplier failing on their contract with you.
If you want the letters to send then PM me.
_______________________ Phil
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