So the roumor now goes around the 17'th of November...
I have also heard the 27, and in addition we know that the council meeting is on ther last friday of the month - meaning the 28'th
well well, I write this just to lubricate us that things may change as always before
It just stikes me that IF it is so, that the council only meets once a month and this is not now solved in November, I doubt that anything will happen in Desember due to X-mas holliday, and then we are potentially looking at 30 januar before the next meeting... or do they have extra-ordinary meetings in between?
so I guess "this is it" , if no decisions are taken in November, then what?
So to ROUGHDIAMOND: could you post the shortcut to the "Town Hall Notice Board" if you have it
or otherwise tell us if something has been posted on the "Town Hall Notice Board"