DeVere Hotel

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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
13 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Today the site has a news item concerning the decision  made jointly between Calidon and DeVere to delay the decison to commence building of the hotel until the end of this attributing this to the economic situation.   What worries me is that they refer to the "decision to start building" and not to "start building".  Looks like this could drag on for ever and no mention of the sports facilities on site at Roda or the shopping village, spa, wellness centre etc. etc. 


I have to say I am not surprised about this, just why it took them so long to announce it!

Anyway, this is the link




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13 Jan 2009 5:00 PM by searay Star rating. 238 forum posts Send private message

hi sandrab ,

i think this confirms most people suspicions and not good news for the status of the resort bearing in mind other facalaties have not been built .

This message was last edited by searay on 1/13/2009.

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13 Jan 2009 8:12 PM by mazbaz Star rating in Cheshire/Phase 2 Til.... 69 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

We're Corverans, and no surprises at the DeVere Hotel notice.....however, this is the first time I've seen the Roda video on the Calidona home page, and have to say it looks really good.

There are clearly issues around the 'delay' in providing the promised Roda facilities - maybe there are moves you can make to address this (see Corvera threads) - however, will also say that friends (golfers) who stayed at Roda in 2008 were really impressed and said it was one of the most enjoyable courses they'd played, so there are positives in your investments so far.


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13 Jan 2009 8:55 PM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

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This isnt really surprising

I think the commercial units will still be built soon though

Any instituition would be crazy to build something like a hotel right now

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14 Jan 2009 6:51 AM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Well maybe when they told us four and a half years ago that Roda Golf was a 4/5 year project, and that was supposed to be, the hotel, spa, shops, tennis courts, phase V, ect ect ect, they should have mentioned that it was providing everything is peachy in the world of finance.  Lots of people are having their lives turned upside down because of rubbish dished out by Roda/Caladona.

Funny how they didn't mind us risking our money!!!!!

Cheers, Mike.

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14 Jan 2009 8:21 AM by 65 WL Star rating. 40 forum posts Send private message

Unfortunatley Mike

All holiday home purchases carry a risk

No one can predict or foresee an economic downturn


This message was last edited by 65 WL on 1/14/2009.

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14 Jan 2009 8:44 AM by searay Star rating. 238 forum posts Send private message

hi 65 wl

this is nothing to to with an ecanomic downturn , all roda units were sold at boom time premium prices !!

this is to do with delivering the product as promised at time of sale .... ie good ethical business practise   something that in my experiance so far eludes calidona .

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14 Jan 2009 9:34 AM by fair dues Star rating. 55 forum posts Send private message

Having bought in Roda off plan a long time ago at a price of 180Keuro which equated to about 135K sterling at the time I don't feel that I paid a premium price but that the price I paid on Phase 1 was good value as I would not have any of the promised facilities for several years. As the golf course and clubhouse (albeit temporary for the first year and a half) was going to be ready by the time I moved in I took my chances and a lot of purchasers got a similar good deal. The agent I dealt with made it very clear that it would be several years before Roda would have a shopping centre, hotel and tennis courts etc and with the exception of the hotel which has been delayed for another eleven months everything else will be in place when I expected it. Perhaps being in the business I was lucky that I dealt with a very up front agent who told it as it was rather than gilding the lily and misinforming me. 

I honestly believe that it would be foolhardy in the extreme to build a hotel in the current economic climate (given the situation with Polaris and their hotels) and feel that Calidona are protecting both themselves and us owners by not pressing ahead with this venture now. Whilst I agree that we could certainly be better informed there is no question that this is the right decision for all of us at the moment. No one could have predicted the level of the financial meltdown and caution is the order of the day now.

From my conversations with other owners and renters the hotel will not make a big difference to us on Roda nor any rental business as it will be 5 star and very expensive but tennis courts and a shopping centre with a choice of restaurants certainly will so perhaps as a gesture of good faith Calidona will press on with these as a priority. We will wait and see.


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14 Jan 2009 10:08 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

I sort of agree with all of you.  We paid slightly more for our Phase 1 (didn't get in on the bottom price mentioned by Fair Dues, but not far off it), but I am almost sure our agent (not too sure about the veracity of his sales pitch!!) and Calidona (when we picked our patch in the portacabin on the field) said the facilities such as tennis courts, shopping centre, restaurahnts would be in place together with a hotel - but hotel group unknown at that time.

I am honestly not worried too much about the hotel - its the facilities such as spa, wellness centre, sporting facilities, restaurants,  etc. that are needed to offer to clients (if you are renting) and for own use if you are not that should be in place.  Sure, we have the Beach Club - but not everyone wants to spend all day marooned at the end of La Manga.

So, disappointed that the resort is not yet finished but absolutely agree with other owners that economically it would be disaster to commence building the hotel at this time.  But I would really like some commitment re the other facilities.






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14 Jan 2009 11:46 AM by searay Star rating. 238 forum posts Send private message

fair dues ,

i agree with you this is not the right time to be building a hotel , however you purchased early on in the development and took the view you were getting in at basement level (and good luck to you ) .

however those of us that bought into a more mature development at significantly increased prices in my case 344000 euros for a duplex penthouse were told that the commercial center ,spa , tennis courts , hotel etc would be in place by the time our phase was built , we were also lead to believe that roda was a secure private gated comminity which would appear not to be the case ( does anyone have a definitive answer on this ?)

calidona charged premiun prices for the later phases and as such should deliver the premiun product afterall all we are asking for is what we were sold !!

i appreciate that you guys that bought on early phases may take a different view afterall calidona have your money and short of selling (difficult at the moment ) you just have to live with the situation, it would appear however that we may have other alternatives .    

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14 Jan 2009 12:22 PM by 65 WL Star rating. 40 forum posts Send private message

Hi Searay Just think about it,  ok Calidona have the money to build the hotel and Devere have the expertise to run it BUT and a big BUT why would anyone spend millions of pounds building a hotel fully knowing there is an economic downturn and would struggle bigtime to fill the rooms when holiday makers can rent out apts for next to nothing in the same resort, I dont know what the big thing is about a Hotel anyway its the Commercial center which is the main one and last heard they are going to have this ready by summer 09 so chill out people and enjoy


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14 Jan 2009 12:27 PM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

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I think you will find Roda will scrape through but Corvera doesn`t stand a chance of being the resort promised in the early stages

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14 Jan 2009 12:33 PM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

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What is the situation regarding the Hotels at polaris world sites

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14 Jan 2009 12:52 PM by JORED Star rating. 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone,

just my observation,

You cant take the "Credit Crunch" as an excuse not to build things( Hotel etc) , Thats the risk they took when they  were getting

the Resort together,, What about us owners ?????

They are contractually oblidged to build everything in the stipulated time overwise they are in breach,

They have the funds to do it,,, so they choosing not to is not an option !!!!!!!!!!

I am not a Lawyer just an owner who thinks its taken long enough

We cant blame Calidona for the Credit Crunch , we cant blame Calidona for the Exchange Rate

But we can blame them for the non delivery of the things we were sold at the time  ie. Lifestyle and all that comes with it

which includes the Hotel !!!!

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14 Jan 2009 1:01 PM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

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The last thing everyone would need is a boarded up building formerly known as the Hotel

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14 Jan 2009 3:22 PM by RD Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

Jorad says they are contractually obliged to provide these services? are there any lawyers  that know exactly where we all stand regarding this situation?  

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14 Jan 2009 7:35 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

It's my understanding that your contract refers only to your property, not any promised facilities, however I'm no lawyer.

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14 Jan 2009 7:49 PM by mazbaz Star rating in Cheshire/Phase 2 Til.... 69 forum posts Send private message

As a Corveran, my understanding is that the contractual agreement includes everything - don't know how that stacks up once you've completed, but suggest if it's something that bothers you, then it's worth seeking legal advice.


This message was last edited by mazbaz on 1/14/2009.

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14 Jan 2009 8:13 PM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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I’m really not that bothered myself whether there is a hotel or not. But do  I object to, no tenis courts, no spa, the lies, Roda Golf looking like a building site for another 3 years and the fact that we can’t charge a sensible amount that would reflect a 5 star resort. From my point of view the great thing about Roda (and that is why I put my money in Roda Golf) was the fact that our punters could hop on a plane, jump in a taxi and spend a week at Roda Golf and Beach Resort and everything that they would need is at hand!!!! What have we got; a Club House, a Golf Course and a Beach Club that is open a few months a year. JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I am amazed that some people seem to think that this is OK 

By the way good luck to anyone who came in early and bought at a good price, thats the name of the game...............right place right time

Cheers All


For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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14 Jan 2009 11:50 PM by htc Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, Like you I am not happy with this situation, without going into it too much, I would like to know who would be interested in seeking compensation from Roda about this. I am sure there are many other things that we all have issues on.

Please PM me since this is not an issue for general discussion.

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furneture for sale. - 5 posts
Boat storage - 1 posts
Phase 3B Community Meeting - 8 posts
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