Walk to the wind turbines

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06 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by Raz1 Star rating in London. 15 forum posts Send private message

Raz1´s avatar

Hi Pete,

I have just read your report on the 'walk to the wind turbines' and enjoyed the photos which gives one a really good idea of what to expect. Thanks for posting it. I have only been to DV once since I purchased the apartment last year and don't really know it all that well yet. I am going to DV in a couple of weeks with my mum and sister and I would love to take them on such a walk. I would be really grateful if you didn't mind answering a couple of questions:

Firstly, you begin your directions with "As you approach the DV entrance turn right and then straight on at the next small roundabout." - Do you mean the approach when leaving DV or entering? I think leaving but I thought I had better make sure!

Secondly, how long does the walk take if one walked fairly slowly - my mum is elderly but able to walk. Are the paths/roads slippery in any way (loose gravel, etc?) Or do you think it's perhaps unsuitable for her?

Of course, it had occurred to me that we could walk for as long as she was comfortable and then walk back!!

Also, are there any other walks you could suggest? We are staying for 5 days and we all enjoy getting out into the fresh air.

Thanks, looking forward to your reply.

Greetings from Raz

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08 Feb 2009 9:42 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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I can't say much about the time to walk but I've ran it several times myself.  My GPS watch indicated that it includes a few significant slopes up and down - I wouldn't take my mother on that route.  Better to walk to Manilva by taking a right at the second roundabout.

The track is sound.  A little dusty is dry weather.  It does get muddy by the water storage place after rain.  Some building work seems have messed up the track there.

As you said, easy to try and turn back if problematic.  You get instant views from very early in the route.

See map posted on the site Wiki. here








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09 Feb 2009 10:28 PM by Raz1 Star rating in London. 15 forum posts Send private message

Raz1´s avatar


Thanks for the advice and the map - I will take it and walk to Manilva the easier route. Hope it isn't raining next week!

Might show mum the other way, for a short time at least, if she's ok on the easier route.


Thanks again.


This message was last edited by Raz1 on 2/9/2009.

Greetings from Raz

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03 Apr 2009 1:44 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Hi Raz,

How did the walk go?  It's one of the good things about DV is that it's close to the country side and in a few minutes you are walking through vineyards.


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04 Apr 2009 8:59 AM by Raz1 Star rating in London. 15 forum posts Send private message

Raz1´s avatar

Hi Paul,

Only had a couple of days sunny days so mum and sis opted out and we went to Estepona instead.

But I am writing this just before I leave to catch the  plane for a return trip and am determined to try it myself this time.

Watch this space!!!

Greetings from Raz

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