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Duquesa Village forum threads
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27 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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I have been advised by AEA , and confirmed by RyF , that RyF have sold 129 apartments to an investment bank. That must be good news as it means that RyF have some cash to pay their outstanding fees!!  let's hope so







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27 Nov 2008 11:36 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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Interesting - wonder how much they went for.

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28 Nov 2008 4:29 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

That is good new, I calculated from the last meeting minutes that RyF still owned 317 apartment which meant that they had sold over 400 by Sept/Oct 2008 time so I now calculate that now they own 188 less any sold since the meeting.

Even they sold at cost they still make a profit on the site as a whole.




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29 Nov 2008 1:00 AM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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It certainly has to be good news.  It will be nice to see more shutters down and window boxes tended!

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14 Dec 2008 3:23 AM by GR Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message


Any news on the date of the next meeting and when we are likely to see a statement off accounts, showing RyF payment of the outstanding community fees?



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21 Dec 2008 4:57 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1281 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

may I ask if this is the development currently being promoted as bank owned having been bought from Taylor Woodrow Wimpey, the builder.

If it is, it is currently on offer at 50% with 100% mortgages.

It is good to see little or no criticism of the build on the forum.



N. Sands

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21 Dec 2008 9:12 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 forum posts Send private message


Taylor Woodrow were not involved in this develoment, the developer was a Spanish company called Ros y Falcon, who have developed a number of sites at Duquesa & also Alcadesa


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22 Dec 2008 6:59 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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The website for Duquesa Golden Mile (the developing company/Ros y Falcon) is, should you wish further information about their developments.

I think you'll see that most of the members on this particular development forum are generally very happy with their property.  We also know owners in Coto Real (another RyF development) who are very happy too.

The build quality is good - although, obviously, there are gripes in some areas!  Peeling paint, etc.  But generally decent.




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Content Insurance - 12 posts
DV in November - 2 posts
Does anybody recognise this invoice? - 3 posts
Property Tax - 4 posts
1st stay in Duquesa - 0 posts
Latest Contact Details for AEA - 7 posts
Check your bank accounts - 1 posts
Lifts - 1 posts
Building insurance - 3 posts
new pictures upper road - 7 posts
Tennis - 9 posts
Road up to DV - 0 posts
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Transport - 2 posts
heavy rains - 2 posts
Wifi in Manilva - 50 posts
IBI Bills - Do it on line - 1 posts
EGM details - 17 posts
Community Rules - 2 posts
Update on delayed payment of fees by Ros Y Falcon, please read the whole post - 17 posts
Electrical Certificate - 13 posts
Bad experience with long term rental - 4 posts
Help Wanted - 24 posts
Help wanted - 3 posts
Administrator at meeting - 9 posts

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