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Just received the following
Hi John:
Just for your information, Rosa does not work in the company anymore.
And regarding the AGM, this call is being sent today, and will also be available in aea's web site. I can't confirm it for the moment but surly, it will be held at the same place as last time, the Duquesa Golf Hotel.
For any further information, the person responsible on the call's is Mrs. Rafi Guzman, reachable at:
Any other information you need, let me know.
Kind regards,
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Have just recieved notification by email and its at 10am 19th sep at the golf club.
And the debtor list now amounts to over €60000!!!
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Hello, I have just looked at the debtors list and found my name on it even though I have paid all the bills on time and with direct debit.. Has anybody else found their name on this list although they have paid?
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forgot to say that i am on the list too, even though i have had an email war with AEA about them taking money at the wrong time .
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Has anyone clarified with AEA whether RyF have in fact paid their outstanding fees or have they just chosen not to include RyF on the list of debtors (as it may take up too many pages!!?)??
Thought I had better check before emailing AEA to enquire!
My understanding of an "EGM" is that they are usually called for a specific reason, as opposed to an AGM, which is held annually to discuss all aspects. I would think that we are generally limited to dealing with the debtors list/action to be taken/all related matters, at this meeting - an agenda detailing points such as sunbeds, littering/basuras, pool rules, etc., may not be entertained under the "all other business" banner. Although I hope that the community snagging issue is taken up, as this should now be high on the priority list.
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Hi all,
How can I get to look at this infamous debtors list?
I am new to DV (and fully paid up I hasten to add!) but would like to know if my name appears on the list as it seems indiscriminatory!
_______________________ Greetings from Raz
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I think I recall from an earlier AGM that it was stated that unless an item is on the agenda no formal decision can be made agianst that issue /item. Does this mean as has already been mentioned that we are limited to approving the accounts and dealing with debtors and everything else under any other business can just be discused with no specific actions as a result?
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Just send any item to AEA to add to the agenda, and tell them that unless listed it must be discussed under AOB.
I will try and check with Sandra if RyF have paid. If they have not then at the meeting remind Gerardo that he has no votes, unfortunately I have to return to the UK on 16th Sept. I will check with Sandra ASAP.
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That's my understanding, Steve. I personally don't think that they will seriously discuss anything other than the audited accounts, debtors list and, hopefully, community snagging (as this is a serious issue relating to the completion of the community).
In fact, saying that, even at the AGMs so far they haven't dealt with quite a few issues that were on the agenda, discussed and actions agreed! So what chance is there of them doing so at an EGM - unless it was called to deal with just that?
And if RyF have, in fact, paid their community fee arrears, then we don't have a chance as they have the ultimate vote and their man is still sitting as President of the community!
Maybe I'm just in a negative mood today!!
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I have written to Sandra (see below) and Gerardo to ask if they have paid and I will go into their offices when my friends have left on Tuesday and ask if they have paid.
Ros y Falcon han pagado todas las cuotas pendientes de la comunidad en las propiedades que poseen. De no ser así no tendrán derecho de voto en la reunión de carácter horizontal Ley?
Si ellos no han pagado ellos deberán estar inscritos en los deudores.
Have RyF paid all outstanding community fees on properties they own? If not they will have no voting rights at the meeting under Horizontal Law.
If they have not paid they must be listed in the debtors.
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As you can see so far RyF have not paid.
Buenos dias,
Efecdtivamente Ros y Falcon no ha abonado todas sus cuotas, el día de la Junta aportaremos el estado de la cuenta a la fecha, por supuesto no tienen voto y en esa fecha tienen saldo pendiente.
Good morning,
Ros and Falcon has not paid all their dues, the day of the Board will provide the status of the account to date of course have no vote on that date and have outstanding balance.
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Has anybody seen a copy of DV community rules?
If so does anybody have them in softcopy that they can send me or publish?
If we don't I can provide an outline set and they can be voted in at the EGM in AOB. These outline rules are the ones we use at Balcones De Manilva.
Also, if RyF have not paid their fees, the people at the EGM can vote to accept the base community rules, and the President cannot stop that happening.
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No surprise that they haven't paid up. What does this mean - will it be 2 years plus before they are eventually threatened by the courts to pay up or lose their properties?
PS We appear to be on the debtors list owing 200 euros or so. We always pay what AEA tell us to but seem to end up under or over paying everytime!! Will make sure we pay the outstanding before the meeting!
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Caroline, ask Melissa to email you a statement of your fees. Also, get her to tell you what the current quarterly payment is for your property - ours was reduced by about 40 euros when I checked in July!
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Copy of my email to Sandra :-
The following items that were submitted to Rosa prior to the previous AGM for inclusion on the Agenda were never discussed and are still outstanding and should be included on the September agenda :-
1, Site Security :-
Code lock on paddle court ?
2. Physical security measures :-
Railings on ground floor apartment windows and front doors.
Community approval on standard measures.
Discuss developers liability for design faults.
3. Review of possible construction fault leading to smells in apartments
(Cigarette and other smells due to venting defects)
4. Review of obvious design fault which results in the small pool at block 4
becoming contaminated with mud and debris
5. Decision on banning 'for sale' panels on property
6. Installation of telephone lines and consideration of Wi-Fi covering the community.
7. Recycling facilities on site
8. Information on the specification of paint colours to enable residents to remedy minor damage
9. Developers attention to snagging of all community areas and remedial painting of exterior
(particularly blocks 1 & 3). Consider need for external construction engineer's report
10. Vote to decide that all communication from community to owners will be bi-lingual.
11. Vote on changing the notice period for AGM and other meetings.

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Is anyone going to the meeting willing to take my proxy ??
Please PM me
Michael This message was last edited by michael52 on 9/9/2008.

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Hi Michael,
re item 8 on your list, the paint shop at the back of the mercadona in sabi next to the post office can provide internal and external paints for DV. They have the details to provide whatever you need.
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I too would like to empower someone going to the EGM with my proxy vote.
If RyF have not paid by then it will be an interesting meeting and a few proxy votes might make all the difference.
Please PM me.
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I have never seen a copy of the DV community rules, despite asking AEA for them several times. Would be very nice to read them.
I think a lot of problems mentioned here etc could be ironed out if all residents had a copy, which remained in the apartment for renters to read.
If you have a copy of another communities rules, it would be worth showing around at EGM to get some sort of idea if they would be acceptable to all residents. Or at least provide a good basis on which to work with.
I dont believe they can be voted for full approval, at the EGM since not everyone will have been able to see them before hand. You cant expect people who have not had a chance to see them first, to accept them. And just mentioning them on this forum isnt good enough, because there are a lot of residents who dont use this forum.
The information needs to be sent out by AEA.
And this also is the same for the excellent list of possible agenda items that Michael52 mentioned in another post on here. Since they werent included on any posting from AEA to all residents, they cannot officially be voted upon, only discussed.
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