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Duquesa Village forum threads
The Comments
11 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

It was lovely to see the crossings and road markings clearly marked out on the road around the village.  These however were soon covered in cars.  People are parking on the yellow lines and opposite garage openings which make it difficult to get out of the garage.  Cars are also parked ON THE CROSSINGS.  You can no longer drive all around the village as the road through at the bottom has been returned to flower beds, BUT it is now difficult to turn around if you need to as cars are parked in the turning area at the bottom of the road.  The yellow lines and zebra crossings are being totally ignored.  I have reported this to AEA but am not hopeful of anything being done.  Wish Natalia was still there.

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11 Aug 2008 4:19 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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I agree Ann - there was some very inconsiderate parking when we were over and some very fast driving around the village too.  I was bemused to see that the yellow lines didn't include the road opposite some of the garage entrances.  I know it should be obvious that this is not a place to park but sometimes the obvious needs stating!  It would be good if security could stick annoying high tack notices onto the windows or cars violating the parking markers!

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26 Aug 2008 10:57 PM by a.wylde1 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

We were coming out of our garage in Block 17 and somebody had parked across the entrance stopping us from getting out just to empty his rubbish into the Basuras.  I think that is a pretty obvious place not to park.  There have been alot of inconsiderate people about during the 2and a half weeks were were out there in the summer.  I do think alot of them have been renters.

Alan & Ann-Marie

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27 Aug 2008 12:22 AM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Alan & Ann-Marie

You must be mistaken.  He  was definately not a renter  - as  you say yourself he was using Basuras. !!!!  LOL   


This message was last edited by PMillsom on 8/27/2008.

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27 Aug 2008 2:22 PM by GR Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

We have just returned from 2 great weeks at DV. 

We were actually pleased to see so many cars parked at DV (even if parked a little badly)  as when we were over earlier in the year it seemed empty. The cars make the place look more lived in, particularly for potential new buyers viewing which we were pleased to see. 

We were also pleased to see that the gardens are very well kept and we didn't see any bad behavior from holiday rentals, in fact we were pleased when we heard any noise as it's so quiet!  But perhaps our block is in a more quiet area away from the pool.

Our main concern is the rubbish bins area which needs cleaning regularly, but apart from that we were very pleased with the progress at DV in general. 

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