re your comment "
Incidentally i do not think RyF can sell a property with a debt on needs to be cleared before it is sold or the new owner takes it on!!"
John, this is true. The mortgage sticks with the property in Spain.
My (unclear) reference to "huge debt" below is reference to the risk of an accumulated outstanding community fee on several hundred apartments and not the outstanding mortgage.
I think RfY's claims of spending sums that they could have charged to the community is cloudy and not helpful.
It's not the way to do things and it should not become a justification for them not paying fees. However It might be a reason not to apply surcharge.
There are often grey areas of spend at the final stages of development and debates about whether something is payable by the community or the developer or split between the two.
As none of use have examined all of AEA's payments to contractors who knows what we might discover that is questionable?
I too think Jeff's point about two people marking AEA is an excellent point to avoid barraging them with repeatative emails. Whoever takes up this role though need to expect
getting a few emails themselves !! Volunteers anyone?

I might suggest a lot of Q&A stuff could go on the DV Wiki. That should help.
Proposed Budget for 2008 was as below. The was at the end of an attachment to the March 08 AGM minutes. Not sure if it became the final budget.
I will post the attachment to the
March 08 AGM page.
Presupuesto - Budget
1 Mant. General/General Maintenance 100.000,00
2 Limpieza bloques /Buildings cleaning 177.964,32
3 Agua/ Water 30.000,00
Contratos/Contrac 3.000,00
4 Electricidad/Electricity 60.000,00
5 Vigilancia /Security 93.600,00
6 Socorrista/Life guard 14.000,00
7 Contro Sanitario/Sanitary Control 6.900,00
8 Mantenimiento Ascensores/lifts maintenance 150.000,00
9 Telefono ascensores/Lift telephone 7.000,00
10 Administracion+ IVA/Administration+VAT 72.871,12
11 Seguro edificio /Iinsurance building 20.000,00
12 Compra Materiales/Purchase materials 10.000,00
13 Mantenimieto Piscina/Pool Maintenance 2.000,00
14 Mant. Jardines/Garden Maintenance 221.328,00
15 Mant. T.V., Portero aut./Maint.T.V.and entry phones 2.000,00
16 Mant.extintores/Fire extinguisher Maint. 8.000,00
17 Gastos de oficina/Office expenses 2.000,00
18 Gastos Bancarios/bank expenses 3.000,00
19 Gastos juntas/ Meeting expenses 3.500,00
20 Informe Auditoria/Audit Report 2.500,00