Exterior Paint

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14 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by Ukproperty Star rating. 72 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Does anyone know the colour names or RAL numbers for the exterior paint at DV? If it helps, I'm in Block 12.

I have checked my purchase documents, but have been unable to find this information.

The paint is flaking really badly and deperately needs redoing.

I went to the paint shop in Sabinillas thinking that they would know the exact colours, but they didn't. The chappie asked me to bring him a flake of the paint and he mixed me some up that looked exactly right when it was wet, but dried much lighter!



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15 Feb 2009 5:31 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Hi,  I can't remember the name of it but if you go to the paint shop on the corner at the back of Mercadona in Sabinillas then they have all the exterior colors and internal as well.


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15 Feb 2009 8:13 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Seems like the best thing to do is to take a flake of paint with you to match the colour.

I think that what I shall do also.

But if anyone does get a match with a colour spec please advise of block/stair and colour spec -  I will maintain a table.


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15 Feb 2009 9:24 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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sorry, didnt read the original post carefully eneough.  They matched our exterior colour in block 14 perfectly which is the darker  tereacotta colour.  If you take a flake then do not use cellotape to cover it and hold it in one piece as it distorts the colour.




This message was last edited by slacey99 on 2/15/2009.

This message was last edited by slacey99 on 2/15/2009.

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17 Feb 2009 11:03 AM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message


We're in Bloque 10 and went to the paint shop in Sabinillas behind Mercadona.  The young guy in there didn't know the paint colours but asked us to come back another day when his boss was there, which we did and he was the person who did the painting in DV.  He gave us the inside and outside colours and we bought the paint but I'll have to wait until we go over again to make a note of the colour codes and will post it on the site..


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17 Feb 2009 1:52 PM by twinnie Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Were in Block 9,

We were at the paint shop in Sabanillas at the weeknd and the guy matched up the colour of our block perfectly,It took him at least 40mins just getting it correct adding bits all the time, He originally brought out a paint that was way off ours..saying that it was the right colour..we found the best thing to do is take in a  small  cover from the outside hallway which has the paint on it, (make sure you put it back!) If you look all, the blocks are slightly different in colour, will post the code when back again.Same for the Inside, we took a small access cover from above the main door.



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17 Feb 2009 1:52 PM by twinnie Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Were in Block 9,

We were at the paint shop in Sabanillas at the weeknd and the guy matched up the colour of our block perfectly,It took him at least 40mins just getting it correct adding bits all the time, He originally brought out a paint that was way off ours..saying that it was the right colour..we found the best thing to do is take in a  small  cover from the outside hallway which has the paint on it, (make sure you put it back!) If you look all, the blocks are slightly different in colour, will post the code when back again.Same for the Inside, we took a small access cover from above the main door.




This message was last edited by twinnie on 2/17/2009.

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