strange situation , calidona are prepared to take legal action against people who cannot complete but who are prepared to walk away from there deposits thus enabeling calidona to resell the units at a discount ?
funny though they can be years behind schedule , have quality issues with phases one and two , wash there hands of snagging defects , fail to deliver facalaties , mothball phases and then chase people for not completing when if they had delivered the product on schedule as per point of sale they would not be having these problems to deal with .
why tie up resources to chase people when in all likleyhood if they have taken appropriate legal advice in the uk there will be nothing to get , when they could sell the units at a discount ? they are also addopting the same stance with corvera , does this give an indication of the real property market in spain at the current time when tourism is down 20% on a year ago .
or are they just bluffing ? who knows