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11 Apr 2009 12:00 AM by julie/kevin Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Just got back from Frondso yesterday.  The site is very very busy and looking good.

M1 is now completed and we met a couple who are buying on there who were doing their snagging list - they  hope to be in within the next few weeks but now waiting for the certificate of habitation which Gema (Ismael replacement) says was applied for last week!!  As you are all aware I see from the latest on the forum that Medsea sadly gone under but we can assure you that Gema is very helpful and shes worked on the site for the last 2 years and speaks very good English she is trying to contact everyone to let them know the situation.  We bought through Viva who fiinished early last year but think at this late stage any problems can be sorted out by the builders.  Gema Perez Romera - mobile number is 968 355 484 and her email address is  I think she wants everybodys e mail address so she can keep us  informed.

Three blocks on M4 are now completed - however when checked one of them the kitchen had yet to be installed? Ours since we visited last time (6 weeks ago) had all wardrobes,inner doors and windows fitted also most of tiling completed - still think at least 3 months work but Gema assured us that completion would be May/June?  Watch this space we are not out again until August so hoping will be ready then

One of the pools had been completed and they were finished off the tiling of the other - they look great. the views from the lower pool are superb.  They were doing a lot of work on the steps leading to the pool from the top  section of M4 which when completed will look spectacular....

M2 - work on these houses going at a pace and Gema said these would be ready Autumn time.

Have taken pictures and will put these on site within the next few days.  Kevin and myself are really happy with what we saw and hey may be the Euro will be on the up by the time we need to pay our dues!!!



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16 Apr 2009 4:52 PM by Jo and Dave Star rating in South Yorkshire / Mu.... 24 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

We have just returned last night and progress is good on site overall, albeit a little slow on our phase (M2). Doors and window frames are now in, all tiling complete, but still no bathroom fittings, windows or kitchen, and the outside walls/exterior still incomplete. Neither of our pools have been really started yet, unlike the ones on M4 which are finished and look fabulous by the way! We agree with Julie and Kevin about the views from the pool there which is breathtaking.

Gema Perez (new site manager) was really helpful and sorted out a couple of quesries we had with our house whilst we were there, and promised to get back to us about other questions after speaking to her boss. The e-mail address we have been using to contact her is different to the one posted by Julie/Kevin : 

murcia.piloto...............the rest is the same as below ( forum won't let me post this message with the @ link as I haven't made 10 or more posts yet)

Yes she is trying to contact the portfolio of clients who have purchased through Medsea etc. as well as everyone else to introduce herself, but be patient as she has a list of files a mile long, so if she hasn't already been in touch, she will in the near future. 

We were told that M2 should be ready by the end of September, but looking at the progress made on our phase since our last visit 6 months ago, it is likely to be a bit later than that as far as we can tell. However, who knows, if they speed things up a bit it could be true. We are in no hurry actually, as we would prefer to wait for the exchange rate to have more of a chance to improve (kicking ourselves for not fixing it 2 years ago when we paid the deposit at 1.48 - a great thing, hindsight isn't it?!)

Anyway, it doesn't appear to be a problem for us not having the support from Medsea now that they are no more, as we have been assured by both Gema AND our solicitors that we will be able to complete by dealing directly through them without any problems. 

We also collected our bank account cards - didn't realise that they would cost us over 50 euros because we are non residents, but the bank manager was really helpful and friendly so we are happy with the choice of bank in Sangonera La Verde. 

We returned to an e-mail from the solicitors of Medsea who say they have our NIE numbers and that we should visit their offices to collect them the next time we are there, so that's now one less job to worry about.

Best wishes

Jo & Dave 

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21 Apr 2009 8:33 PM by Geoff y Pat Star rating in Torre Guil / Sutton .... 90 forum posts Send private message

Buenas tardes!  We are in Murcia at the moment, Sangonera La Verde to be precise, to view our property.  We are buying on M1 and all the houses on this phase are now complete.  We are delighted with the house and have submitted our (very minor) snagging list - most of which have already been rectified.  On our return to the UK we will set the necessary wheels in motion to complete and hope to be the proud owners by the end of May. We may even be the first to move in!

Work on the other phases is going full steam ahead and progress can be seen to be made even on a daily basis.  The landscaping, walkways, play areas and swimming pools are looking superb and are a credit to the team, making this urbanisation a very des res! 

Despite some rain the last few days,we have done some walking in the Sierra de Carrascoy adjacent to the development and the wild flowers and natural habitat are beautiful at the moment. See you there!


Geoff & Pat

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29 Apr 2009 1:51 PM by singin Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

I have read with interest the posts relating to progress being made on the various phases at Frondoso. I have purchased on M2 where completion looks to be any time from September onwards.

Has anyone with a property much nearer completiuon had any issues with valuations? I was wondering how these were stacking up againt the purchase prices, given what is happening in the market.




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Previous Threads

MEDSEA BUST - 0 posts
M4 - MAY COMPLETION ? - 3 posts
private message problems! - 6 posts
Anyone opted out? - 14 posts
A joke to cheer us up - PLEASE ADD MORE - 0 posts
A repeat of last years message - Next Christmas maybe! - 1 posts
Letter from Developer - 1 posts
Construction delays seem to go on whilst Pound flags against euro - 2 posts
Anybody else on Phase M1? - 2 posts
lastest progress - 1 posts
Anybody completing? - 0 posts
Is anyone moving in soon? - 3 posts
Pleas join our efforts regarding proffessional liability of Banks regarding off-plan deposits - 3 posts
Justice issues - 3 posts
Telefonica Wireless Ruter Inalambico - 0 posts
Bast place to live in Spain - 4 posts
Golf tournament in aid of Haiti - 5th February 2010 - 0 posts
Topographical Surveys - 5 posts

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