I was one of only eight English owners ( 4 couples) able to attend the Arenal Golf Phase 4 Community Meeting. I had the proxy forms of a number of others.
To add to Robert's comments. The Administration did supply an interpreter, a young Spanish woman, however, prior to the meeting I had asked an English friend ,who has lived in Spain for over 25 years and offers interpreting services,if she would translate some questions into Spanish that a group of us were seeking answers to.This she did, together with another friend of hers who is a lawyer specialising in Community Law.The questions that we wanted answered were, with few exceptions, no different from those of the Spanish residents.
I emailed the questions to the Administrator in advance of the meeting and also visited him in his office with a second copy of the questions the day before the meeting. It was useful to meet him personally and he seemed pleased that we had made the effort to put our questions in writing, and in Spanish, prior to the meeting. A group of friends who were unable to attend the meeting will be sharing the interpreter costs with us.
My friend was also able to attend the meeting ,and this was invaluable, as she provided me with a running commentary as the meeting progressed. As a result I was able to take notes for those unable to be present as we went along. The Spanish interpreter appeared to listen to large chunks of the dialogue, whilst only feeding back a small part of what had been said..
On our Phase of Arenal Golf the Developer still owned over 80% of the properties at the time of the meeting, so in law had the right to put forward its own representatives as President and Vice- President.
Vocales, spokespeople for various groups, were asked for at the meeting . As I live on the Phase permanently ,and have some contact with the majority of the English owners, as well as writing a Blog on the Arenal Golf website, it made sense fo me to offer my services as a vocale.
The Vocales will be meeting on a regular basis with the President, Vice President and Administrator to look at budgets, and in theory to act as a channel of communication between the officers of the Comunity and the residents. It remains to be seen how this will actually work in practice.
The Administrator will be on site two Monday evenings each month for two hours for people to meet him or to bring up current issues and problems.
He will be circulating a list of snagging issues in community spaces, along with the minutes of the meeting, and residents will be asked to add any of their own, and to prioritise what is already there,as well as what they have added. It was made clear at the meeting that issues relating to access to buildings and garages had precedence over swimming pools and gardens.
If anyone is interested in the notes that I took at our Phase of Arenal Golf's first meeting please send me a private message with your email addres and I will forward them to you.