The Comments |
Has anyone noticed the incredible photos that liar almu's graphic designer created in 2003 have been posted on to the "photos page" for this development by:-
Photos submitted by user nweatherall210 on 29/04/2009 2:30:29 AM.
In 6 years she has achieved just about less than Albertera, which they started ripping people off in 2000, and after 6 years have built six houses and a flat, whilst spending most of the time getting drunk or shopping with clients money.
And I thought it was just Tony and Brian that had gone senile.
Perhaps we could have an explaination?
Is the loopy juice really that cheap at tesco these days
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i am glad you liked the pictures that i loaded up showing the considerable number of villa foundations that were built by HdT. It does show that they did have every intention of building SADM.
Why set up thread to insult purchasers?
Tony R17 18
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" It does show that they did have every intention of building SADM. "
Ever heard of the wrod intent and if so, do you know the meaning.
Shows how a few foundations costing hundreds of thousands, can persuade many to part with millions.
Now, what is the word?
When you say "intention", do you now accept that it was their intention and not that they intend to construct houses?
As a self confessed writer of reports, I am sure you will realise the difference?
"Why set up thread to insult purchasers?"
Who has?
Have they?
Why set up a website to insult the intelligence of purchasers (SARC)?
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"It does show that they did have every intention of building SADM."
Just hope they find a way of protecting that reinforcing steel, as the time it s used, most would be rusted away. I am sure the building surveyor on here can confirm.
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I am sorry but the artist's impression of SADM proves nothing at all .It is a marketing/sales tool nothing more nothing less .It proves absolutely nothing ! I have the artist impression of other developments ,could be the very same place except the edges have been finished with woodlands or ocean . As I say proves nothing just a clever marketing trick just because the eye sees something does not mean it is real or is ever going to be !
The artist's impressions are a bit like our deposits .They exist because we saw them with our own eyes and so did SJ ! but where are they now ?
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 5/2/2009.
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 5/2/2009.
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 5/2/2009. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 02/05/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Thanks for all the insults people much appreciated.
I thought this forum was supposed to help and support people in their various plights.
I am not mad in the sense you mean alamred, but I am pretty annoyed at you slagging me off.
Not that I have to justify myself , but there was no malicious intent here to upset members, I was just browsing my picture library of SADM and posted some of the model I took on an early inspection visit.
I wont bother again, or take any further part in this forum thread.

_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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Hi Nigel,
Don't worry about the insults on here. Its 'par for the course' so to speak. Thats why myself and many others rarely post on here anymore. Most of the crap comes from The Mug and her little side kick that idiot called Fin. Both have big gobs but thats about all.
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Any one got credit " contra de la masa " yet ? or was this just more crap advice from the Mug and FIN ? Squawk squawk ! We will see who the real idiots are ! You can chuck all the unfounded insults you want .I know how many I have helped on this forum .
Nigel my comment was in reply to Tony's post not yours .You are right Nigel helping each other is what the forum is about but some of us will not stand by when people chuck untruths and detrimental information around giving false hope to others and making them think they do not have to protect themselves . I know why you posted the pictures but some thought it was an indication that you believed all would be well with SADM . Regards MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 06/05/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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MM, please be more simplistic with your responses, as there are some who used to post on here, are not too bright, and can use such as "crap" and "gobs" and have stopped posting, possibly as they find it too difficult to understand.
"Both have big gobs but thats about all." "that idiot" - How much money is it do you stand to loose?
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Not one single cent , penny, euro or pound or one minute sleep. Thanks for caring.
"You don't like it when the insults are directed back at you do you FIN" - Never really find people want to insult me as thos I associate with have intelligence.
Were "gobs", "crap" and "that idiot" meant as insults. I just thought it was the lack of your grammar and what we tend to expect as the norm from yourself.
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You surprise me FIN, if you had any intelligence you would know all the grammar i used is from the Oxford Dictionary.
Of course one only uses it extreme cases. Unfortunately i put you in this category.
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Of course the individual words would be. Where did you manage to find that out, phone a friend?
The word "idiot" is used many, many times. Quick, do a search and you will find what it means.
Talking of grammar, as you claim to be the font of knowledge. "know all the grammar i used is"
The grammar (which was plural you used [more than one]) are.
I assume the smiley you used is to show us where you brains are and where you talk from?
The "i", substitute with I.
This message was last edited by FriendinNeed on 06/05/2009.
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I think the Parrot has verbal diarrhoea !!!! squawk squeak squawk squeak squawk squeak !!!! Oxford Dictionary whoooooooo !
Some of us are posting in our second or third language whoooooooo !!!!
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 06/05/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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No FIN the smiley was used to politely replace the eight letter word beginning with ' a ' and ending with ' e ' which I feel most people would consider appropriate in your case.
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I see the vet has not been able to bring your verbal Diarrhoea under control yet Parrot.. What a shame perhaps you should wait for a cure before posting again !!!!!!
Ps ? Parrot when do you think your house on SADM will be ready ?
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 06/05/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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" Parrot when do you think your house on SADM will be ready ?"
Any time now MM, as we all know it will go ahead, it will be completed, those lovely golf courses and general amenities and the properties will be worth 50% more than paid, as promised by the sales agent. That is why it says "And by the way i haven't lost a penny."
Does that include a cent or euro, and as stated haven't, does that also include will not ?
Perhaps their interest has been sold on at huge profit to one of the three investors .
Gosh, the explanation for the smiley was clever and original.
Bet nobody was clever enough to work that out for themselves.
I still believe it is where their brains are and where they speak from?
This message was last edited by FriendinNeed on 07/05/2009.
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Leave your harsh words for those that deserve it like Tony et al. Richard is a really nice guy who has been caught in this mess like most of us. Its a frustrating time but Richard is just as keen to get his money back as everyone else I am sure and we should not let the thread move onto insults (well at least when Tony isnt about)
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Truce Parrot ! lets all concentrate on getting our money back .FIN I think we should give the parrot a break . Any one got news from the legals I am expecting an E mail today .
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 07/05/2009.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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