The Comments |
Added in Mel Beasley for Naranjos Garden 8.
Added email addresses for proxy votes. This message was last edited by ptan on 09/05/2009.
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Hi we are in Jardin 7 Los Naranjos, we have just received our vote through the post at home. Doesnt give me alot of time to get it back, any ideas who I should give my vote to.
Dont want to waste it but dont know anyone.
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As more and more replies are going on the 'Meeting 16th May' thread we are losing the information on nominations.
To help keep a track of the garden president nominations I've created the following table. Hover over the names for further information on the nominee.
If you wish to stand as a garden president, do not reply to this thread, PM me and I will edit the table with your details.
If you cannot make it to the meeting please ensure that you give your proxy vote to someone that can. No Taxation without representation. 
The Proxy deligation form can be downloaded from Proxy_vote.doc or Proxy_vote.pdf please print off, complete and scan back in then email to the address against the nominee for your garden below.
General proxies where a garden has no nominee can be sent to MR Terrance Possehl, N231
Please keep all other discussions on the other thread. If you would like to see other info included, again PM me.
Can you please keep this thread confined to nomination information only. No other replies.
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As more and more replies are going on the 'Meeting 16th May' thread we are losing the information on nominations.
To help keep a track of the garden president nominations I've created the following table. Hover over the names for further information on the nominee.
If you wish to stand as a garden president, do not reply to this thread, PM me and I will edit the table with your details.
If you cannot make it to the meeting please ensure that you give your proxy vote to someone that can. No Taxation without representation. 
The Proxy deligation form can be downloaded from Proxy_vote.doc or Proxy_vote.pdf please print off, complete and scan back in then email to the address against the nominee for your garden below.
General proxies where a garden has no nominee can be sent to MR Terrance Possehl, N231
Please keep all other discussions on the other thread. If you would like to see other info included, again PM me.
Can you please keep this thread confined to nomination information only. No other replies.
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As more and more replies are going on the 'Meeting 16th May' thread we are losing the information on nominations.
To help keep a track of the garden president nominations I've created the following table. Hover over the names for further information on the nominee.
If you wish to stand as a garden president, do not reply to this thread, PM me and I will edit the table with your details.
If you cannot make it to the meeting please ensure that you give your proxy vote to someone that can. No Taxation without representation. 
The Proxy deligation form can be downloaded from Proxy_vote.doc or Proxy_vote.pdf please print off, complete and scan back in then email to the address against the nominee for your garden below.
General proxies where a garden has no nominee can be sent to MR Terrance Possehl, N231
Please keep all other discussions on the other thread. If you would like to see other info included, again PM me.
Can you please keep this thread confined to nomination information only. No other replies.
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Updated garden 4 infomation. Daniel was incorrectly tagged as a resident, now infromed this is not so, error probably caused by bad translation Spanish to English. Michael ( Sonatigh ), perminant resident, also standing in this garden
Phil This message was last edited by ptan on 12/05/2009.
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Updated resident status of nominees following email requesting clarification. If I got an email says 'x lives in garden y' I mistakenly assumed that they where a full time resident. This may not be the case. List updated.
Phil This message was last edited by ptan on 13/05/2009.
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Amended Proxy deligate for
Due to a personal event the previous proxy holder for the two nominations above can no longer make the meeting, could all owners in the gardens please resubmit their proxy to the new contact. This message was last edited by ptan on 14/05/2009.
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As more and more replies are going on the 'Meeting 16th May' thread we are losing the information on nominations.
To help keep a track of the garden president nominations I've created the following table. Hover over the names for further information on the nominee.
If you wish to stand as a garden president, do not reply to this thread, PM me and I will edit the table with your details.
If you cannot make it to the meeting please ensure that you give your proxy vote to someone that can. No Taxation without representation. 
The Proxy deligation form can be downloaded from Proxy_vote.doc or Proxy_vote.pdf please print off, complete and scan back in then email to the address against the nominee for your garden below.
Please do this NOW to ensure your vote is counted
General proxies where a garden has no nominee can be sent to MR Terrance Possehl, N231
Please keep all other discussions on the other thread. If you would like to see other info included, again PM me.
Can you please keep this thread confined to nomination information only. No other replies.
If you know of any errors in the above infromation please tell me. I can only pass on the infromation is it is given to me.
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