Hello, we are a group of people affected by this situation, and we have decided to send the letter below to the media, because we want a solution soon, after all this long time of unfulfilled promises. We have already achieved this news in "La Verdad", where you can check the information.
This is the text (translated) we have sent to the media:
Dear Gentlemen:
Through this letter, we ask you to give public knowledge to this information which has been written by our platform of affected people by Trampolin Hills- Campos del Rio (Murcia).
1 .- When we sign the purchase of our house, Grupo Trampolin, run by Mr Antonio Martínez, did not inform us of the requirements of the guarantee required by law. First irregularity of the company.
In fact, the company endorsed with its own properties in some cases (second irregularity of the company), with a gost-company called swiss-fiantial (third irregularity of the Company), included in the blacklist of the ministry of economy. Alternatively, the company endorsed with La Caixa in a small percentage of houses (this guarantee was only offered to the first buyers, who thus paid a higher prize, but most buyers bought whithout being informed of this possibility) .
2 .- At the time of the sale of houses, the ground was not legally ready for development (fourth irregularity). From Campos del Rio Town Hall, Urbanism Councilman informed buyers who requested information that the development was going to be built "whithout problems" (fifth irregularity of the Town Hall). The buyers relied on this information coming from a municipal office.
Since then, it has been two to three years until the land has been decreed for building, after many vicissitudes: discualification of the mayor of Campos del Rio and urbanism councilman by having worked and earned money with the Grupo Trampolin (sixth irregularity of the City Hall), approvals false and returned to the Town Hall by incomplete documentation from the Department of Public Works of the Autonomous Community of Murcia.
3 .- The company has wasted all our money by deficient management of D. Antonio Martínez, who has spent the money on failed projects, sales of cars, tire shop, furniture ... and has also purchased lands in Abanilla, Albudeite, Mule, with which has promoted developments that in no case has begun, because the land is not urban. In these promotions are also more swindled.
In fact, the company insists that supports the contracts of our houses with their own properties, but does not have the special account for our money required by law, because the money simply does not exist (seventh irregularity of the company).
4 .- The company has embargos with Social Security (see Official Bulletin of Murcia) and judicial embargos, as a large number of lawsuits have ordered the money back, so that justice has ruled in some cases with liens on the land where our houses should be (eighth irregularity of the company).
5 .- After three or four years of waiting and, once the lands have been approved for building, now Grupo Trampolin only has to deliver the Plan Parcial to the Town Hall to start the construction. The problem is that the company, whose director, D. Antonio Martínez, has spent years asking all the people to hurry for approving the urbanization of the lands, now is not ready to deliver the Plan Parcial at City Hall (ninth irregularity of the company), because it seems our money is not available. In addition, no entity wants to finance after all this story.
6 .- A Sample of the financial limit situation of Grupo Trampolin is that the offices network available throughout Spain and some abroad, remains closed. In Trampolin Hills, where our homes should be, there are now a ghostly office, paralyzed machines and cranes completely inactive. Not a single brick in, only ditches. And we, the buyers, have not our homes either our money. And many of us still paying the loan that we signed with the bank for the initial payment of the house.
7 .- In this situation, the manager of Grupo Trampolin, D. Antonio Martínez, is missing from the media, without giving any explanation to buyers.
8 .- What has to happen so that justice involves in this matter? Possible swindled are about 1500, and this situation becomes an international problem when we consider that there are hundreds of British and Norwegian buyers.
Plataforma de Afectados Trampolin Hills (Campos del Rio - Murcia)