Advice please on travel tips for a new baby

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03 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by bunty Star rating in Belfast. 96 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all
We are the proud grandparents of a new grandson called Bobby Michael. Our daughter has issued us a challenge:
Could you go onto I on spain and ask what people do for baby car seats going to spain . .
Do they pay to bring theirs each time or can it be part of our 'hand luggage'
Is it better to buy one out there but then you won't have it from the airport to RODA each time you arrive (is that illegal etc)
Should we buy  Travel cot  out there ?
Any thoughts advice reference to previous posts would be welcome.
By the way for the second year running we were out from 27th Dec to 3rd jan and the weather was beautiful


Mike and Margaret

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03 Jan 2010 7:01 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

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we hired one from the car rental company last year - £3 a day i think.

it was niot brand new , but was ok.

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03 Jan 2010 10:41 PM by BwanaB Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

We always take our UK car baby seat & pushchair with us - Easyjet don't charge extra for this & what's more, even give you priority boarding so it works out well. We bought a narrow babycot & table chair out in Spain - widely available, Carrefour had a good selection.

Baby powder milk, same as UK brands, is available and of course nappies & wet wipes. The food selection wasn't as comprehensive as UK but there is enough to get by.



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03 Jan 2010 11:30 PM by Russ W Star rating. 230 forum posts Send private message

Hi Bunty - congratulations to you and your family.

In terms of hiring a baby seat I would be very wary of some of the companies in Spain who tend not to have very good seats for young babies and which can be difficult to fix securely into the car.  It can be a real hassle getting a suitable seat from them and that's often the last thing you want at a busy airport with a crying baby!

I would follow Andrew's advice and take your own and avoid using Ryanair if possible!


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04 Jan 2010 10:51 AM by superior interiors Star rating in Roda Golf & Beach Re.... 73 forum posts Send private message

There is a good selection of baby travel cots, car seats etc in Carrefour, or in the same shopping centre there is a lovely baby products shop on the ground floor opposite the travel agency. I have also bought baby items for my clients from Toys R Us in the same retail park beside Leroy Merlin also in Parque Mediterraneo near Cartagena and the prices were a lot cheaper than UK prices. 

Good luck with the new baby.  

Superior Interiors Great quality and prices

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04 Jan 2010 4:25 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mike and Margaret

I personally would not hire a car seat from the car hire companies.  In my experience, they are usually filthy.  In addition you will not know if it has been damaged in any way.  You would never buy a second hand car seat for a child and basically you will not know the history of the one you are hiring.

As already mentioned  by superior interiors, there are lots of shops to chose from.  I noticed that some of the items may have been cheaper, but believe you get what you pay for.  If you buy mid range you should be OK.  I think I recall there is  Mothercare in the large shopping centre at the football stadium in Murcia.

Most of the better airlines will allow you to take your pram/buggy and car seat at no extra charge.

Enjoy Bobby Michael, they grow up so quick.


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04 Jan 2010 8:35 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Mike & Margaret - grandparents - never - they are far too young!!


Congratulations to you both and I really do look forward to meeting up with you both again soon.

I  echo KRoda's views - you never know what you are going to get with the car hire firms. 


Happy New Year to All





Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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06 Jan 2010 1:51 PM by bunty Star rating in Belfast. 96 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Many thanks for suggestions and congratulations. Kroda you are right they grow up so fast.


Mike and Margaret

Mike and Margaret

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06 Jan 2010 10:46 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Many congratulations, just as an alternative thought, baby seats and other equipment can be hired locally through companies such as

There are others I gather but in the long run hiring can be quite expensive relative to buying.


We too are expecting our first grandchild hopefully very soon, maybe we can do a swap on baby goods in Roda when not in use.

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08 Jan 2010 9:05 PM by Rayoconnor Star rating in Dublin. 123 forum posts Send private message

 If its a new born, then they are suppose to be in 'rock a tot's, the type of seat where the baby faces the back of the seat rather than facing the driver seat - if you know what I mean. They are usually part of the buggy pack for new borns.

We always travelled with that with us, until they progressed to the next type of seat.

We keep our car seats in the apartment, but our youngest is 4 now




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