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I think a few of us have received this. Perhaps Justin could get Maria del Castro to translate for us as it looks quite important. I haven't got a clue. She is pretty good at helping people on the forum. If there are any Spanish speakers out there who can translate it for me I will happily forward the email. Arlene
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Please ingore this email, it's just from another owners just expressing his opinion on RPM, Polaris World etc etc.
Obviously this should never of happened, by unfortunately when the association sent out it's last email it was accidently sent to all rather than blind copied so everyone on the mailing list was seen, it also meant that when Antoni replied he could reply to all rather than just the association mail box.
We, the presidents, are currently looking at ways of setting up better communications between the community and all the owners so hopefully this shouldn't happen again.
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babel fish translation (it's all greek to me !)
Very good night. Been thankful by your news. Like continuation to the mail that Julio Almodovar has sent us, tambiencorroboro what aparecia in the Country the past day 30 of December, because enLa Vanguard (daily of distance mainly in Catalonia) aparecio unarticulo where Polaris ejercio the right that has a company to " avisar" with a term of 3 months of priority their possibility or intention of will enter Contest of Creditors (what previously Suspension was denominated dePagos). All this is worrisome, because also aparecio in TelevisionNacional (TV1, Telecinco, Antenna 3 .....). Before this I believe that to deberiaapremiar itself in realising some meeting something but general of proprietors para" unirnos" once and for all. Before the resignation of RPM which encuentroque deberia to be realised before nothing is to obtain coverall is larelacion of present proprietors of each one of the property, apartments, houses, etc…. of resort to be able to in one go act and to mobilize portodas to us before any " great problema" that it is possible as much to be approached in this situation (such as work nonadvance and finished that is had to realise and quePolaris comprometio to advertising level as in cd' s, dvd' s, etc ........ golf course, hotel, commercial center, ........) and quieroni not to think about the urban commitments that I carry out with elAyuntamiento of Alhama that in this case also can appear comoacreedor (works nonrealised like park of firemen, ambulatory, pistaspolideportivas ..... etc…. that tapeworm anticipated in the external part to the anilloexterior of resort). It is enough to know in that situation is lareclamacion that we back formulated months on maintenance on the part of lospropietarios of the cost of the outer ring (preparation of ajardinadoexterior, iluminiacion outer, .etc ......). Good querria for not being excessively pessimistic but to try poder" movilizarnos" whenever possible in a great union because this to puedehacer to us strong….A greeting propietary
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PTan, all very well to say ignore this, it is not the email that I am bothered by, it is the fact that my email details, which were given to the association in confidence, have been published for all to see! Setting things up to make sure it doesn't happen again is a bit of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted! This should not have happened!
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Whilst I am not a member of the old association I apologised on thier behalf as they are now members of the community presidents. As I have already said below this is an unfortunate but genuine mistake.
We will be shortly requesting owner information to establish a new mailing list, community wide, to improve communications. It is of course your right not to provide such information if you so desire.
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I haven’t received this email and would be interested to see what it really says.
If somebody wants to forward me this email, I speak fluent Spanish and will translate it properly and post it on this thread.
Steve and Isabel.
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