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Hi, can anyone help? We are coming over to CDA in a fortnight and have sorted out car hire. The only thing is they want to charge us 42 euros for the hire of 2 booster seats. This is almost half the cost of the car hire itself. Ryanair want to charge us £20 to carry each booster seat. We are travelling light/fast (hand luggage only) and ryan air will carry them in the hold as checked in baggage which defeats the object of travelling light/fast.
Does anyone know of any shops or garages near Alicante airport which sell booster seats, I can get them in the uk for £7 each. I know I am probably being a tight a**e but it is a last minute cheap holiday and I do begrudge spending 42 euros on booster seats.
Naturally the safety of my kids is paramount and we will not compromise on the issue of seats, I am just trying to do it in a more economical way.
Anyone else had a similar experience or ideas?
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Obvious solution but will they not fit in with hand luggage?
Having three kids all requiring booster / child seats I can empathise but every time we have gone despite my efforts to force the booster seats in the hand luggage we have had to give up and resort to opening the wallet with the very 'reasonable' car hire firm!
Have thought about buying boosters and leaving them there but would not live with myself if something happened enroute to and from the airport just to save a few euro's.
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That reminds me I will need to check our seats in Easyjet dont charge for kids car seats but as you say its a pain in the a**e because we are only carrying hand luggage!
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Thanks for your replies - guess I am going to have to fork out. It's just frustrating to think the car hire is costing 112 euros for the week and I'll be paying 42 euros just for boosters. Still, wont let it spoil my holiday.
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hi i have had yhe same problem myself and usually have to book on a bag to put the 2 booster seats on but i have found an inflatable car booster seat called bummble bum which rolls up and fits in hand luggage great job at about £20 well worth it look up bummble bum on web and you should find it.
regards anthony
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FAB! Just checked out 'bubblebum' on the internet. 20 quid each. Going to get a couple because we hope to visit CDA on a regular basis, so they will pay forthemselves after the second trip. Great info, thanks.
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Hi, I was going to suggest the inflatables as well. We had a similar problem when we arrived to live here in that my twins had just given up their booster seats back in England and when we used to come over here on holiday at that time you could get the booster seats free from the car rental companies.
Just be aware that the law is slightly different over here. Before you can relinquish your booster seat a child has to be either 150 cms or 12 years old and they cannot, even with the booster seat, sit in the front of the car.
My girls will be 12 in October and we've still got one on a booster!
Anne Marie
_______________________ "2bed Ground Floor Penthouse apartment to rent"
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Hi Anthony,
What great information. I normally take booster seat in hand luggage for my 5yr old but this means less clothes which is an issue for most 5yr old girls. I am going to order one of those seats today, the website does say that from 1st April price will be £24.99 for anyone thinking about it. Have you used it and if so what did you think?
Thanks once again for a great idea.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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This has been great information - 2 have been ordered last night on the internet! Will make it easier now in terms of luggage and they will more than pay for themselves in the longer term.
Thanks again
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Hi all,
Have now recieved Bubble bum seat, approx 1 week from ordering. It looks just the job, and inflates in seconds. Deflates easy but if anyone can tell me how to fit it back into it's carry bag completely I will be very impressed, but even flat will transport easily in hand luggage.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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Hi Carol Anne,
We've just returned from Condado having used the Bubblebum seat and it got the seal of approval from my daughter, although like you say once it's out of that bag there's no way its going back in. I think this would even stump the Krypton factor
Always look on the bright side of life
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We Brought a bubble bum and worked out the secret to getting it back in the bag, open the air valve and fold the seat in half and then roll the seat up as tight as you can get it with the valve furthest away from you and when you have finshed rolling you quickly tighten up the air valve which stops any air going back in and then slid the back bag over the seat, we wont say its not tight but we have manged to get it on a few times but only after tigtening the air valve after rolling the seat and a good tip is make sure the valve is open when rolling up the seat or the bag will never go back on
hope this helps but i do think bubble bum should concider making a larger bag
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