town hall notice

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09 Apr 2010 12:00 AM by danayr Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

soory but can someone please explain the below notice which i saw on the web site, iam not a resident and am worried that i have missed something


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09 Apr 2010 10:24 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

Don't worry about it, if the list has you down as NOTIFICACIÓN ALTA PADRÓN it just means that you have been declared a resident of the district.  It's just a way for the council to get extra money, see below.

What is the Padron Municipal?
Every municipality in Spain holds a record of local residents; the
Padron. This is held at the town hall (Ayuntamiento). The UK
equivalent would be the electoral role. Anybody who owns a
property in Spain should register, whether they live here
permanently or not. Even if you are renting on a long term basis,
you can apply to be registered. However, take note that you can
only be registered on one Padron

Who does it benefit?

The Municipality:
Although, it is not compulsory to be registered, it benefits both you and the municipality (borough) which, as a home owner, you are part of. It benefits the municipality because the local government receives funding depending on the number of people registered on the Padron. For this reason, it is imperative that you register to ensure the amount of funds necessary to run the municipality (borough) and maintain the infrastructure are received by the local government.

The funding is used for essential amenities such as policing,  health centres, cleaning and maintenance. If you do not register,  basic services will suffer as they do in many areas as so many foreign residents do not bother to register,manly because they are unaware that they should. It even affects staffing in the health clinics, post office and all the services that we take for granted.

If you are planning to live here and have children, it gives you the right to enrol your children in the local schools (if places are limited preference will be given to registered children). It also allows you to take advantage of local leisure facilities with discounted fees at the municipal sports centre and exercise
classes. It is often necessary when looking for work via the municipal ‘job centre’ equivalent. There are numerous advantages to having a certificate of empadronamiento (issued to you when you register).

Hope that helps.










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09 Apr 2010 2:21 PM by Mad Golfer Star rating in Ireland. 176 forum posts Send private message


how do you go about registering for Padron?



Mad Golfer  

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09 Apr 2010 2:51 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

Just go to the town hall and fill in the form, you'll need your NIE numbers and copy of your deeds to prove you have a property in the area.










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