Hi All,
I thought that I would reply to rjmderry as it would appear that clarification is being sought:
What amazes me is that HDT get a 3 week extension and within this time they can organise another 3 UK meetings, not even thinking of the cost as it seems to me they are desparate to push this through ?
Actually they were told of the extension on Monday 3 May ,which gave them time to arrange for meetings almost 3 weeks later in the UK. As for costs, I truly think that is a silly remark. It is only appropriate that purchasers are given the opportunity to ask questions and get answers about the agreement.
Emailing us all stating they do not have enough votes and some solicitors are misrepresenting clients (perhaps the solicitors are not saying the right things for the ears of HDT).
Take a step back and ask yourself some very basic questions -
1, Why do HDT want the proposal to go through ?
Would not this be a good question to ask them at a meeting?
2, What benefits does a solicitor gain but misleading clients, if that is what they are doing ?
I am sorry but some purchasers have allready spent money trying to improve their creditor status & that did not happen. I would suggest that you take note of the comments from solicitors that have been posted on this very site, who warn of the risks of hdT being liquidated. It is our money,solicitors do not act for free and only we purchasers have our money at risk, not them.
3, What are the true value of the assets ?
The assets are only worth what a buyer is prepared to pay & in the current economic climate, that is very low & we have heard that there are offers of only € 10 million, which would not cover the money owed to the ordinary creditors.
4, What evidence do I have to believe HDT ?
I suggest that you go to a meeting & engage with them. How on earth do you expect to get any evidence if all you do is run around in circles saying the same things? Brake the cycle & go and find out for yourself.
We do not have a BG, cannot afford to lose money but do not trust HDT and it is only HDT which can restore the trust
I am sorry but HdT are trying very hard to restore the trust but you need to be open to listening and asking questions. There is no need for you to throw your money away. Go to a meeting and ask them your questions, purchasers have done this at other meetings and then after roasting HdT, accepted the agreement to save their money.
Please do not in anger act in a way that could throw yours and every one elses money away.
Wishing you all the best
I have reposted the link.
We have scanned in and placed a copy of the piece in CBN paper where HdT state that we will get BG's
Please click on the link below that will take you to the correct page on the SARC website.