The Comments |
Hi All,
The story in the paper quoted the head of the legal department in Jumilla saying that they had allready agreed the new 3 phases of SADM and are ready to provide the license when they get a confirmed yes vote from the administrators. Good news I think.
When the SARC webmaster returns from his holiday we will get the scanned article loaded up onto the SARC website. If any one wishes to see it before then, email the SARC hotmail account & we will forward you the article ( we will delete any record of your email address if you so wish )
Wishing you all the best
Tony R17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 07/06/2010.
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Hi Joanniemac,
That is dealt with in the article in last weeks CBN, which we will get loaded up onto the SARC website as soon as our webmaster is back from his holiday. Our members were all emailed a copy of the scanned in document & have been able to read it for themselves.
Wishing you all the best
Tony R17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 10/06/2010.
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Oh !!!!!! I wonder who wrote this article for Simply networking ? and who gave the Costa blanca news an update to enable them to write such one sided drivel . Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who and why !!!!!! SARC and co if it wasn't so sad it would be laughable 
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Julie Anne
The article concerned was written by Simply Networking, not SARC, after doing as much research as possible. I know this as a fact because they asked me if I had any additional knowledge (as I live in Jumilla) so I sent them a link to the Ayuntamiento website. If you have any additional information to pass on to Simply Networking, I am sure they will be happy to include it as they are trying to be fair and accurate in their reporting.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Hi Dave things are just grand with me .My lap top has had a virus (sorted now ) but I am fine .Heading of to Mallorca soon for a litttle break can't wait . Hope you and yours are all well JA
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We are both fine Still watching this comedy show and having a little chuckle to my self over some of the blinkered views shown on here. Still no news about the final count or anything about the proposed continuation of Santa Ana!!!!!!!
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Julie Anne
You don't know me and you don't know my background. I have always tried to be fair and look at the facts that are presented to me, however in the past when I have asked you for specific information you have not been forthcoming. If it wasn't for the fact that people on here know how you love to make personal comments about other people, while hiding behind anonymity, I would take exception to your comments. Snide remarks don't exactly help people see the other point of view, do they?
In case you missed it the first time, Simply Networking wrote the article. I sent them a link to Jumilla Ayuntamiento website so they could obtain information from there. I repeat, if you feel that their article was one-sided, why not give them an opportunity to redress the balance? If you don't want to do it yourself, then you can do so via me. I am happy to do so, in the interests of fairness and accuracy, though I would hope for an apology at the same time. 
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Hi Sue & John,
Hope you are still enjoying life in Spain? As regards getting an apology well you know that will never happen i'm still waiting for one from almost 2yrs ago! Cant remember the last time J.A. posted anything of any relevance, it just seems to be a constant bombardment of abuse directed at anyone who has the audacity to disagree with what She says, my understanding of a forum is... A debate between purchasers who dont always have to agree with what the other says....But dont have to make Slanderous & Derogatory remarks because a person or group want an alternative outcome. Many of the previous posters have left this particular forum because of these very things, at one time it was a pleasure to read certain peoples posts, they provided excellent information as well as allowing others to challenge what they said without fear of a personal onslaught of abuse, I still read the forum but not as inquisitively as I use too, I much prefer to ask Maria as to what may or may not be happening...
Good Luck to All in whatever they want, even those who have already been paid back what was only rightfully theirs!
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Dear Sue,
Well I have met you! and know you are a very respectful and decent person, don't waste your precious time on answering her nasty messages.
I have heard from Martin today that the courts have issued the official 52.5% for the build to go ahead with a schedule of repayment for those wanting their money back and another for how it is planned that the build should progress.
Some will be happy, others not.............
Best wishes
Kay T
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Hi all
I've not posted for a long time, as I've explained before, due to all the ridiculous nonsense and name-calling that's been going on over the last couple of years.
We too have been notified by Martin of Abolex Abogados, that the proposal has been approved, and that means yet another 5 years of waiting for a proportion of our deposit back. He does, however, mention that we are also entitled to interest, which hopefully will be a significant amount in itself, which may, in some way, compensate for the wait.......but we're not holding our breath !!
Our SADM dream was shattered a long time ago, and personally, we wouldn't go anywhere near the place again, as it now holds too many bad memories.
For those of you who wish to continue with your purchases, then I can only wish you good luck, ( and you're going to need every last drop of it !! ), as I think there may be more rocky roads ahead for you !! Why would you want a part of a development of 1200 homes with a putrid 9 hole golf course attached to it. If everyone wants to play golf at the same time, then OMG you can only imagine what the waiting time will be like ??
For those of us who want our money back, then it's another colossal waiting game I guess. It;s always the victims that have to suffer the consequences !!
Good luck to you all !!
_______________________ Baz & Sue R10 - 36
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Hi all
I've not posted for a long time, as I've explained before, due to all the ridiculous nonsense and name-calling that's been going on over the last couple of years.
We too have been notified by Martin of Abolex Abogados, that the proposal has been approved, and that means yet another 5 years of waiting for a proportion of our deposit back. He does, however, mention that we are also entitled to interest, which hopefully will be a significant amount in itself, which may, in some way, compensate for the wait.......but we're not holding our breath !!
Our SADM dream was shattered a long time ago, and personally, we wouldn't go anywhere near the place again, as it now holds too many bad memories.
For those of you who wish to continue with your purchases, then I can only wish you good luck, ( and you're going to need every last drop of it !! ), as I think there may be more rocky roads ahead for you !! Why would you want a part of a development of 1200 homes with a putrid 9 hole golf course attached to it. If everyone wants to play golf at the same time, then OMG you can only imagine what the waiting time will be like ??
For those of us who want our money back, then it's another colossal waiting game I guess. It;s always the victims that have to suffer the consequences !!
Good luck to you all !!
_______________________ Baz & Sue R10 - 36
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i guess we are on the wrong thread for this discussion?!?!
Hi Baz,
It has also been suggested formally and informally that there is still a chance of them not being successful with the build and liquidation could then follow on anyway. Are you interested in signing up to Marias class act in attempt to retrieve our deposits back for breach of clauses (can't remember the name/numbers) from the banks? for not issueing BG's? and ringfencing our monies.
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Sue my comment " fair and accurate I think not " was directed at simply networking and the costa blanca news not at you .However people should be aware that you have written a couple of very one sided (my opinion !!! ) articles for them in the past.
In answer to your offer to correct the balance in print in CBN or SN via your good self . No thank you !
Unlike yourself, Tony and Brian I do not have complete 100% faith in HdT/SJ and in everything Almu says . I only express an opinion regards HdT/SJ based on past experience. I do not believe 100% in any option here and think the choice is Hobsons !!
I do however believe that HdT/SJ are only out for themselves and will protect themselves first and foremost above all else .Going on past experience (7 years ) I believe they are under handed and I do not think this will ever change with or without SARC and yourself keeping a close eye on proceedings at SADM .
As for CBN &SN my opinion is that both these publications print very simplistic , poorly researched accounts of the facts .They never use previously reported information on a subject to inform and enlighten the current events and this tends to give a very dis jointed and false account of whatever they are reporting . For example they have put a very false positive "good news " slant on the HdT proposal when in all likely hood given past history it will never work out .
Both these publications only ever seem to seek the opinion of the few and take their word as gospel with out looking at the bigger picture or at what has happened in the past .
We know they speak to yourself , SARC and Almu but who else do they speak to ? . What do they really know about the true facts of this situation . I would suggest they know "nada" or at least very little of what is really going on here.
So there will never be an apology Sue as in my opinion you are all looking at this with rose coloured spectacles on and HdT/SJ will never come good . I do admire your zest for life and your glass half full attitude to life .I will never knock you for that 
I know that you Tony and Brian are acting with the best of intentions but in my opinion you have all had the wool pulled over your eyes .The HdT/SJ proposal will never work.
The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour a simple fact that you SARC ,the Costa Blanca news and Simply Networking seem to ignore .The most likely outcome here is liquidation be it sooner or later .Good luck I hope you all get something back .JA
mynesy your apology is in the intergalactic mail system adressed to mynesy the "space cadet " post marked somewhere on "another planet " definately not Earth Good luck JA
This message was last edited by julie anne on 02/07/2010.
This message was last edited by julie anne on 02/07/2010.
This message was last edited by julie anne on 02/07/2010.
This message was last edited by julie anne on 02/07/2010.
This message was last edited by julie anne on 03/07/2010.
This message was last edited by julie anne on 03/07/2010. This message was last edited by julie anne on 03/07/2010.
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