There is absolutely nothing in this for me anymore and It would give me no pleasure at all to see anyone lose their money I have many good friends who are caught in this mess and I wish only the best for them and all of you .
The truth is that Tony's blind trust of what Almu tells him infuriates me. I know how SJ/HdT operate and have been involved with them for more years than I care to remember ,I am in touch with ex employees who also know SJ/HdT inside out and I simply believe that the course of action Tony is advocating will only prolong the inevitable it will not change the outcome only prolong it .SJ/HdT have a history of writing the rules in their own favour as they go and this time is no different and will end the same way.
SJ/HdT know this and are using the system to buy time the outcome for purchasers will be the same be it now or later so why prolong the misery .
I also think that Tony's point of view is extremely unbalanced SJ/HdTs wishes are not what is the best for purchasers and Tony's point that criminal proceedings and mercantile issues will be dealt with separately is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard .The very fact that criminal proceedings are pending tells us everything we ever need to know , where this warped point of view is coming from beggars belief !!!!!!!
As for Tony's constant criticism of other purchasers lawyers while leading us all to believe how wonderful his own "barrister " is and how we had better believe every word he says because he is not just a lawyer but a B-a -r-r-i-s-t-e-r !!!!!!!!!!!! the fact Tony that your lawyer is a barrister is a total irrelevance.What we all need to know is that the lawyers we are using are 100% independent ,100% professional .have our interests 100% at heart and have absolutely no conflict of interest in this case .
My lawyer was fabulous and came up trumps for me yet Tony slagged him off constantly ? Something tells me that Tony is not as relaxed as he would lead us to believe where some of these issues are concerned .He obviously has a few insecurities himself or he would not feel the need to remind and bore us to death with how wonderful his "barrister " is and how ill advised the rest of us have been by our lawyers !!!!!!!! Truly it all beggars belief
PS There is absolutely nothing in this for me anymore other than caring about what happens to my friends
I place no store on the fact that the judge is overseeing this or that he thinks the agreement is deliverable this is only because SJ/HdT have hidden the true facts . It is 100% not deliverable and never well be .
The blame for all this is totally down to SJ/HdT no one else and it will only happen all over again .Therefore I do not think them fit to continue Simples!!!!!!! Tony it may reinforce your denial complex to think I have other reasons for my comments but you are completely wrong I don't .
All I have is a good sense of what is right and what is wrong and this is wrong , The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour Simples !!!!! only time will tell !!!!!