CDA versus other PW Resorts

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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
12 Aug 2010 8:32 PM by dwh2 Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

 Can anyone tell me if the clubhouse has been started yet or when it is due to be completed


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12 Aug 2010 9:04 PM by carla/dave Star rating in Manchester and Penth.... 83 forum posts Send private message

Good to hear so many positive comments about our resort - think they definately outweigh the negatives.

I for one am really happy about my purchase. Completely unspoilt views, good community spirit and above all no tacky tourists!!





Carla and Dave.

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12 Aug 2010 9:23 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message

 good community spirit and above all no tacky tourists!!   YOU MUST BE JOKING NOT ON THIS FORUM

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12 Aug 2010 10:28 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar

Hi All,

Dont think we can compare.  LT has been going for a good number of years with no interuptions due to recessions or the like, Condado ia a brand new up and coming resort with plenty of potential,  once we are out this bleak period of world recession, give Condado the same uninterupted investment that LT has had and we will have a resort that will make LT look like a tired old man.  For golf course, views, location and community spirit Condado wins hands down.



 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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12 Aug 2010 10:48 PM by michaelwr Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message


    I stayed at LT before I bought at CDA and liked the place. I bought into CDA for family holidays and to rent expecting a LT liveliness and having all the promised facilities to bring in the punters. We now have a sleepy hollow.

This may sound mad but I now prefer CDA even though it is not what we wanted. We have busy days out, have little britain just 5 mins down the road for some home comforts and then return to a nice quiet apartment.

I only wish everything not built upon was grassed and turned into garden.

Have I suddenly got old?

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13 Aug 2010 1:53 PM by Daniels Star rating in Waterlooville & Pent.... 220 forum posts Send private message

Well said Ali couldn't have put it better myself!!!!!!!!!

May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!

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13 Aug 2010 8:29 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message

Well said Ali,  yawn yawn ,   Ali you cant help yourself without coming out with a stupid  comment ( LT look like a tired old man.) WRONG AGAIN  la torre will be re-painted  before cda (plans are in place now for a repaint), plants trees etc will be much more mature and probems will be sortrd out, Wake-up and smell the coffee. La Torre will allways be a the better resort.


This message was last edited by willywonker on 13/08/2010.

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13 Aug 2010 9:54 PM by dwh2 Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

 Sorry Guys & Girls I don't get this - are you are competing against each other to say I own on the best resort! Surely this site would be better used to help each other and encourage people to participate. I've bought on CDA and yes I really like LT such that i've stayed there a few times but they both have their plus points and some will prefer one and some the other. I like to see whats new and what may be changing but the tone of some of these threads will deter people from wanting to participate. CDA is far from perfect everyone knows that but Ive seen some really bad developments in other parts of spain and this will improve and become a nice resort.

There has been a massive recession and yes Polaris have let people down but they are a business and they will always look after number one. To continue to survive, and you have to assume they want to from recent events will mean they will have to repair some of the damage caused but the extent will be driven by how quickly the economy pick sup. If it picks up a lot they will spend but to encourage others to buy not simple to make us happier.

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13 Aug 2010 10:26 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


Has anyone visited Vale Do Lobo in Portugal? The facilities at this golf resort are 1st class and in my opinion even better than La Torre. The whole set up just gives off a feeling of class and lets hope things get back on track with CDA over the next 12 months. Lets get Club Isla built this year (then I will be very happy) and lets hope the investment starts to increase once the exchange rate increases even more.

  Mark Bentley

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13 Aug 2010 10:38 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

La Torre is excellent, if you have accommodation near the town centre. Plus that very town centre is very nice, prettier than Al Kazar.

However, I've suprised myself by preferring CdA. I know full well we didnt get what we expected and its still developing but there's something about the place. I'm reminded that some Polaris chap told us about the 'dream' for CdA as a sprawling town of 15,000 properties and now I can't deny I think I like it better this way- it's almost like those remote little Spanish towns I liked but knew where too far from civilisation- except CdA has civilisation 15 mins away. I like that. (and I like the golf course- its quirky but I like it)



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14 Aug 2010 12:43 AM by tomgeorge Star rating in india. 68 forum posts Send private message

can you play tennis in L T without braking in ?

take a look at la manga and before you say its been there for years have a look at it after three years of development

cda is on the up if your pocket and mind says so, but deep down you know. 


This message was last edited by tomgeorge on 14/08/2010.

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14 Aug 2010 8:27 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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If anyone is considering suicide......try and make a four ball up with Darren wilkes, Tom Goerge & willy wonker.  If you have not comitted hari kari by the 3rd I will be amazed...!!



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14 Aug 2010 11:13 AM by tomgeorge Star rating in india. 68 forum posts Send private message

funny reply i  like it, we have infact arranged a game but waiting for one of the other golf courses to be built

so any day soon.

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16 Aug 2010 9:50 AM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

darren.wilkes´s avatar

Skell, your responce is typical, much like the comment from Martin & Hannah earlier.

A thread is started to compare CDA to other resorts, yet as soon as anybody says anything negative about your precious resort, they are shot down or insulted. It would be a pretty poor and short comparisan if we could only mention CDA good points.

I admit most people on this forum like the place, thats the reason why they take to time to visit and post on this site. However you must accept that not everyone will like it. Are you so insecure that you cant stand to hear a negative coment. If that is the case stay away from a thread entitled "CDA Versus other PW Resorts"!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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16 Aug 2010 10:21 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Not at all Darren.  If follow this site regularly, you will notice I have posted many "critical" or "negative" posts - when I have felt necessary.  That's the key point.....”when necessary”.

My "4-ball" comment was made in jest......however unlike your partner in the abyss TG you have not received it that way. No matter….   I have to admit I would love be fly-on-the-wall listening with amusement to that 4-ball's comments.  The permanent cursing, twisting, spitting of venom at all things Polaris / Condado / Recession…. would be highly amusing as you all keep tripping over your bottom lip as you troop around the course – which would be no doubt in shi*e condition.

Of course we do not have what we all wanted Darren at CdA - All of us have issues with the place & the developers if we are honest......largely bought about by the Global recession & the demise of PW.   However I just cannot see the point in the continual negativity, bitching, criticism, comparisons....of something or somewhere you actually have stake in...?   Bizarre.

I personally think you need to move on a bit, get a life, make the best of what you have got, try or influence change by becoming a president etc.  (At least that is doing something positive). Either that or sell-up, take your losses on the chin & move-on..?

Just coming on hear wallowing in your own vomit every week is not doing you or anybody else any good is it..?

Best Regards




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16 Aug 2010 11:31 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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You have written down exactly what I think too!!! Only I can never find the right words to write. 

BUT do you know what I bet you" pound to a penny" the guy still won't ever get the point that you are trying to get over!!

Oh well good words!!

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16 Aug 2010 12:07 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

darren.wilkes´s avatar

YES WELL SAID SKELL! Oppress they negative people then they may go away.

So let me get this right, bitching or complaining about CDA(a resort we all know and visit) is not acceptible on this forum. Yet bitching and complaining about me (who none of you know) is not only acceptible, but applauded by Jacki? I am sure there was once a thread entitled "Moaners about Moaners", think you should have posted on there.

I find it starange that you would "love to be a fly on the wall" and  would listen "With amusement" to TG, WW and myself all complain about Condado/Polaris/Recession. Yet when we do it on here you dont want to hear it???

You also state that you cant see the point of comparisans, fair enough, but I didnt start this thread. There are bound to be comparisans with a title like "CDA Versus other PW resorts". I assume that critism was directed at the person who started this thread.

The constant berating of people like myself wont make us love Condado, or go away. So its a waste of time. I will sell and move on, when the time is right. I also reserve the right to feel upset by a resort and property which has turned 126000 euros into half that amount!

Now, if any of you would like to PM me with insults or any other coments I would welcome them, but I think we should now return to topic and continue with peoples coments regarding CDA and PW other resorts.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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16 Aug 2010 12:41 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message


 Daniels Well said Ali couldn't have put it better myself!!!!! 


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16 Aug 2010 1:01 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Why oh why does this happen to all the threads.

I'm not talking about negative or positive comments about CDA but the inevitable slagging of other people.  I'm all for voicing your opinion and posting opposing views when you disagree but why does it always end up with the equivalent of

"You're a negative b*stard go off and die in some corner and make us all happy"


"You think the resort is perfect, you must be so stupid, you probably think a recession is a good thing"

The ironic thing is I think most people agree on most of the issues:

  • Polaris left us high and dry
  • Resort centre and pub are not up to standard
  • Huge decrease in value of properties is a kick in the teeth
  • Resort is not 5* and does not have anywhere near the facilities it should have
  • Golf course development progress is not going to get to the 3 world class courses we promised
  • Existing course is not yet properly finished

Now some people also see:

  • A place where they've made good friends
  • A golf course which could be the best they've ever seen
  • A resort perfect for a family break or peaceful time away
  • A resort with facilities a short drive away
  • Something that is constantly getting better

I'd love cafe's etc on my doorstep and a huge impressive clubhouse and other facilities.  But I don't have them and even without them I have a brilliant time every time I am out on CDA. 

Versus other resorts like La Torre....not as high rise, roads safer, golf course (even half built) much better, more peaceful.  Some of the reasons I would prefer CDA.












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16 Aug 2010 1:13 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message

Wait for it, i couldn't have put it better myself SMV !! !

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Scot'tees Bar Totana - 9 posts
corvera airport - 1 posts
Washing Machine Repair Needed!!!!! - 1 posts
Outstanding community fee's text - 18 posts
Blu-Ray Player and Bike For Sale - 0 posts
Website Design and Development help please? - 5 posts
Go carting - 4 posts
wooden blinds for pergola. - 16 posts
Birds eye view (not good !!) - 5 posts
photo's - 1 posts
New Owner - 6 posts
2008 Community Fees - 1 posts
Transferring money UK to Spain - 13 posts
Rules and Regulations - 39 posts
Help with Completing - 8 posts
CAB and the Hi Ya Family get in touch - 0 posts
Internet access with printer or use of a fax m/c? - 1 posts
House repainting - 8 posts
Electricity & Water - 0 posts
Golf Clubs for sale - 0 posts
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