CDA versus other PW Resorts

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The Comments
24 Aug 2010 8:19 PM by nickv Star rating in fareham Hants. 60 forum posts Send private message

 we live at the end of the narnhos 749 and the piece of land at the back by the south gate on the plan shows grass but it is still rubble. would be good if they could finish it so at least it looked better to look upon when sat on the back terrace.



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24 Aug 2010 9:44 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


Is it standard for polaris restaurants to close mid-week from 13th September through the winter months? Someone told me today that the restaurant at CDA will be closing on 13th September and Felix the manager going to the new restaurant at Hacienda. Surely they will open more than just at the weekend?

  Mark Bentley

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25 Aug 2010 11:13 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


has the work commenced on the island apartments on terrazzes then?

  Mark Bentley

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25 Aug 2010 11:18 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


I know everyone has their own opinion here but who actually knows the facts around who owns the land where opposite La Isla where the other 2 golf courses were to be built? Do PW own the land for the courses and the banks own the surrounding land for building around the courses if they are ever built?

Also who owns the land where the Oasis was to be built? Banks again?

  Mark Bentley

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25 Aug 2010 11:33 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Yes the banks now own the land were the Oasis and additional golf courses were going to be.

All polaris own on Condado now is Al Katraz and a few properties in Naranjos.

The oasis and additional gold courses will never be built, which upsets me as I only bought in Condado for the Oasis.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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26 Aug 2010 9:34 AM by bfr Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

I agree with Darren, Polaris have no interest in Condado anymore bar making money out of the town centre.

They are building town centres on other resorts yet ignore all there clients in condado with little repairs. I for one regret my purchase but will make the best of a bad job!

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26 Aug 2010 10:32 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

I do wish people would put the same effort into pressuring the banks that now own most of the resort, instead of rubbishing PW. We are where we are and spending all our time moaning and decrying CDA isn’t going to help.  We need to encourage the banks to continue some investment which in turn will increase their sales opportunity and vibrancy of our resort.

Yes we have our problems but go and look at some of the other builders in the region who just went bust and the banks let it happen, then tell the owners of those properties who all they have is a plot on a building site and no option to switch or little prospect of getting any  money back any time soon, how hard done to we are.

I also wish people would stop announcing to the world exactly what is and isn’t going to happen when clearly they cant possibly know, unless crystal balls really do work and you have one that has been certified. I am not saying don’t have your say, just keep it real.



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27 Aug 2010 6:45 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Well said PGM, and never a truer word was spoken.


 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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28 Aug 2010 2:31 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Here we go - yes i'm offshore right now and filling in some idle leisure time !

Phil & other defenders of PW. I am quite happy to give credit where it is due and have done historically on this forum. I will also admit I am a 'fussy git' and very rarely willingly accept second rate standards in most things I encouter in life (except my golf !!)

With all due respect, yes - we are where we are and can only make the best of what we have got. I think most of us do that, particularly those of us who are golfers. But, you can't blame people who seem like they got absolutley none of the particular features they bought into CDA for having a go at PW.  If you were a non-golfer, what would CDA have right now to appeal to you really ? Yes, we have made or properties into a nice place in the sun, yes we have made good friends by being sociable and hospitable but most of that is our own doing. People were sold something that they did not get and are being asked just to 'put up & shut up'. Not everyone is going to lie down & die and slink away into a corner cursing thier bad luck. There will be many people like Darren that chose this for the leisure aspect of all this with the shopping centre, boating lakes and everything else that was in that promotional brochure.

Condado was always meant to be in phases, and each phase came along with facilities. These facilities were part of the cost of your purchase. As we all know, many of these facilities did not arrive (two pools in certain gardens,individual town centres, golf club house, oasis). Plenty of us bought in specific positions because of the siting of these facilities. Some of these are obviously not feasible without a much larger scale develoment and I think we can all see that. There is a but though:- Why should the larger jardines have had to be 'robbed' of the second pool ? Why should some naranjos not have a pool at all ? Why should the jana's villas (the most expensive properties on CDA at the time)be in an area that is totally devoid of any decent landcaping in the roads ? Why should certain jardines be finished to a much higher spec' than others ? I always like to quote my favourite jardine 12 in this argument. Nicely landscaped, grass lush and green with plenty mature trees & plants. Liken this to a car purchase - now this is the model I ordered and paid for when I went in the showroom, but I ended up being supplied with the basic model - jardine 8. Distinct lack of mature trees and foliage, those that were mature had virtually died off, poxy looking kid's play area, and lacking in a nice stone wall like other similar jardines to transition the slope that runs from one side of the jardine to the other. Jadine 8 obviously got the cheaper option of just sloping the ground and tufing it over - BASIC MODEL. Would you come away from that showroom with the car saying 'Oh that's all right then, I'll make do with this ? Don't think so somehow.

We all know the history and what has had to happen to keep PW afloat. But, they have come out of it afloat (for how long, don't know) and are moving forward spending money to to generate further sales so they can make some money. I have no issues with that, but what I want is the facilites I paid for delivered to the specification standard throughout the resort. Why should they not come back & replace dead trees and the likes? Why should they not landscape an area around peoples properties that are stuck in the middle of bare rubbled ground ? If they are alive & kicking, then the still have an obligation to their customers who have already paid them the full purchase price and have not got what they have paid for. Before we start becoming too sympathetic to PW's cause in this difficult situation they and many others have found themselves in, we should also not forget we have been short-changed regardless of how many other peple are worse off. Obviously, PW would be quite happy for everyone to give up the fight and just accept what they have delivered. I will continue to campaign through our presidents that we keep up the pressure on PW to rectify everything that is not right that they have handed over to the community. Why should the burden fall on the community to correct these wrongs when PW are still trading and spending money for their own benifit.




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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28 Aug 2010 4:31 PM by andyclarke Star rating. 207 forum posts Send private message

In reply to the last post, and I am not sticking up for PW, from the original plans we all picked properties, but that design was just a model, the developers have the right to change that design as they see fit, that is why you used to be get the properties cheaper by buying off plan. if as you say you are fussy why but off plan, you should buy from established resorts and you know exactly what you are buying. As for the trees etc I would directly blame rpm for not keeping up the maintenance properly, I thinks things are looking much better now, even after the storms. I would have loved to have seen the oasis etcbut I am really happy with our jardine, remember jardine 12 was the show apts, like a show home in England, they are always done up the best. I thinkthere really isn't any point in moaning at the moment save it all up and if pw start building and making money hit them then, put please don't keep having a go at people who are happy

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28 Aug 2010 6:00 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


Not quite sure I understand that Andy. Does that mean that by buying off-plan you just agree to pop your hand into a 'lucky bag' and settle for pulling out any old piece of cheap plastic crap ? Not what I thought it meant.

Certainly not having a go at people who are happy either - just pointing out that those that are not have a right to air thier views. 

I am somewhere in the middle personally, and one of those making the best of what we have got - that is why we are soon about to make our fourth visit this year.




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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28 Aug 2010 8:09 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I certainly don't think we should have to put up with less than what we paid for.  And I think that it's up to the presidents to push Polaris as much as they can....I believe that Polaris still have a rep as President Level 1 so they should be in contact regular enough.

I am also dissapointed that there is no Oasis or individual town centres as with a young family that would make life so much easier.

However (and not directed to the most recent posts) it is unfortunate that some people need to raise the same issues, like Oasis, everytime someone posts something positive about the resort.  It is possible to have positive views on some aspects of the resort without forgetting what we have missed out on. 

If someone posts about a new (or an improved) facility on the resort, or a positive opinion on the resort, it shouldn't require another discussion on what we don't have. We know what we didn't get.  We don't need to be constantly reminded.

It's not being a realist to focus only on the negatives and its not being a dreamer to post about the positives.






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28 Aug 2010 9:51 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Another example of pw not bothering... last night hawaaian night at clover. Golf society in at 3pm - no one else in. At 4.30 golfers left and 1 girl started putting cushions out. 30 golfers had been there but no staff behind bar cos they were putting trimmings/notices up for night event.

All settees in front of bar had reservados signs on at 4pm. Seemingly this was for spanish customers arriving at 10.30pm.

Fortunately some intelligent brits removed the signs, sat there and said someone else must have moved them!

Only difference I noticed was there were some trimmings round the pool and Yanela sang outside instead of inside.

Are the spanish the new germans? Well lets throw their towels away at the 1st chance!

Roll on the new clubhouse!






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29 Aug 2010 12:20 PM by fozzer Star rating in Wigan. 70 forum posts Send private message

Not just the Spanish reserving seats

the English did exactly that

they then then hovered over us until they made it so uncomfortable we left .

we hope they enjoyed being the new Germans.

Reserving seats in a bar (Unbelievable)

Tony and Dawn     http://ww...

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29 Aug 2010 12:49 PM by andyclarke Star rating. 207 forum posts Send private message

Hi Will, what I was trying to say is that ifanyone did compain about not having certain things as was originally promised I am certain that in the paper work is says that they can change the layout etc, so I don't think we would have a leg to stand on. I was also trying to say not to you but alot of people are constantly knocking cda, realistically there is nothing we can do at the moment as pw as a developer don't exist, as a company they are just about hanging on, with minimal staff etc. If things improve then hit them, but until then people should lodge complaints with the presidents etc and have them included formally on the minutes for future use. I am reasonably happy with what we have got but I would firstly like to see all the waste areas tidied up first and some of the trees etc replanted, I think that would really change the look of the resort.

as for some others who are always slagging off pw why don't they take legal action if they are so sure that pw have not delivered what was promised. See what happens and what replys they get from solicitoyrs.

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29 Aug 2010 8:18 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


I have just heard today that PW are closing 5 restaurants on La Torre as well as the 1 of CDA. Not sure if this is just for the winter months from 12th September or if there is a longer term plan?

  Mark Bentley

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29 Aug 2010 10:17 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message

The owners on la torre on the private owners  forum, are trying to get polaris to open up pinos bar. a lot of people would use this bar.

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30 Aug 2010 4:15 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Until I read andyclarkes post I hadn't thought much more about the PW situation other than they had handed over all the 'unbuilt land' and 'unsold' properties on Condado and the golf course to the Banks which left them with Al Kazar and two Jardins in Naranjos. However reading Bilbo's post and andy's made me think about this more clearly, do the Banks really own 99% of Condado?. Does this really mean that PW own nothing in the other Jardin's and therefore wont be improving or adding to them in terms of plantings or other features? I'd  grudgingly accepted we've lost the Oasis and other golf courses but had still considered the existing properties that make up Condado to be Polaris's concern in some way.  Is that not the case and are we a Polaris resort in name only?

If that's the case Bilbo it is for your President to badger the rest of the Preidents for funds to improve Jardin 8- I know if Jardins want to improve play area's the owners have to club together to buy further equipment maybe that'd be the only way to get improvements on the tree's and shrubbery for individual Jardins. I actually like Jardin 8 it always appears very spacious to me but I know that you mean that in comparison to some Jardins it is less lush- certainly with regard to the ground floor bourganvillia's.

Sadly it is true that 'off plan' all too often means 'buyer beware' and our apartment plans have a statement on them stating the builders right to alter or change things. A get out clause, although on this occaision made much worse by the recession. Its galling to think that those of us shown around in 2007 were being persuaded to buy an illusion.



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30 Aug 2010 8:57 PM by andyclarke Star rating. 207 forum posts Send private message

I have heard that ow do still own some bits of land mainly the land that the golf clubhouse would be built on this is why olagolf are only building a temp  club housethans to pw being funny over the lease. Not surprised that the restaurants are closing in Sept, not enough people around, anyone been in the bar in October!! very quiet, They would be better off letting someone open up a nice coffee shop and cafe all through the day. But pw dont think like that do they, wish they did listen to people!

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30 Aug 2010 9:25 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


I do find the level of customer service provided by PW an absolute disgrace and back in the UK a company simply wouldn't be allowed to treat its customers in this way. It's as though all staff have been given the same mandate for when people ask specific questions. I have been waiting for some curtain fixtures to be delivered by PW Homestyle since May of this year because they missed them off our originally order and not they have arrived 3 months later and now they won't come and install them because the item was too low in price even though they should have been with a main purchase that cost in excess of 12k Euros. What a great service eh!!

I wonder how La Manga is holding up throughout this recession in comparrison?

  Mark Bentley

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