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Cant see it happening, was supposed to have started in June and Opened in October (just after all the tourists have gone home).
Olagolf would never see a return on their investment, especially as they are only running the course on behalf of the banks, they dont own it, just lease it (15 years I believe)
If I was in a rented house, I wouldnt build an extention!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Recent events may have had an impact on the clubhouse being built...depends on what finances they had and whether the repair work on the course affects this.
I disagree about the rented house analogy...clubhouse is an essential part of any course. If the builders forgot to put a backdoor on your rented house I'm sure you'd put one in.
I think a clubhouse would bring a return for them. Both in increased number of golfers, society events, comnpetitions, and from patronage of the bar/cafe.
The alternative view is that a clubhouse is required for the course to obtain a reputation as one of the top courses around. They can't properly market the course, and get a return on their investment in the course, without a clubhouse.
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The clubhouse is not reliant on the "tourists". It will help entice "golfers" and will be a welcome benefit for the "tourists". The golfing season hot's up from September so as long as there's some sort of club house in operation from say October time then we'll be in good shape. If it going to be one of those smart scandinavian style timber kit's then it's feasible that it could be erected and fitted out in a very short time as long as they have down the relevant ground works etc and got all the utilities sorted. There's no reason why it cant be done soon.
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I would be happy to place a wager on this one.
I am betting that there is no clubhouse open on condado by Christmas? Any takers?
I would also bet that Condado is the last Polaris resort to get a clubhouse.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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No bet from me on the timing.
Have no idea what these recent storms may have done to the area where they were looking at putting the clubhouse.
But they will definitely get a clubhouse even though they only have a lease and are not owners.
What Polaris resorts haven't started building a clubhouse??
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Just ours 
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Don't think I'll have a bet against us being last getting a clubhouse either then!
I think all the golfers are eagerly anticipating the new clubhouse...and depending on where they put it there could be some great views over the course.
I can't wait to be able to get a pint and relax after the game while hopefully watching a few groups play down the 18th. It won't be the "palace" we all wanted but you've got to play the cards you're dealt and if it's got a bar and some chairs, an absence of dance music, and I can get a drink in under 15 mninutes, I'm a happy man.
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Having just returned from CDA last week i have to say there was no sign of any club house construction going on anywhere.I do believe its going to be built in the space between penthouses 7 and 8. More worrying for me is the fact that while there i noticed first hand what damage can be done to the course after a heavy down pour of rain. Most of the bunkers were washed out and a lot of water lying on the course all over.I know there was a lot of rain fell especially on the tuesday but if this is going to happen everytime it rains heavy which could be more often than you think i think there is more to worry about than the clubhouse. No point in having the flip side of the coin a clubhouse but unplayable course.Not sure how long it will take to fully restore the course but this will be more expense that someone is going to have to come up with.I think ola golf and the banks have to have a serious look at the course in case of such future down pours.
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There will be no work started yet as the construction industry in Spain stops for all of August. Olagolf say they intend to have a temporary clubhouse up by the end of Oct and I, for one, think it will happen. Look at the speed PW put our properties up at. A temp clubhouse could up in a matter of a few weeks at that rate. Give them a chance, I'm sure something will spring up soon.
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Well downpours like last week are rare although there are always the rumours of a gotta fria but i have heard that now for 7 years.
It is always a very localised, normally the Torre Pacheco area gets battered.Its the first time it was soooo bad in our valley
It was a freak downpour, but surely the will learn their lesson and ensure that the ground can withstand above average storms.. plants/roots will hold it together but will take years to establish I suppose.
Lets be positive about the clubhouse.
_______________________ Marius & Michelle
Jardines 5 & Camposol
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Hi Folks
No-one is saying there wont be a club house.I was only pointing out that whilst i was there last week there is no sign of any ground works of any kind in place. Well apart from a few pipes sticking up.I believe there will be some kind of temporary/permanent club house in the near future but we will have to wait and see.My concern as i stated is that if we get anymore down pours like last week the course itself is going to be in trouble.It needs some serious work done to prevent this happening again.Keep in mind it is August not November,December etc.Im lucky enough to be over pretty regular and it can pour down the same as last week at anytime.Both ola golf and the banks are going to have a look at a long term plan to resolve the problem of flooding and not do like PW have done with peoples properties just hope the problem goes away.
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After the storm they now know where the natural water courses are. So if they dont want this to happen again they should install some permanent drainage to channel the water away from the sandy areas.
As for the clubhouse they are still saying October but until acccess to utilities is commenced can't see it happening soon.
Sorry Shane there won't be any views down the 18th as it will be behind the 1st tee where the marquee was for the Hi5 tour.
But it is essential for the success of the course and I am sure the banks are aware of that.
Will keep you informed if anything happens.
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played on Monday after the course opened for the first time following the recent storm - every single bunker on the course will need to be dug out (rule was to drop out off bunker where they were obviusly unplayable), the drainage repaired and re-sanded - the fairways for the most part are absolutely fine as are the greens (though they are very slow). Many of the sandy banks that frame the fairways have deep crevices opened up caused by the water run off and will require repair. We spoke to the greenkeeper on the way round and he described it as a 'disaster' but he said they will get a construction company in to make it right and expects it will take about two months to put thing right.
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It's probable that the surface water run-off has used the same water courses (hence the name) for hundreds of years unless the topography has changed significantly. And it will continue to try and do so. The golf course has changed the topography, hence the crevices which have been opened up where the water courses have always flowed.
It's easy to say that maybe the design should have been more sympathetic to the natural contours of the land, but to prevent the devastation happening again, it's probable that the surface water will have to be diverted around the development at great cost. Alternatively, some redesign may need to take account of these water courses as features of the course. Installing drainage around sand features will only move the flooding problem to another area when the rains return.
When / if development resumes, the problems will exacerbate as the natural areas are concreted over. It happened at La Torre recently and will happen again unless drainage schemes are introduced.
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I Had a meeting with Alfredo Caparos one of the directors of golf for olagolf. He has assured me by the end of october the clubhouse will be up. It is arriving platpakced like a mcdonalds retaurant. Also the green fee's will be going up but i cannot share that information at the moment. But please bear with them they are doing a brilliant job.
_______________________ For your golfing and holiday needs contact
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I understand that when the Club House is completed Olagolf will charge 100e for the privelage of playing what I regard is no better than an average golf course. Get your cars serviced if you wish to play golf in Murcia, you'll have to travel from Condado for a fair and reasonable deal if this is the case. Other courses under Olagolfs charge are remaining the same price. Olagolf will attempt to justify the inflated fees by telling you it is a signature course. How's that?
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