mortgage insurance

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18 Aug 2010 12:00 AM by redpaul Star rating in llanelli wales uk. 16 forum posts Send private message

can anyone advise on a company to provide mortgage insurance cam bank tied me in for the first year with this at extortionate rates .....also is this mandatory?

i cant get a straight answer from anyone at cam only if i want to cancel i have to inform them in writing 2 months prior to the renewal date

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19 Aug 2010 8:33 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

You would need to check the conditions of your Mortgage.  I took out a Mortgage with Cam and they told me that it was not a condition of the loan however that may have changed since as that was two years ago.  I therefore covered mine with a UK policy.


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19 Aug 2010 11:36 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Administrators are sending out this info it may be of use? 


Dear Owners,

On last General Committee of 29th of May, one of the owners suggested

that the Community dealt with the building insurances through the

Administrator, so the private insurances were done with the same

company that the Community Insurance. With this, the Community would

have incomes-commissions and the Administrator would attend the

claims, such us rains, not double charging for building since it is assured

with the Community policy.

On the Presidents Level II Committee on last 31

for the Community and for the owners was treated.

Those owners with a mortgage will receive the relevant certificate for the


The Administrator has negotiated with AXA INSURANCES special fees for

our community.

The quotes depends on the contents (furniture, electro domestics, etc)

form 70€ / year.

For any question, please do not hesitate to contact to the office of the


Telephone: 0034 968 328 024



This message was last edited by Sonatigh on 19/08/2010.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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